List of Indonesian Numbers – Formula – Examples – Meaning

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After learning about Indonesian Language Phrase and Indonesian Grammar Rules, let’s move to another topic, which is numbers. It is very important to learn about numbers because we will find it and need it in daily life. So, let’s explore this list of Indonesian Numbers.

Like English, in Indonesia, we could divided numbers to group such as hundreds and thousands. Here how numbers are divided in Indonesia

  • 0–9 are called satuan
  • 10–99 are called puluhan
    *11–19 are very specific groups in puluhan that also called belasan
  • 100–999 are called ratusan
  • 1.000–9.999 are called ribuan
  • 10.000–99.000 are called puluh ribuan
  • 100.000–999.999 are called ratus ribuan
  • 1.000.000–9.999.999 are called jutaan
  • 10.000.000–99.999.999 are called puluh jutaan
  • 100.000.000–999.999.999 are called ratus jutaan
  •–9.999.999.999 are called miliaran
  •–9.999.999.999.999 are called triliunan
    *the ‘-an’ means many, e.g. ratusan means many ratus (many hundreds). Check Indonesian Suffix -an

Notes : You may notice that in Bahasa Indonesia we use full stop/point (.) instead of coma (,) to divide thousands. In contrast, Bahasa Indonesia use coma (,), instead of full stop/point (.) to divide fractions. Here are the examples.

  • 1.272 = seribu dua ratus tujuh puluh dua (One thousand two hundred and seventy-two)
  • 1,272 = satu koma dua ratus tujuh puluh dua (One point two seventy-two)

Furthermore, here is the basic formula of Indonesian numbers

  • ( … +)  ribuan + ratusan + puluhan + satuan
    Example: 1.923
    1 = ribuan
    9 = ratusan
    2 = puluhan
    3 = satuan

Now, let’s move to each groups of list of Indonesian Numbers.

Read also Indonesian Pronunciation of Basic Words

1. Indonesian Numbers 0–9 (satuan)

Here are the basic of Indonesian numbers.

  • 0 – nol = zero
  • 1 – satu = one
  • 2 – dua = two
  • 3 – tiga = tiga
  • 4 – empat = four
  • 5 – lima = five
  • 6 – enam = six
  • 7 – tujuh = seven
  • 8 – delapan = eight
  • 9 – sembilan = nine

Check out here about Indonesian Words for Numbers

2. Indonesian Numbers 10–99 (puluhan)

From 10 to 99, it is called puluhan or tens in English. Moreover, from 10 (ten) to unspecific infinite numbers if the first number is 1, we do not use the word satu for one (except several ocassion). Instead, we change it to Prefix “Se-“. Here is the basic formula of how to pronounce puluhan number in Indonesia.

  • (first number) + puluh + (last number)
    – 21 = 2 (dua) + 1 (satu) = dua puluh satu (twenty-one)
    – 32 = 3 (tiga) + 2 (dua) = tiga puluh dua (thirty-two)
    – 46 = 4 (empat) + 6 (enam) = empat puluh enam (forty-six)


  • Similar with English, for 11–19, we do not follow the rules above. It is difference. Instead of using puluh, we use the word belas, like English ‘-teen’ for numbers. They also called belasan. Here are the lists.
    – 11 – sebelas = eleven
    – 12 – dua belas = twelve
    – 13 – tiga belas = thirteen
    – 14 – empat belas = fourteen
    – 15 – lima belas = fifteen
    – 16 – enam belas = sixteen
    – 17 – tujuh belas = seventeen
    – 18 – delapan belas = eighteen
    – 19 = sembilan belas = nineteen
  • If the last number is ‘0’, we do not mention the mention it at all. Here are the lists
    – 10 – sepuluh = ten
    – 20 – dua puluh = twenty
    – 30 – tiga puluh = thirty

    – 90 – sembilan puluh = ninety
  • In informal conversation, you may not use the word ‘puluh’. However, it might cause confusion or misinterpretation. 

3. Indonesian Numbers 100-999 (ratusan)

Furthermore, in Bahasa Indonesia hundreds is translated as ratusan. Here is the formula to pronounce it.

  • (first number) + ratus + (second number) + puluh + (last number)
    – 234 = 2 (dua) + 3 (tiga) + 4 (empat) = dua ratus tiga puluh empat (two-hundred and thirty-four)
    – 859 = 8 (delapan) + lima (five) + 9 (sembilan) = delapan ratus lima puluh sembilan (eight-hundred and fifty-nine)
    – 671 = 6 (six) + tujuh (seven) + satu (one) = enam ratus tujuh puluh satu (six-hundred and seventy-one)


  • As puluhan if the number starts with 1 (one), we change it to prefix se- (seratus)
    100 – seratus = one-hundred
    – 123 – seratus dua puluh tiga = one-hundred and twenty-three
    – 199 – seratus sembilan puluh sembilan = one-hundred and ninety-nine
  • If the middle number is 1 (one), the formula change to(first number) + ratus + (second number) + belas
    (first number) + ratus + sepuluh*
    (if the last two digit is 1 and 0)Examples :
    – 312 – tiga ratus dua belas (three-hundred and twelve)
    – 417 – empat ratus tujuh belas (four-hundred and seventeen)
    – 211 – dua ratus sebelas (two-hundred and eleven)
    *because last two number is 1 and 1, it is becomes 11 (eleven), so it is called sebelas, instead of satu belas
    310 tiga ratus sepuluh (three-hundred and ten)
  • If the middle number is 0 (zero), the formula changes to
    (first number) + ratus + (last number)
    *do not need mention the ‘puluh’Examples:
    – 101 = 1 (one) + 0 (zer0) + (one) = seratus satu (one-hundred and one)
    – 203 = 2 (two) + 0 (zero) + tiga (three) = dua ratus tiga (two-hundred and three) 

4. Indonesian Numbers 1.000–9.999 (thousands)

In Indonesia, thousands is translated as ribuan. Remember, that thousands are divided with full stop/point (.) instead of coma (,) if you want to use punctuation. Therefore, do not get wrong. Here is the formula

  • (first number) + ribu + (second number) + ratus + (third number) + puluh + (last number)
    – 1.000 = seribu (a thousand)
    – 2.345 = 2 (dua) + 3 (tiga) + 4 (empat) + 5 (lima) = dua ribu tiga ratus empat puluh lima (two-thousand three-hundred and forty-five)


  • As the others, if the first number is 1 (one), change it to prefix se- (seribu)
    – 1.456 – seribu empat ratus lima puluh enam
    – 1.111 – seribu seratus sebelas
  • If there is zero in the middle, do not mention it and skip to the next set
    – 1.010 – seribu sepuluh (one-thousand and ten)
    – 2.002 – dua ribu dua (two-thousand and two)
    – 3.033 – tiga ribu tiga puluh tiga (three-thousand and thirty-three)
    – 4.404 – empat ribu empat ratus empat (four-thousand four-hundred and four)
    – 5.500 – lima ribu lima ratus (fifty-five hundred)

More on the List of Indonesian Numbers

After thousand, like English the formula for numbers will repeated again before it reached millions or 7 digit numbers. Instead, it will repeated again (puluhan and ratusan) after that before reached billions, and other thousand mark. For 5 digits number, we will addthe word ‘puluh’ before ‘ribu’, while for 6 digits we will add the word ‘ratus’ again. Here are the formula.

  • Five-digit numbers (tens-thousands)
    (first number) + puluh + (second number) + ribu + (third number) + ratus + (fourth number) + puluh + (last number)
    – 10.000 – sepuluh ribu (ten thousand)
    – 22.345 – dua puluh dua ribu tiga ratus empat puluh lima (twenty-two thousand three-hundred and forty-five)
  • Six-digit number (hundred-thousand)
    (first number) + ratus + (second number) + puluh + (third number) + ribu + (fourth number) + ratus + (fifth number) + puluh + (last number)Examples:100.000 – seratus ribu (one-hundred thousand)
    – 347.898 – tiga ratus empat puluh tujuh ribu delapan ratus tujuh puluh delapan (three-hundred forty-seven-thousand eight-hundred and ninety-eight)

Juta, Miliar, dan Triliun

Juta, miliar, and triliun are translated as million, billion, and trillion respectively in English. Take a look.

  • 1.000.000 – satu juta/sejuta (inf) (one-million)
  • 10.000.000 – sepuluh juta (ten-million)
  • 100.000.000 – seratus juta (one-hundred million)
  • – satu miliar/semiliar (inf) (one-billion)
  • – sepuluh miliar (ten-billion)
  • – seratus miliar (one-hundred billion)
  • – satu triliun/setriliun (inf) (one-trillion)
  • sepuluh triliun (ten-trillion)
  • – seratus triliun (one-hundred trillion)
  • – seribu triliun (one-thousand trillion)

You may notice that, in these units, instead of changing the number 1 to ‘se-‘, the numbers kept the word ‘satu’. In contrast, the prefix se- is considered informal in this occasion. However, it is only happened if there is no other digit/number before the number one (take a look at one-thousand trillion).

Fractions and Negative

As you know, in Bahasa Indonesia, we use coma (,) instead of (.) to divide decimal fraction. On the other hand, for usual fraction we use the formula (upper number) + per + (lower number). If the upper number is 1, you may use prefix se- or keep use satu (one) To make it easier, let’s take a look at these following examples.

  • 0,5 (nol koma lima/setengah) – point five/half
  • 2,32 (dua koma tiga dua) – two point three two
  • 3,5 (tiga koma lima/ tiga setengah) – three point five/three and a half
  • 8,909 (delapan koma sembilan nol sembilan) – eight point nine o nine
  • 3/4 (tiga per empat) – three-fourth
  • 2/3 (dua per tiga) – two-third
  • 1/4 (seperempat/satu per empat) – a quarter/one-fourth

Furthermore, for the negative/minus, it is same with English. You just need to add the word minus (minus) or negatif (negative) before mention the numbers.

  • -1 = negatif/minus satu (negative/minus one)
  • -789 = negatif/minus tujuh ratus delapan puluh sembilan (negative/minus seven hundred and eoghty nine)

Another special units in Bahasa Indonesia

  • lusin = dozen (12 and its multiple)
  • kodi = 20 and its multiple
  • rim = 500 and its multiple (usually for papers) 


To enhance your skills, please do this small excercise. Please write how to mention these followings numbers.

  • 17 =
  • 32 =
  • 453 =
  • 219 =
  • 1.098 =
  • 5.980 =
  • 12.965 =
  • 845.083 =
  • 3.008.675 =
  • 65.932.607 =
  • – 45 =
  • 3.769 =
  • 5/6 =

So, we have explored much in this list of Indonesian Numbers. Please remember it! And check these following articles.

Categories: Vocabulary