Conversation in Restaurant in Bahasa Indonesia – Clear Examples

When you visit a foreign country, you definitely have to try good local food restaurants. Indonesia has many good restaurants for the tourist to visit. If you want to know several conversation that can occur in restaurant in Bahasa Indonesia, read the examples below:

Conversation about booking a table/making a reservation

A: Selamat pagi, kami dari Restoran A. Ada yang bisa kami bantu?

Good morning, this is A Restaurant. How can I help you?

B: Halo, ingin reservasi untuk makan malam.

Hello, I want to make a reservation for dinner.

A: Pada hari dan jam berapa Anda akan datang?

Can you tell me the date and what time you will be coming?

B: Saya akan ke sana besok pada pukul 7.00 malam

We will be coming to your restaurant tomorrow at 7.00 pm

A: Berapa orang yang akan datang?

How many people will you need the reservation for?

B: 6 orang.

Six of us will be coming.

A: Reservasi ini dibuat atas nama siapa?

May I know your name for the reservation?

B: Atas nama Andy.

My name is Andy.

A: Baik Pak Andy, sampai jumpa besok pukul 7 malam. Terima kasih atas reservasinya.

Okay Mr Andy, see you tomorrow at 7.00 pm. Thank you for choosing our restaurant.

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Conversation/sentences about asking the menu

  • Menu apa yang paling banyak dipesan di sini?

What is the best seller menu here?

  • Menu apa yang direkomendasikan?

What menu do you recommend?

  • Apakah nasi goreng ini mengandung makanan laut?

Does this fried rice have any seafood in it?

  • Apakah menu ini sudah termasuk dengan nasi?

Is this menu served with white rice? 

Conversation about ordering the food

A: Permisi, sudah bisa saya bantu untuk pesanannya?

Excuse me, may I take your order now?

B: Saya masih ingin memilih menu untuk makanannya, namun saya mau pesan minuman sekarang.

I’m still choosing the food, but I want to order the drink now.

A: Mau pesan minuman apa

What drink do you want to order?

B: Satu jus jeruk ya. Gulanya sedikit saja.

I want an orange juice. Please add less sugar.

A: Ada lagi yang bisa saya bantu?

Would you like to order anything else?

B: Tidak, terima kasih.

No, thanks.

A: Baik. Saya ulang kembali pesanan Anda yaitu satu jus jeruk dengan gulanya sedikit saja. Ditunggu sekitar 3 menit.

Okay. I will repeat your order. You ordered a less sugar orange juice. Please wait for around three minutes.

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Conversation/sentences about several problems that occur in the restaurant

  • Permisi, sepertinya ada salah pengantaran. Saya tidak memesan nasi goreng ini.

Excuse me, there must have been a mistake. I didn’t order this fried rice.

  • Maaf, boleh saya minta gula lagi?

I’m sorry, can I ask for more sugar?

  • Boleh tidak saya mengubah pesanan saya?

Can I change my order?

Conversation about asking for the bill

A: Permisi, boleh saya minta notanya?

Can we have the bill please?

B: Ya. Ini notanya. Mau bayar dengan apa?

Yes, sure. Here is your bill. How do you want to pay?

A: Saya ingin bayar tunai.

I want to pay in cash. Can I Have The Bill Please in Indonesian

That’s all about conversation in Restaurant in Bahasa Indonesia. Hope the article helpful for you. Thank you for reading.

Categories: Conversation