100 Javanese Slang Words and Meaning

Bahasa Indonesia is the official Indonesian language which you can learn it in college, universities, and courses all over the world. But similar to other languages, Indonesian slang also exists in the society, TV shows, movies, and so on. Indonesian slang comes from many origins including English and also local dialects. Indonesian slang originated from local dialects can be different from one province to another and one island to another depends on the local culture influence.

Also learn: Indonesian chat abbreviations.

One type of famous Indonesian slang is the Javanese slang words which originated from Javanese language and culture. Speaking of Javanese language, it refers to the language used in central to east Java area. The western part of Java has different culture influence which is Sundanese and Betawi. In this article, we are going to focus on the Javanese slang words.

  • Asu! = Literary translate as ‘anjing’ in Indonesian and ‘dog’ in English. This is one of the cursive words. Be very careful when use this word.
  • Emak = Translated as ‘ibu’ or ‘mama’.
  • Embah or mbah = Translated as ‘nenek’ in Indonesian or ‘grandma’ in English.
  • Ndeso = refers to a person or things which is not familiar with modernity and they will likely to be over-amazed or even scared when see something sophisticated (i.e. like the first time you ride luxurious car).
  • Nak = short form of ‘anak’ which means child, usually use to call small children.
  • Jeng = sis, girl – Also learn: Indonesian cultural words.
  • Katrok = refers to a person who is not following the latest trend. It is almost similar to ‘ndeso’.
  • Kampret = Javanese cursive word, literary translated as ‘damn’. (i.e. kampret lo! – damn you)
  • Kampungan = refers to a person with excessive behaviour over something or simply, a dork.
  • Monggo = Javanese term for ‘please’. The Javanese slang words!
  • Dobol =  literary means something torn (i.e. torn clothes), but nowadays the word is used as cursive word when someone tells a lie.
  • Mas = a tittle used when calling a man older than you or someone you know first time or not close enough (i.e. fried rice guy)
  • Mbak = the same title as mas, but used for women. – Also learn: handy Indonesian words.
  • Loro Pikir = literary means ‘sakit jiwa’ or ‘crazy mind’, usually use for mocking someone or when angry.
  • Edan = also means as ‘gila’ or crazy. The word has another synonym which is ‘gendeng’.
  • Banget = in formal Indonesian, the word means ‘sangat’ or very.
  • Goblok = means ‘bodoh’ in bahasa Indonesia or ‘stupid’. It is usually used as cursive word.
  • Sempak = men’s underwear and another type of cursive word.
  • Mbois = dress sharply, usually before having a date.
  • Semok = sexy curvy women.
  • Kecepirit or kecirit = refers to a time when you poop in pant or fart with slight poop coming out. Eeww.
  • Kimcil = stands for ‘kimpetan cilik’ which means small pussy in Indonesian. This term refers to pre-teenage to teenage girls who are available for one night stand. – Also learn: Balinese swear words.
  • Gaplek = kinds of old-school food known as dried cassava. But nowadays, the word is also used as cursive word similar to ‘damn’.
  • Yo wis = literary translated as ‘baiklah’ which means ‘alright’.
  • Yo sek = literary translated as ‘sebentar’ which means ‘hold a second’.
  • Amit = when the word is used in single form, it means ‘permisi’ or ‘excuse me’ but when used in duplication form (i.e. amit-amit), it means God forbid or Oh my God
  • Demen = literary means like, fond, or crush on something or somebody.
  • Ngomel = refers to grumbling or complaining on something in annoying mode.
  • Bedhes = translated as ‘monyet’ in Indonesian or monkey and usually used to curse or mock someone.
  • Rapopo = stands for ‘ora opo-opo’ which means ‘tidak apa-apa’ in Bahasa Indonesia. It can be translated as ‘I am fine’ in English.
  • Upil = dried mucus on the nose. Also use to mock someone.
  • Jancuk = Javanese cursive word which means ‘f*ck you’.

Also learn: Indonesian interjection

Another version of Javanese slang

As aforementioned above that different area has different type of slang words. In Malang, East Java, the slang words is in the form of reverse word. So, you speak the word not from the left to right but in reverse. For example ‘semok’, Malang people will say ‘komes’ as they read the word from right to left. Even though not all words are spoken in reverse, but great deal of vocabulary is spoken that way.

In Surabaya, people tend to use cursive or harsh words quite intense but it does not intended to mock other people. That is just the way they speak and do not get offended when they speak like one.

The use of slang words, be it Indonesian or Javanese should not be used to speak with older people, someone you are not close enough, or in business and academic environment because it is considered as impolite.

Categories: Vocabulary