How to Say Delicious in Indonesian – Formal and Informal Ways

Usually, the word’s “delicious” is used and pronounced with follow a food or dishes which can taste. And in Indonesian, there are a few ways to say how delicious a food.

Formal Language :

1. Enak atau Lezat

How to say delicious in Indonesian? “Enak” or “Lezat” is one of word which have the same mean with “Delicious”. This word can be used in everywhere because this is formal language.

2. Masakan ini sangat lezat (this food is so delicious) 

This sentence is one of example if you want express how delicious a dishes. You can say : “Masakan ini sangat lezat!” to every older or younger.

3. Restoran ini sangat enak (this restaurant is so delicious) 

This sentence can be used when you visit a restaurant and the dishes are very delicious according to you. You can say : “Restoran ini sangat enak!”

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Informal Language :

How to say delicious in Indonesian in informal ways:

1. Maknyus

This word is one of “bahasa alay” or informal language in Indonesia. But, this word have a same mean with “Delicious”.

2. Mantap

Same with “Maknyus”, “Mantap” is one of informal language. This word can be used to your close relatives or your friends.

3. Sedap Gila

Thia sentence can be used to your close relatives or your close friends.

Note : “Maknyus” and “Mantap” can be :

  • Maknyus banget
  • Mantap banget
  • Mantap gila
  • Maknyus gila, etc

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This is an example dialogs on how to say delicious in Indonesian:

  • Formal Language :

Indonesian :

Saat kamu pergi ke restaurant bersama teman di Indonesia mu, dan kamu diajak untuk merasakan beberapa makanan tradisional dari Jawa Tengah.

Isabella : “Apa saja nama makanan ini?”

Tika : “Ini adalah beberapa makanan tradisional dari Jawa Tengah. Ada Nasi Soto, Gudeg, Es Dawet, dan Sate Ayam.”

Isabella : “Aku suka makanan ini. Aku suka Sate Ayam, Nasi Soto, dan semua makanan di Restauran ini. Restauran ini sangat enak!”

Tika : “Aku senang mendengarnya. Kamu bisa memesan makanan lagi jika kamu mau.”

Isabella : “Terima kasih banyak.”

Tika : “Tidak masalah.”

English : 

When you taste some traditional food from Central Java in Restaurant with your Indonesian friend.

Isabella : “What the food names?”

Tika : “There are some traditional food from Central Java. There are Nasi Soto, Gudeg, Es Dawet, and Sate Ayam.”

Isabella : “I love this food. I love Sate Ayam, Nasi Soto, and I love every food in this restaurant. How delicious foods!”

Tika : “I’m happy to hear that. You can order foods again if you want.”

Isabella : “Thank you so much.”

Tika : “No problem.” 

  • Informal language 

Contoh ini sama seperti dialog di Formal Language, hanya ekspresi deliciousnya yang berbeda.

(This example same with Formal Language Dialog, the different in expression “how delicious food”)

In Indonesian :

Isabella : “Aku suka Nasi Soto, Sate Ayam, dan semua makanan di Restaurant ini. Maknyus banget deh.”

Tika : “Kamu bisa memesan makanan lagi jika kamu mau.”

In English :

Isabella : “I love this food. I love Sate Ayam, Nasi Soto, and I love every food in this restaurant. How delicious foods!”

Tika : “I’m happy to hear that. You can order foods again if you want.”

Categories: Phrases