What Are Some Fun Topics and Books for Learning Indonesian?

Practice makes perfect. Yes, we heard enough about this phrase since we were child. In learning foreign languages, there are four skills (reading, listening, writing, and speaking) that we need to master. After mastering grammar, you can surely demonstrate your ability in reading and writing. However, speaking is different thing. One needs daily practices in speaking to be able to speak fluently.

When we are learning Bahasa Indonesia, what are some fun topics that are best to start conversation? Topics can be long-listed. Here are some best picked topics for you to say hello to your Indonesian friends.

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  1. Travel Destination

Indonesia is an archipelago and no doubt that every single edge of Indonesia has its own uniqueness that will remain in everyone’s heart. The most well-known travel destination in Indonesia is Bali, an island located in eastern part of Java island.

Here are more to learn about Tips for Learning Bahasa Indonesia for Beginner from The Expert

However, have you started to ask your Indonesian friends about other places? Here are some examples:

“Candra, apakah kamu pernah mengunjungi Candi Borobudur?”

Candra, have you ever visited Borobudur temple?

“Kemarin saya pergi ke Bunaken. Tempatnya sangat indah. Saya menyelam selama 3 jam. Saya sangat suka Bunaken.”

Yesterday, I went to Bunaken. It was very beautiful place. I went diving for 3 hours. I really like Bunaken.

As your reference, we would like to recommend you a domestic guide book “50 Wisdom Wisata Domestik Indonesia” by Anton Thedy & Arif Firmansyah. It is written in bahasa Indonesia, yet if you have difficulties to understand long passages, Lonely Planet provides you various destination guide books that will make you excited to visit Indonesia. Here are more to learn about How to Learn Bahasa Indonesia Quickly from YouTube (Learn in 5 Minutes)

  1. Cuisine

This topic is also very broad since every province has special dishes. For example, you can start conversation by asking your friends.

“Kamu sudah makan? Mari makan soto ayam.”

Did you have meal? Let’s eat soto ayam.


“Di sekitar sini dimana beli sate yang enak?”

Where to buy delicious sate nearby?

You will definitely have lots and never ending topic to discuss. Please refer to the book “Antropologi Kuliner Nusantara” by Tempo. You will not only find the diversity of Indonesian cuisine. This book tells you more about the history, cultural and political influence behind the delicacy of Indonesian foods. Here are more to learn about How to Learn Indonesian in Your Car? The Easiest Way to Learn Bahasa 

  1. Diversity

Indonesia comprises of more than 300 ethnic groups and 700 more local language that have been recognized. Within Javanese language itself, you will find that dialect spoken by Javanese living in East Java is different with Javanese language spoken by those who are living in Central Java and Jogjakarta Special Region.

Directly asking from which ethnic group they belong to is rarely seen. We do not ask to each other “Kamu berasal dari suku apa? (Which ethnic group do you belong?)”. Thus, start a chit chat with your Indonesian friends by asking where they come from. In that way you get some information from where they originated from. Here are more to learn about Reasons Why Playing Games Helps You Learn Indonesian Language Faster and Easier

For example:

“Halo, Diah. Kamu asalnya dari mana?”

Hello, Diah. Where do you come from?

“Saya dari Bali.”

I am from Bali

“Oh, asli Bali ya?”

Oh, are you native Balinese?

Then the answer could be either

“Ya, saya asli dari Bali.”

Yes, I am native Balinese.


“Bukan. Saya keturunan X tetapi sudah tinggal di Bali sejak kecil.”

No, I am not. I belong to ethnic group X but I have been living in Bali since I was child.

Those are best and fun topics to start conversation with your Indonesian friends to boost your speaking skill. Please keep in mind that it is quite sensitive to talk about religion. We best hope that your Indonesian lessons will be fun and exciting.

Categories: Tips