Most Romantic Things to Say to a Girl in Indonesian

Many girls love to hear some romantic words from their couple. This is actually because girls want to get their couple’s attention, and they just want to make sure that their couple still loves them. To make girls happy with the romantic words, you are going to need to learn some of it. Indonesian Phrases Basic  is one of the information you need to learn more about phrases in Indonesian.

Especially in Indonesia, the girls love to hear any romantic things. Some of the girls love to hear the romantic sentences. In Indonesia, the romantic sentence usually called “gombal”. This “gombal” (flirty) sentence is commonly used to make girls happy and cheer them up. If you are looking for the simple romantic words to say, you can find some in this article. You can also use the following link to know more about basic Indonesian language Learn Basic Indonesian Language

Here are the examples of most romantic things to say for the girlfriends and wives.

Romantic things to say for girlfriend

The Indonesian girls love the attention from their boyfriend. If you want to make them happy and feel that you are a romantic person, you can try these phrases below. You can also read this How to Learn Indonesian Consonant  to make you know more about the Indonesian consonant.

  • Kamu membuat hariku lebih cerah – you make my day brighter
  • Kamu adalah perempuan tercantik – you are the most beautiful girl
  • Senyumanmu mengalahkan panasnya mentari – your smile beats the sun’s heat
  • Kamu sangat berharga – you are so precious
  • Kamu sangat berarti – you are so meaningful
  • Aku suka saat kamu tersenyum – I love it when you smile
  • Saat pertama aku melihatmu, aku langsung jatuh cinta – the moment I first saw your face, I fell in love
  • Aku rasa kita ditakdirkan untuk bersama – I think we are destined together.
  • Aku tidak percaya pada cinta sampai aku bertemu kamu – I did not believe in love until I met you.
  • Aku hanya melihatmu dalam sedetik, namun aku bahagia sepanjang hari – I only saw you a second, but it made my day
  • Aku ingin bangun dari tidur di sebelahmu – I want to wake up next to you
  • Aku tidak tahu bahwa malaikat boleh jalan-jalan di bumi – I didn’t know that angels were allowed to walk on earth
  • Aku tidak percaya pada keberuntungan, sampai aku bertemu denganmu – I did not believe in luck, until I met you
  • Aku mencintai segalanya tentang kamu – I love everything about you
  • Setiap hari, aku semakin yakin bahwa kamulah jodohku – I am getting sure everyday that you are my destiny
  • Aku rasa, satu-satunya hal mewah yang pernah kuterima hanyalah dirimu – I think, the only luxurious thing that I have ever gotten is you
  • Aku belum pernah menemui orang yang sangat cantik, baik, dan peduli sepertimu – I have never met any person as beautiful, nice, and caring as you.
  • Genggaman tanganmu adalah hal terfavoritku sejauh ini – your hand holding is my favorite thing so far

Yeah, that’s the most romantic things to say to a girl in Indonesian. 

Romantic things to say for wife
The girls that has become someone’s wife must still needs the attention. If you want to give the attention to your wife, you can try to say the romantic things as given below.

  • Badai pun tak akan membuat aku berhenti mencintaimu – even the storm won’t stop me from loving you
  • Doaku untukmu tidak pernah selesai, karena aku mencintaimu – my pray for you is never end because I love you
  • Memilikimu sebagai istriku adalah sebuah kehormatan – to have you as my wife is an honor
  • Aku tidak bisa hidup tanpamu – I can’t live without you
  • Aku telah jatuh cinta berkali-kali, dan itu hanya kepadamu – I have fallen in love many times, and it is always with you
  • Hidupku tidak berarti tanpamu – my world is meaningless without you
  • Kamu adalah milikku. Aku adalah milikmu – you are mine. I am yours
  • Hidupku sempurna karena dirimu – my life is perfect because of you
  • Hidupku sangat kacau sebelum aku bertemu denganmu – my life was a mess before I met you
  • Satu hari tanpamu terasa seperti selamanya – a day without you feels like forever
  • Pelukanmu adalah penyembuh lelahku – you hug is the cure for my fatigue
  • Kamulah alasanku untuk tersenyum – you are the reason for my smile
  • Aku akan mencintaimu sampai maut memisahkan kita – I will love you till death do us apart. Also read about Indonesian Proverbs about Love
  • Kamulah alasan kenapa aku bangun setiap pagi – you are the reason why I wake up in early morning
  • Cintamulah yang membuatku semangat setiap hari – your love is what makes me cheer up everyday
  • Aku hanya ingin menua bersamamu, tanpa peduli apapun – I just want to grow old with you- no matter what
  • Setelah aku menikahimu, aku sadar bahwa cinta itu manis, indah, dan sangat peduli – after I married you, I realized that love is sweet, beautiful, and so caring
  • Sayang, sepertinya memilikimu adalah hal terbaik dalam hidupku. – honey, it seems like having you is the best thing in my life.

That is all for the most romantic things to say to a girl in Indonesia. Here is another article that can help you to learn more about Indonesian Balinese Phrases and PronunciationYou can use the words given above to show that you care about your couple. Good Luck!