Simple Conversation in Indonesian Language – Clear Examples

Hi everyone! How is it going? I trust this post finds you well.

Today we’re gonna learn about simple conversation in Indonesian language. The focus is gonna be simple conversation at the convenience store, simple conversation when shop at the street food stall and simple conversation at the neighborhood.

If this is your first time visiting Indonesia, then knowing how to speak simple conversation in Indonesian language is gonna be your advantage. Though overall Indonesian people are nice and friendly, but they will act more friendlier and tend to be more helpful if you are know a thing about speaking simple conversation in Indonesian language.

Simple Conversation in Indonesian Language

We will take the closest example to practicing simple conversation in Indonesian language. The first example would be simple conversation at the convenient store. This is because you will be go to the convenient store at least one time a day and knowing simple conversation there is gonna be much helpful.

The second example would be simple conversation at the street food stall. This is because you will meet a lot of cheap and delicious street food in Indonesia. And, most of the seller do not speak English well.

So, speaking simple conversation with them is gonna be useful. The last example we will learn to do simple conversation at the neighbourhood. This is important because Indonesian people have more social environment, if you are stay in a long period, you have to learn how to interact with your neighborhood.

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Simple Conversation at the Convenient Store

Indonesia is full of convenient store. If you need a thing or two, just go walk for a while and you will find convenient store in only 150 metres distance from your place. Below are example of simple conversation at the convenient store.

A : Sabun mandi sebelah mana? (Where I can found soap?)

B: Ada di rak sebelah kiri (You can find it on left cabinet)

A: Berapa semuanya? (How much is it all?)

B: Semuanya Rp. 56.000,-, mau sekalian isi pulsanya? (It’s Rp. 56.000,- Do you want to reload your phone credit?)

A: Tidak, terima kasih, ini saja. (No, thanks. That’s it.)

B: Terima kasih sudah berbelanja (Thanks for shop with us)

Above is example of basic conversation at convenient store in Indonesian language. We have to know simple question if we want to ask about availability about one product. In Indonesian convenient store also, after we finished pay our goods, the cashier will always ask whether we want to reload our phone credit or not. If you think that you need to, you can ask them to reload your phone credit. if no, you just can say no and finish the payment.

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Simple conversation at Street Food

If you are looking to the entire street at night, you will find a lot of street food sell their delicious and cheap menu in every corner of the street. If you want to try them one by one, you have to know simple conversation in the street food stall first. Below are example of simple conversation at the street food stall in Indonesian language.

A: Satenya berapa bang? (How much is the satay?)

B: Rp. 18.000,- 10 tusuk. (Its Rp. 18.000,-  for 10 sticks)

A: Ok, bungkus 1 ya. (Ok, I order one, takeaway)

B: Pakai lontong atau nasi? (Do you want to add lontong or rice?)

A: Pakai nasi aja (Just rice)

B: Ok, ini sudah selesai. (Ok it’s done)

A: Ini. Ada kembaliannya ? (Do you have exchange?)

B: Ada, terima kasih ya ( Yes, thanks for buying)

The example above is simple conversation when you want to order satay, an Indonesian chicken-meat sticks with peanut sauce. From example above, we know that all of the street food vendor will always ask whether we want to takeaway or eat there directly. That’s the simple conversation in Indonesian Language.

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Simple Conversation at the Neighborhood

If you are living for a long time period, it is better for you to socialize with your neighbourhood. Indonesian people tend to think that people who love to socialize with the environment is a good people. Below are example of simple conversation at the neighbourhood in Indonesian language.

A: Halo, saya James, tetangga baru. Saya bakal tinggal disini sampai sebulan kedepan. (Hi, I’m james, new kid on the block. I will live here for the next one month)

B: Halo James, Saya Hendri. Kamu darimana? (Hi James, I’m Hendri. Where are you from?)

A: Australia. Saya kesini untuk melakukan beberapa pekerjaan. (Australia. I’m here for doing some work)

B: Oh baik. Kerja apa? (Oh allright. What are you doing for a living?)

A: Saya seorang fotografer (I’m a photographer)

B: Baiklah, senang kenal dengan anda, James. Kalo butuh apa apa, kesini saja. (Allright, Nice to meet you, James. If you need help or something, just meet me.)

A: Senang bertemu anda juga, Hendri. Terima kasih ya. (Nice to meet you too, Hendri. Thank you so much.)

the conversation above is the example of how to introduce yourself to your neighbour. This is important thing to do in Indonesia, because Indonesian people are nice and feel free to help if you need something. And, to make your neighbour become nice to you, of course you have to introduce yourself to them and have conversation with them first.

All of conversation above teach you about how to do simple conversation in Indonesian language and its all practical. So, keep practicing and don’t forget to be nice to your environment. Good luck and have a good day!

Categories: Conversation