A-Z Sports in Indonesian Language – Vocabulary and Meaning

Sports are common activities in Indonesia. Many people spend great deal of their time to play sports even though without proper equipment. You may see a group of boys playing football in the yard or in one Sunday you see many people jogging or cycling in Car Free Day event. Yes, that is how Indonesians spend their time in sports. Also learn: Hard Indonesian Words to Pronounce

Sports in Indonesian Language

Types of sports in Indonesia are tremendous ranging from local sports to international. But you can see that football is the most famous sport in the country. So, what kind of sports you can find in Indonesia? See the list below.


  • Aerobik – aerobics
  • Akrobat – acrobatics
  • Akroyoga – acroyoga
  • Atletik – athletics
  • Angkat berat – weightlifting
  • Anggar – fencing
  • Arung jeram – rafting
  • Aikido – aikido


  • Bulu tangkis – badminton
  • Basket – basketball
  • Biliard – billiard, pool
  • Bowling – bowling
  • Binaraga – body building
  • Bersepeda – cycling
  • Bungee jumping – bungee jumping
  • Balapan – racing
  • Berkuda – horse riding
  • Balap gurun – desert racing
  • Bola tangan – hand ball
  • Bela diri – martial arts
  • Berlayar – sailing
  • Berjalan – walking
  • Bisbol – baseball
  • Berburu – hunting


  • Catur – chess

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  • Dayung – rowing


  • Fitness – fitness
  • Futsal – futsal


  • Gulat – wrestling
  • Golf – golf
  • Gokar – go-cart
  • Gimnastik – gymnastics
  • Gantole – hand gliding 


  • Hapkido – hapkido
  • Hoki – hockey

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Here are more sports in Indonesian Language

  • Joging – jogging
  • Judo – judo
  • Jet ski – jet ski


  • Karate – karate
  • Kungfu – kung fu
  • Kayak – kayaking
  • Kano – canoe


  • Lempar lembing – javelin throw
  • Lompat tambang – jump rope, skipping (British)
  • Lompat jauh – long jump
  • Lari jarak jauh – long distance jump
  • Lompat galah – pole vault
  • Loncat indah – platform diving
  • Lari estafet – relay race
  • Jalan cepat – speed walking
  • Lari jarak pendek – sprint
  • Lari halang rintang – steeplechase
  • Lempar cakram – discus
  • Lempar martil – hammer throw
  • Lempar panah – darts 


  • Maraton – marathon
  • Memancing – fishing
  • Menyelam – diving
  • Menembak – shooting


  • Naik gunung – hiking


  • Panahan – archery
  • Panco – arm wresting
  • Panjat tebing – rock climbing
  • Panjat dinding – wall climbing
  • Pencak silat – Indonesian martial arts
  • Paralayang – paragliding
  • Polo – polo
  • Polo air – water polo
  • Pacuan kuda – horse racing

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  • Rugbi – rugby
  • Renang – swimming
  • Renang indah – synchronized swimming, artistic swimming
  • Rodeo – rodeo


  • Senam – gymnastics
  • Senam air – water gymnastics
  • Sepatu roda – roller skating
  • Selancar – surfing
  • Selancar indah – figure skating
  • Selancar angin – wind surfing
  • Selancar pasir – sand boarding
  • Selancar salju – snowboarding
  • Ski – ski
  • Ski air – water ski
  • Sepak takraw – sepak takraw
  • Sepak bola – football (British), soccer (American)
  • Sepak bola Amerika – American football
  • Snorkelling – snorkelling
  • Seluncur – skating
  • Sumo – sumo


Here are more sports in Indonesian Language:

  • Tarik tambang – tug of war
  • Tenis – tennis
  • Tenis dinding – squash
  • Tenis meja – table tennis, pingpong
  • Sepeda gunung – mountain biking
  • Tinju – boxing
  • Tinju campuran – kick boxing
  • Tinju Thailand – Thai boxing, Muay Thai
  • Terjun payung – sky diving
  • Terbang layang – gliding
  • Tolak peluru – shot put
  • Taekwondo – taekwondo


  • Voli – volley
  • Voli pantai – beach volley


  • Wushu – Wushu

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  • Yoga – yoga

Words Related to Sports

  • Lapangan sepakbola – football field
  • Lapangan – court
  • Bola – ball
  • Pelatih – coach
  • Wasit – referee
  • Raket – racket
  • Pertandingan – match, game
  • Baju renang – swim suit
  • Kacamata renang – swimming goggles
  • Putaran – lap
  • Papan selancar – surf board
  • Matras – mattress
  • Tongkat – pole
  • Menang – win
  • Kalah – lose
  • Seri – draw
  • Bow – panah
  • Anah panah – arrow 

Popular Sports in Indonesia

Similar to any place in the world, football or soccer in America is a popular sport in Indonesia. Many people enjoy watching football match in stadium. There are also several football clubs with fanatic fan base for each of the club. The football club mostly represents provinces in Indonesia.

Besides football, badminton is also popular sports because the country has a long history with the sport. For years, Indonesia has the reputation for winning numerous games and having talented badminton players. TVs and the people will go crazy when there is badminton championship such as Indonesia Open, Olympic, All England, and the like.

Other sport which is also quite popular in Indonesia is surfing, mostly popular in beach town such as Kuta and Seminyak, Bali. You can find many surfing spots with beautiful beaches in Indonesia. Golf is also a popular sport in the country but limited to high-class society only. This is mostly due to the expensive equipment and exclusive membership.

The recently booming sport in Indonesia is fitness. You may find numbers of fitness center full with its members. The demand of healthy living and fit body forces people to choose fitness over other sports as it gives more promising results. Basketball and volley ball are popular among high school and college students but the official match is not as popular as football.

Besides modern sports, traditional sports such as pencak silat, sepak takraw, and such is also quite popular among Indonesians. So, which one is your favourite sports?

Categories: Vocabulary