99 List of Indonesian Slang Words and How to Say it

Have you ever heard about various slang words and language in Indonesian? If you haven’t heard about it, you may need to learn that and understand what its meaning. Slang language, according to Swan (2005; 526), slang language is a very informal kind of vocabulary, used mostly in speech by people who know each other well. From that explanation, we can conclude that various slang words in Indonesian only used in informal situation with people closed to us such best friends and other young people.

However, we need to remember that this slang language and words in Indonesian cannot be used when a child talks to her or his father and mother. Although we use slang words in Indonesian with people we know each other well, it is not acceptable when we use slang language to our parents. We can use other informal language to them. Once you learn slang words in Indonesian, u will understand it soon and where even when you will use it.

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First of all, we are going to list some slang words in Indonesian along with sentence examples. Let’s learn, memorize, and practice that everyday in informal situation using list of Indonesian slang words:

  • Abang – calling older male
  • Agan, gan – bro
  • Alay – overdressed, asshole, jerk, teenage douchebag (female/male)
  • Ajib – Cool, awesome
  • Amsyong – Damn it!
  • Anjrot!- Anjir! – Anying! – Anjing! – damn!
  • Asu – Dog, shit, fuck
  • Banci, Bencong, Bences – Gay, Transgender, Homosexual, chicken, not brave
  • Bangsat – Bad guy
  • Bang – Calling older male
  • Begindang – Just like that, that’s all i said
  • Bengong – Shocked, pensive
  • Bispak, Bisa dipakai – Easy to have sex, slut
  • Bohay – Sexy, curvy, a bit fat body
  • Bonyok (from “Bokap Nyokap”) – Father and Mother
  • Bodo amat – whatever
  • Capcus – Go, depart, move on
  • Cewek – Girl
  • Cepek – a hundred
  • Cipok – Cipokan – Kiss, french kiss, kiss on the neck
  • Copas – Copy and paste
  • Cuek – careless
  • Curcol – Sharing sad story about yourself (implicitly)
  • Curhat – Sharing sad story about yourself (explicitly)
  • Cyin (from cinta) – love, dear
  • Desye, dese – You, Yours
  • Dimari/Di mari – here
  • DL (derita lo) – it’s your own risk
  • Dodol – Stupid
  • Drakor – Korean Drama Series
  • EGP, Emang Gue Pikirin – I Don’t Care
  • Endes – Endeus – yummy
  • Esek-esek – Prostitute
  • Fulus – Money
  • Gaes – Guys
  • Gajebo – not consistent, not clear
  • Gambreng (Such as Segede Gambreng) – Really huge
  • Garing (for joke) – Lame,
  • Gawean – job
  • Kampret – Shit you!

Thus, there are more list of Indonesian slang words you can check below with how to use it.

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More Indonesian Popular Informal Words

Here are more list of Indonesian slang words:

  1. Mager – Lazy to Move

Mager is used when someone feels lazy to move from where she or he is comfortable in where he or she stays. Where she or he stays doesn’t mean at home or house. For instance, when someone is on the bed listening to music, while he is supposed to take a shower, he feels lazy to move his body to the bathroom.

Example of Indonesian Slang:

  • Aku mager nih!
    I’m lazy to move!

2. Capek – Tired or Exhausted

Capek is slang word used when someone is tired of doing something. She or he is exhausted.

Example Indonesian Slang:

  • Aku capek banget!
    I am so tired!

3. Baper – Sensitive

Baper is a slang word in Indonesian used when someone takes her or his feelings easily. It xan be someone sensitive in heart. So they can be happy or sad in easy ways.


  • Kenapa dia baper banget ya?
    Why is she so sensitive?

4. Gaptek – Clueless in Technology

Gaptek is an Indononesian slang word used to show someone who don’t know how to use technology such as handphone, instagram, facebook, etc.

Example Indonesian Slang:

  • Nenekku gaptek banget!
    My grandma is so clueless in technology!

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5. Bego – Stupid or Dumb

Bego is Indonesian Slang word used to say someone’s adjective such as stupid or dumb.


  • Dia bego banget!
    He is so dumb/ stupid!”

6. Kangen = Miss

Kangen is an Indonesian Slang Word used when someone miss another or other people.

Example Indonesian Slang:

  • Aku kangen banget sama kamu!
    I miss you so much!”

7. Bete = Fed up

Bete is an Indonesian slangg word used when someone feels fed up about something or fed up to someone or others.


  • Aku bete sama dia!”
    I am so fed up to her!

8. Lebay = Too exaggerated

Lebay is an Indonesian slang word used to say someone who act too exaggerated or say something too exaggerated.

Example Indonesian Slang:

  • Dia terlalu lebay!
    She is too exaggerated!

Read also:

9. Cabe cabean = Teen Chicks

Cabe cabean is Indonesian slang word refers to teenagers who are chicks (girls). However, some teen girls don’t like being called as ‘cabe cabean’.

Example Indonesian Slang:

  • Cabe cabean itu imut banget!
    Those teen chicks are cute!

10. Rempong or Ribet – Complicated

Rempong or Ribet is an Indonesian slang word refers to something complicated.


  • Tugas ini ribet banget!”
    This task is so complicated!

11. Toket – Boobs or Breasts

Toket is an Indonesian slang language refers to women or girls’ boobs.


  • Toketnya indah banget!
    Her boobs are beautiful!’

12.  Nyantai or Kalem – Chill out or Relax

Nyantai or Kalem is an Indonesian slang word used to say ‘relax’ to others or ask people to chill out.

Example Indonesian Slang :

  • Kalem aja, Grace!
    Just chill out, Grace!

13. Keren  – Cool

Keren is an Indonesian slang language used to say something cool or someone who are fashionable

Example Indonesian Slang:

  • Dia keren banget!
    He is so cool!”

14. Oma = Grandmother

Oma is an Indonesian slang word refers to grandmother

Example Indonesian Slang:

  • Dia adalah omaku!
    She is my grand’s

15. Teler = Hangover, Smashed or Drunk

Teler is an Indonesian slang word refers to someone who feels drunk or smashed upon drinking alcohol water.

Example: ”

  • Dia mabuk berat!
    He gets smashed or “He is drunk!

16. Males – Lazy

Males is an Indonesian slang word refers to someone who feels lazy of doing anything

Example Indonesian Slang:

  • Aku males banget hari ini!
    I feel so lazy today!

17. Terong – terongan  – Teen boys

Terong- terongan is an Indonesian slang word refers to teen boys. However, not all teen boys like being called as terong terongan.

Example Indonesian Slang:

  • Banyak terong- terongan diluar! – ”
    So many teen boys outside!

18. Gampang = easy

Gampang is an Indonesian slang word refers to something easy, or easy to do.


  • Ujian tadi gampang banget!
    The test was very easy!”

19. Kebelet =  Having need to be hastened

Kebelet is an Indonesian slang word used to say when someone has need to be hastened such as going to pee when he feels like he must go to toilet as soon as possible.

Example: ‘’

  • Aku kebelet pipis ‘’
    I wanna pee as soon as possible!’’

20. Pipis = Pee

Pipis is an Indonesian  slang language refers to pee or urination in formal language.


  • Aku pengen pipis!’’
    I wanna pee!’’

21. Pengen = Want or wanna

Pengen is an Indonesian slang word used to say someone’s intention to do something.

Example Indonesian Slang:

  • Aku pengen makan!’
    I wanna eat!
  • Aku pengen bobo dulu ah!
    I wanna take some sleep!

22. Masbulo  = Problem to you

Masbulo is an Indonesian slang word refers to someone’s problem

Example Indonesian Slang:

  • ‘’Masbulo?’’ –
    Is that matter to you?

23.  Balik = Leaving

Balik is an Indonesian slang word used to say when someone is leaving.

Example Indonesian Slang:

  • Aku balik ya!
    I am leaving!’’

24. Grepe = Touch or palpate or finger

Grepe is an Indonesian slang word refers to actions like touching, fingering, palpating in a sexual orientation


  • Dia mulai menggrepe cewek itu!
    He starts to touch the girl!

25. Woles – Don’t worry or take it easy!

Woles is an Indonesian slang word used to make someone doesn’t feel worry or make someone feels comfortable.

Example Indonesian Slang:

  • Woles aja Boy!
    Take it easy, Boy!’’

26. Kocak- Funny

Kocak is an Indonesian slang word refers to something funny.

Example Indonesian Slang:

  • Film itu kocak banget!
    The movie is so funny!

27. Makasih –  Thanks

Makasih is an Indonesian slang word used to thank someone or people.

Example Indonesian Slang:

  • Makasih ya udah nolongin aku!
    Thanks for helping me!’’

28. Bokap = Daddy

Bokap is an Indonesian slang word refers to daddy or father.

Example: ‘

  • Dia bokap gue!
    He is my Dad!’’
  • Bokap lu keren banget, Boy!
    Your Dad is so cool, Boy!

29. Nyokap = Mommy

Nyokap is an Indonesian slang word refers to Mommy or mother.

Example Indonesian Slang:

  • Dia nyokap gue!
    She is my Mom!’’
  • Nyokap lu cantik banget!
    You Mom is so beautiful!’’

30. Boker –  Defecate or pup

Boker is an Indonesian slang word refers to defecate action in toilet

Example: ‘’

  • Aku mau boker nih!
    I wanna pup!

Those Indonesian slang words along with its sentence examples are slang words commonly used in Indonesia by Indonesian young people who know each other, of course, in informal situation.  However, some of slang words above can be used to  our parents in informal situation such as ‘’capek – tired/ exhausted’’. We can say:’’Mama, aku capek! – Mom,I’m tired!’’ because it is still acceptable in Indonesian  culture.  While word such as ‘’Balik – leaving’’ actually cannot be used to parents due to politeness.

For instance: ‘’Mama, aku balik dulu ya!- Mom, I’m leaving!’’ is a sentence that doesn’t matter to say to parents. However, due to politeness that still hold tight by Indonesians, that sentence should be change into more polite sentence like: ‘’Mama, aku pergi/ pulang dulu ya! – Mom, I’m leaving!’’. It has the same meaning in English, but it can be different in Indonesians based on politeness.

Here are the video of how you spell and use list of Indonesian slang words:

The more you learn those slang language along with Indonesian culture, the more you will understand when or where you will use  those Indonesian slang words. Again, try, learn, memorize, and apply that everyday in informal situation with people you know better.

Categories: Vocabulary