How to Say Brother in Bahasa Indonesia – Examples – Definition

Hello guys, nice to meet you again here.

We are now discussing about how to say Brother in Bahasa Indonesia and we will show you how to use it in formal as well as informal ways.

How to Say Brother in Bahasa Indonesia

In Indonesian, Brother means saudara laki – laki (sau.da.ra la.ki la.ki). Indonesian has a term for younger and elder brother: adik (a.dik) that means younger brother and kakak (ka.kak), which has elder brother definition.


– Kakak

– Abang

– Mas What is “Mas” in Indonesian Language? (Definition and Examples)

  • Kakak (laki – laki) saya sedang belajar S2 di Universitas Indonesia, di Depok. (My elder brother is studying master degree in Indonesia University, Depok.)
  • Kakaknya Dian tidak tinggal lagi bersamanya, karena sudah pindah ke Lampung. (Dian’s elder brother doesn’t stay with her anymore because he has moved to Lampung.)
  • Kakakku hobinya memasak. Dia suka membuat nasi goreng (My elder brother’s hobby is cooking.  He loves making fried rice.)
  • Kakaknya Ratih bekerja sebagai dokter gigi. (Ratih’s elder brother works as a dentist.)

In Indonesian culture, we usually call someone who is older than us by giving title: Bapak, Ibu, Kakak.

  • We call the elder brother with Kakak as the title. However, we tend to simplify the title by only mentioning Kak, for example Kak Indra, Kak Yustian, etc.
  • Kapan Kak Indra pulang dari Indramayu?  (When will you go back from Indramayu). As we can see, we use “Kak Indra” instead of “kamu” to show politeness towards elder brother.
  • Kak Yustian nggak ada di sini.  (He isn’t here.)
  • Kak, tadi taruh makanannya di mana?  (Where did you put the food?)
  • Sudah ketemu sama Maya, Kak? (Have you met Maya yet?)
  • Besides Kak, Abang (a.bang) is also used to call a man/boy as elder brother.
  • Hari ini ulang tahun abangku. (Today is my elder brother birthday.)

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The word Abang also can be simplified as Bang.

  • Bang Rizky kapan mau datang ke Jakarta? (When will you come to Jakarta?)
  • For younger brother, as mentioned above, we use the word Adik, or Adek as informal way.
  • Adiknya Ginanjar sekarang kelas 3 SMP di Sidoarjo, Jawa Timur. (Ginanjar’s younger brother is now on 3rd grade of Junior High School in East Java.)
  • Adikku 2, 1 cowok dan 1 cewek, usianya 10 dan 13 tahun.  (I have two younger siblings, 1 brother and sister, aged 10 and 13 years old. 

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  • Adikku hobinya bermain sepak bola.  (My younger brother’s hobby is playing soccer.)
  • Adiknya Mbak Rina akan pulang ke Indonesia dari Singapura.  (Mbak Rina’s younger brother is gonna go back to Indonesia, from Singapore.)
  • Adiknya Mas Arman  belajar di Pondok Pesantren. (Mas Arman’s younger brother is studying in Islamic Boarding School)
  • Adekku baru saja sembuh dari demam. (My younger brother just recovered from fever.)

Those are some discussion about how to address use the word Brother in Bahasa Indonesia, which you can apply in formal and informal occasions. Have a good day

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