125 Indonesian Words that Start with C – Meaning

Hello, good reader! Welcome back to MasteringBahasa.com. This time, we are enlisted the Indonesian words from letter ‘C’. It is pretty much words that we used in daily conversation.

Indonesian Words that Start with C

With no more wasting time, here is those words:

  1. Cabai = (cha-baay) = Chilli
  2. Cabang = (cha-baang) = Branch
  3. Cabik = (cha-beek) = Shred / Torn / Ripped
  4. Cabut = (cha-boot) = Unplug
  5. Cacah = (cha-chah) = Count (for number) / Chopped (adj)
  6. Cacar = (cha-char) = Smallpox
  7. Cacat = (cha-chat) = Disabled
  8. Caci (Maki) = (cha-chi) = Scorn
  9. Cacing = (cha-ching) = Worm
  10. Cadang = (cha-dang) = Spare
  11. Cadas = (cha-das) = Rock
  12. Cagar = (cha-gar) = Reserve
  13. Cahaya = (cha-haa-yaa) = Light
  14. Cair = (cha-eer) = Liquid
  15. Cakalang = (cha-ka-lang) = Skipjack (similar with Tuna)
  16. Cakar = (cha-kar) = Claw
  17. Cakra = (cha-kra) = Chakra
  18. Cakram = (cha-kram) = Disc
  19. Calon = (cha-lon) = Candidate
  20. Calo = (cha-lo) = Broker
  21. Camar = (cha-mar) = Seagulls
  22. Canda = (chan-da) = Joke
  23. Candi = (chan-dee) = Temple
  24. Canggung = (chang-goong) = Awkward
  25. Cangkir = (chang-keer) = Cup
  26. Cangklong = (chang-klong) = Pipe
  27. Cangkok = (chang-kok) = Graft
  28. Canting = (chan-thing) = Canting
  29. Cap = (chap) = Stamp
  30. Capai = (cha-pie) = Reach
  31. Cari = (cha-ree) = Find
  32. Cat = (chat) = Paint
  33. Catat = (cha-tat) = Note
  34. Catur = (cha-tour) = Chess
  35. Cawan = (cha-wan) = Cup
  36. Cebol = (che-bol) = Midget
  37. Cecak = (che-chak) = Lizard
  38. Cedera = (che-de-ra) = Injured
  39. Cegah = (che-gah) = Prevent
  40. Cegat = (che-gat) = Intercept 
  41. Cegukan = (che-goo-kan) = Hiccup
  42. Cek = (chek) = Check / Cheque
  43. Cela = (che-la = Flaw / Blemish
  44. Celah = (che-lah) = Slit / Gap
  45. Celana = (che-la-na) = Pants
  46. Celemek = (che-le-mek) = Apron
  47. Celoteh = (che-lo-teh) = Babble
  48. Cemara = (che-ma-ra) = Fir / Pine
  49. Cemberut = (chem-be-rut) = Sullen
  50. Cemburu = (chem-boo-roo) = Jealous
  51. Cemeti = (che-me-tee) = Twigs
  52. Cemas = (che-mas) = Worried / Worry / Anxious
  53. Centil = (chen-teel) = Flirty / Coquettish
  54. Centang = (chen-tang) = Tick
  55. Cendawan = (chen-daa-one) = Fungus
  56. Cendana = (chen-da-na) = Sandalwood
  57. (Burung) Cendrawasih = (chen-de-ra-wa-seeh) = Birds of Paradise
  58. Cendekia = (chen-de-kia) = Scholar
  59. Cengkeram = (cheng-ke-ram) = Grip
  60. Cengkih / Cengkeh = (ceng-kih) = Clove 
  61. Cepat = (ce-pat) = Fast
  62. Ceroboh = (ce-ro-boh) = Careless
  63. Cerca = (cer-cha) = Lambast / Lash Out
  64. Cerdas = (cher-das) = Intelligent / Smart / Clever
  65. Cerdik = (cher-deek) = Dodgy
  66. Ceret = (che-ret) = Kettles
  67. Cermin = (cher-meen) = Mirror
  68. Cerita = (che-ree-ta) = Story
  69. Cetak = (che-tak) = Print
  70. Cetus = (che-toos) = Say / Triggered
  71. Cewek = (che-weck) = Girl
  72. Cibir = (chi-beer) = Pout / Scorn
  73. Cicil = (chi-chill) = Installments
  74. Cincin = (chin-chin) = Rings
  75. Curiga= (choo-ree-ga) = Suspicious
  76. Ciprat = (chi-prat) = Splash
  77. Ciri = (chi-ree) = Characteristic
  78. Cipta = (chip-ta) = Create
  79. Cita = (chee-ta) = Ideal
  80. Cinta = (chin-ta) = Love
  81. Coba = (cho-baa) = Try
  82. Cenderamata = (cen-de-ra-ma-ta) = Souvenir
  83. Colek = (cho-lek) = Dab
  84. Cokelat = (cho-klat) = Chocolate / Brown
  85. Contoh = (chon-toh) = Example
  86. Comot = (cho-mot) = Grimy
  87. Compang-camping = (chom-pang-cham-ping) = Shabby
  88. Congkak = (chong-kak) = Cocky
  89. Corak = (cho-rak) = Shades / Complexion
  90. Cowok = (cho-wok) = Boys
  91. Corong = (cho-rong) = Funnel
  92. Cuaca = (choo-wa-cha) = Weather
  93. Cuci = (choo-chi) = Wash
  94. Cuma = (choo-ma) = Just
  95. Cuil = (choo-eel) = Chunk / a bit
  96. Cuek = (choo-wek) = Ignore / Ignorant
  97. Cuka = (choo-ka) = Vinegar
  98. Cukai = (choo-kai) = Excise Tax (or just Tax)
  99. Culik = (choo-leak) = Kidnapp / Abducted
  100. Cumi-cumi = (choo-me-choo-me) = Squid
  101. Curug = (choo-roog) = Waterfall (same as Air Terjun)
  102. Curi = (choo-ree) = Steal / Stole
  103. Cuti = (choo-tee) = Leave
  104. Curang = (choo-rang) = Cheat / Fraudulent
  105. Curam
  106. Cabul = (choo-rhum) = Steep
  107. Cam (in other words with -kan) = (chum) = Keep in Mind
  108. Cambuk = (chum-book) = Whip / Knout / Horsewhip
  109. Campur = (chum-poor) = Mix
  110. Cangkang = (chang-kang) = Shell
  111. Canggih = (chang-gih) = Advanced
  112. Celetuk = (che-le-took) = Chirps
  113. Celengan = (che-le-ngan) = Piggy Bank
  114. Cemar = (che-mar) = Blackened
  115. Cengeng = (che-ngeng) = Whiny 
  116. Culas = (choo-las) = Sloppy / Deceitful
  117. Cerewet = (che-re-wet) = Nag / Fussy
  118. Cubit = (choo-beet) = Pinch
  119. Cicit = (chee-cheet) = Great-grandchild
  120. Cikal (bakal) = (chee-kal) = Pioneer /
  121. Citarasa = (chee-ta-ra-sa) = Taste
  122. Cadel = (cha-del) = Lisp
  123. Cocok = (cho-chok) = Match / Suitable
  124. Condong = (chon-dong) = Inclined
  125. Copot = (cho-pot) = Dislodged / Detached

That was the list of Indonesian words that start with C letter. To help you memorize Indonesian words, you can learn Indonesian Words Starting with ‘H’, Indonesian Words Derives from Arabic, Indonesian Words Starting with ‘A’, Indonesian Words for Number, Indonesian Sentence Construction and many more article from MasteringBahasa.com that you can read and help you learn Bahasa Indonesia. See you in the next article.

Categories: Vocabulary