Meaning of Saya in Indonesian – Brief Examples

Hello all, nice to meet you again.

The word Saya (sa-ya) is a formal form of Indonesian that has a role as subject pronoun “I”, object pronoun “me”, and possession/belonging “my”.

You can also check for  other Indonesian formal pronouns.

Here are some examples of the meaning of Saya in Indonesian, as a subject pronoun.

  • Saya berasal dari kota Semarang, Jawa Tengah. (I come from Semarang, Central Java.)
  • Saya suka membaca buku. (I like reading book.)
  • Saya belum pernah mengenal orang itu. ( I’ve never known that person.)
  • Saya tinggal di Jalan Cendrawasih. (I live on Cendrawasih street.)
  • Saya sedang belajar bahasa Indonesia tingkat ke 2. (I am studying 2nd level of Indonesian language.)
  • Saya tidak pernah menyesali keputusan yang sudah saya buat. (I never regret the decision that I made.)
  • X: Saya hari ini tidak melihatnya datang. (I don’t see him coming today.)
  • Y: Saya juga (Me, too)

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When we talk about Saya as an object pronoun, you can check these samples below.

  • Dia bercerita banyak tentang saya. (She told a lot about me.)
  • Dia berkata kepada saya bahwa besok dia tidak bisa datang ke pesta saya. (She said to me that she couldn’t come to my party.)
  • Dia memberikan saya sebuah kalung emas. (He gave me a gold necklace.)
  • Saya sangat berterima kasih kepada Tina karena membantu saya dalam menyelesaikan tugas ini. (I really thank Tina for helping in finishing this task.)

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In Possession case, the word Saya, doesn’t come as the first word.

  • Mobil saya sedang berada di bengkel. (A car of mine is in car repair shop.)
  • Teman saya mengatakan bahwa saya sudah lancar berbicara dalam Bahasa Indonesia.  (My friend said that I have spoken Indonesian fluently.)
  • Ada dua pohon mangga dekat rumah saya. (There are two mango trees near my house.)
  • Tas saya tertinggal di restoran. (My bag was left in the restaurant.)
  • Saya tidak tinggal di apartemen saya lagi. (I do not live in my apartment anymore.)
  • Menurut pendapat saya, lebih bagus jika warna latar belakangnnya putih. (In my opinion, it is better if the background color is white.)
  • Another example of the word Saya that is not on the first word is:
  • Yang saya maksud adalah Anda tidak perlu pergi. (What I mean is you don’t need to go.)

Or with the same meaning, you can say, Maksud saya, Anda tidak perlu pergi. 

Indonesians use a lot of passive voice sentences both written and spoken. You will often hear then using these types of sentences.

  • Saya dibelikan jam tangan oleh kakak saya sebagai hadiah ulang tahun. (I was bought a watch by my brother as my birthday present.)
  • Ketika saya sampai di rumah, saya diberitahu bahwa kakak ipar saya akan datang. (When I was home, I was told that my sister in-law would come.)

Just like what we have discussed above, that Saya is a formal pronoun, which means it is used when you meet people older than you, a person you’ve never met before, your boss, your teacher, and many more. We can use the word Aku as an informal ways of saying Saya. You can use it during conversation with your friends, relatives, other informal occasion. Here are some illustrations:

  • Aku bertemu dengan Ratna 3 tahun lalu ketika kami di Banyuwangi. (I met Ratna 3 months ago when we were in Banyuwangi.)
  • Piringku pecah tadi pagi. (My plate was broken this morning.), instead of saying piring aku, when you use informal ways, to show the possession, you just need to ad “ku” after the noun.

You can also learn about informal verbs provided in this website

Hopefully this discussion will help you understand more about Indonesian language.

Categories: Pronouns