How to Learn Bahasa Indonesia Quickly from YouTube (Learn in 5 Minutes)

Youtube is a platform that we can use to watch many new and interesting videos from all around the world. It is also became a new way for people to learn many new skills quickly and comfortably, including learning new language.

You can also learn Bahasa Indonesia using Youtube. To know more on how to learn bahasa indonesia quickly from Youtube, read the complete explanation below.

Find a good YouTube Channel to Learn Bahasa Indonesia

To be able to learn Bahasa Indonesia from Youtube, you have to find a good channel that you can learn from in Youtube. You can check this link below:

YouTube Mastering Bahasa

The Youtube channel on the link above is a good media to learn Bahasa Indonesia. There are many useful videos that can help you to learn Indonesian language faster. The explanation is very complete and easy to understand. You can also learn about the pronunciation and how to use the words in daily conversation.

Use the Comment Section to Ask Questions or Open a Discussion

If you already found the videos that can help you to learn Indonesian language, you can use the comment section to ask questions or open a discussion. Sometimes watching one video is not enough.

If you have question, just ask it in the comment section. The video maker or other watcher may help you to answer your question. This way, you will be able to learn Bahasa Indonesia faster.

Find a TV Shows, Videos, or Movies in Bahasa Indonesia

If learning a theory is not enough, you can try to find TV shows, videos, or movies in Bahasa Indonesia from Youtube.

There are many good Indonesian videos on Youtube. You can watch the videos and learn something. You can also train your ear and your pronunciation.

Follow a good Indonesian Vloggers

Indonesia has many good vloggers that sometimes they put english subtitles on their videos. You can follow a good Indonesian vloggers that you like. For example, if you are interested in make up and skin care, you can find good Indonesian beauty vloggers and watched their beauty videos.

Comment on The Videos Using Bahasa Indonesia

If you want to use what you already learn from Youtube videos, you may try to comment on the videos using Bahasa Indonesia. This way, you can easily practice on what you already learn. You can also open a discussion with other people and this surely will help you to learn Bahasa Indonesia faster.

Read more about other ways to learn Bahasa Indonesia:

Learning a new language is quite easy now and really not always expensive. That’s all about the explanation on how to learn Bahasa Indonesia quickly from YouTube. Thank you for reading. I hope the information will be helpful for you.

Categories: Learning