10 Conversations about Indonesian Culture and Meaning

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Hi! When you learn about Indonesian society, you could not neglect its culture. It also influences the way of language implementation in conversation. Therefore, there are certain things, such as Sacred Communication Etiquette andIndonesian Greeting Etiquette and Manners. Those are important to understand Indonesian language as a whole, apart from the grammar or vocabulary.

You would know how to use or avoid Bad Words and Its Meaning wisely, or not became misunderstood because you do not understand Balinese Swear Words. So, this time let’s learn about conversation about Indonesian culture to get familiar with it!

Before we step into the lesson, you could also check these following articles:

Culture has many different forms, such as dance, music, heritage, ritual even certain habit or tendency. Here are some examples of different topics related to Indonesian Conversation about Culture.

  • A : Apa saja kebudayaan Indonesia yang terkenal? (What are some most popular culture in Indonesia?
    B : Kami mempunyai wayang, tari-tarian, musik daerah, dan berbagai makanan khas Indonesia (We have wayang [Indonesian puppet], traditional dances and musics, as well as diverse Indonesian cuisine)
  • A : Apakah nama dari kesenian tersebut? (What is the name of that art (performance)?)
    B : Kesenian tersebut bernama gamelan, semacam musik ansamble musik khas Indonesia (That is called gamelan, kind of Indonesian music ensemble)
  • A : Bagaimana kalian menyebut tradisi tadi? (How you call that tradition?)
    B : Kami menyebutnya Kuda Lumping (We call it Kuda Lumping)
    A : Dari mana Kuda Lumping berasal? (Where is Kuda Lumping came from?/Which culture does Kuda Lumping came from?
    B : Kuda Lumping merupakan budaya Jawa (Kuda Lumping is a Javanese Culture)
  • A : Apa saja kebiasaan orang Indonesia ketika berbicara dengan orang lain? (What is Indonesian habit when they talked to one and another?)
    B : Mereka selalu menggunakan kata sapaan, khususnya untuk orang yang lebih tua. Hal itu merupakan bentuk kehormatan dan kesopanan. (They always use title to call people, especially to older people. That is a form of respect and politeness)
    A : Apalagi? (And then?)
    B : Mereka jarang menggunakan bahasa baku. Seringkali bahasa mengalami penyingkatan, seperti ‘tidak’ menjadi ‘nggak’, ‘bagaimana’ menjadi ‘gimana’, atau ‘selamat pagi’ menjadi ‘pagi’ (They rarely use standard langauge. Usually, they language is abbreviated, such as ‘tidak (no)’ transformed to ‘nggak (no)’, ‘bagaimana (how)’ became ‘gimana (how)’ and ‘selamat pagi (good morning)’ is abbreviated to ‘pagi (morning)’
  • A: Apa makna dari upacara Ngaben? (What is the philosophy of Ngaben ritual?)
    B : Hal itu bertujuan untuk mengirim orang tersebut ke kehidupan mendatang (That ritual’s purpose is to send the person to the next life)
  • A: Apakah cerita anak yang paling terkenal di Indonesia? (What is the most popular children’s literature in Indonesia?)
    B : Cerita Kancil (Kancil’s story)
    A : Bagaimana ceritanya? (What’s the story about?)
    B : Cerita tersebut berkisah tentang kancil yang mencuri ketimun (The story is about a mouse deer (kancil) stole cucumber)
    A : Apakah pesan moral cerita tersebut? (What is the moral value of the story?)
    B : Kau perlu cerdik seperti kancil, tetapi tidak menggunakan kecerdikanmu untuk berbuat hal tidak baik seperti mencuri karena akan mendapatkan balasannya (You need to be smart likes kancil, but do not use it to do bad things such as stealing, because you would get your own retaliation) 

More Indonesian Conversation About Culture

Here are more conversation about Indonesian culture and meaning:

  • A: Candi Borobudur sangat indah dan menawan. Kapan ia didirikan? (Borobudur Temple is very beautiful and gorgeous. When was it built?)
    B : Candi Borobudur didirikan pada abad ke-9 (It was built on the 9th century)
    A : Di manakah Borbudur berada? (Where is Borobudur)
    B : Di Magelang, Jawa Tengah (It is in Magelang, Center Java)
  • A : Siapa yang mendirikan Candi Prambanan? (Who built Prambanan Temple?)
    B : Peneliti mengatakan candi tersebut didirikan oleh Rakai Pitakan, tetapi terdapat mitos yang menceritakan bahwa candi tersebut didirikan oleh Bandung Bondowoso kepada Roro Jonggrang dalam waktu sehari (The researcher believe that the temple was firstly built by Rakai Pikatan. However, there is a myth told us that the temple was built in a night by Bandung Bondowoso to please Roro Jonggrang) 
  • A : Apa saja yang tidak boleh dilakukan di Bali? (What behaviors/things are prohibited in Bali?)
    B : Kamu sama sekali tidak boleh melakukan aktivitas di Bali selama Nyepi dan kamu tidak boleh menghina nenek moyang. (You are highly prohibited to do any activities in Bali in Nyepi day as well as you could not insult the ancestors)

Of course there are still many types of Indonesian Conversation about Culture. Without a doubt, Indonesia consists very diverse society and culture. It is very interesting to learn about it. Beside those I mentioned, there are many forms of culture, such as pantun, literature, idioms, tradition, habits and many more. You could check these following articles:

Good luck! See you soon.

Categories: Conversation