How to Say Good Morning in Indonesian Language

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Have you known that Indonesia has Indonesian Greeting Etiquette and Manners and Sacred Communication Etiquette ? If yes, I think you understand that greetings have important part in Indonesian communication. Of course, it is essential to deliver yourself with good impression to someone new.

How to Say Good Morning in Indonesian Language

Therefore, now we will learn about one of Indonesian greeting, which is about ‘how to say Good Morning in Indonesian Language’. Let’s see how to say it properly, in formal and informal form as well as the variety of it! Here is how.

Before we start, let’s refresh your brain with these following articles.

Indonesian Formal Greetings

In Bahasa Indonesia, ‘Good Morning’ is commonly translated as ‘Selamat Pagi’. Beside usual morning time (between 6 a.m. to 10/11 a. m.), it is also used in the dawn time (around 1 a.m. until 5.59 a.m.). In addition, the phrase ‘Selamat Pagi’ is the formal greeting of Indonesian.

There are two ways to use it. First, you could simply just say ‘Good Morning’ or ‘Selamat Pagi’ or you could use this formula: ‘Selamat Pagi, (The person’s name/title)’ to make it more personal or respectful. Here are the examples!

  • Selamat pagi! (Good Morning!)
  • Selamat pagi, Pak (Good Morning, Sir!)
  • Selamat pagi, Ibu Dina (Good Morning, Ms. Dina!)
  • Selamat pagi, Ma! (Good Morning, Mom!)
  • Selamat pagi anak-anak! (Good morning kids!)
  • Selamat pagi, Ani! (Good Morning, Ani!)

if you are not really sure with who’s your talking, it is okay to just say ‘Selamat Pagi’. But, if you like to leave good impression, it is nice to remember someone’s name or title, to show your respect. Sometimes, people like to be remembered by other, right? Now, try to pratice it with your friends or family!

Further readings: Indonesian Cultural Words and Formal Pronouns

Indonesian Informal Greetings

Beside formal Greetings, there is the informal one. In Bahasa Indonesia, people usually like to abbreviate words. It is also happened with ‘Selamat Pagi’. The ‘Selamat Pagi’ is usually shortened to only ‘Pagi’, which is equally translated as ‘Morning’ in English. The ‘Selamat’, which similar to ‘Happy’ in Happy Birthday, Merry in Merry Christmas, or Good in Good Morning’ is an optional word in daily life conversation.

But, in formal situation, it should be added before the time terms (‘pagi’). On the other hand, if you use it in daily life conversation, you may show a stiff impression, or may be considered as ‘distant’ because we rarely talk in formal language or even using the formal words in everyday conversation. 

This is one of the reason why native Indonesian speakers find making good and formal sentences (especially if it is written) quite unfamiliar or even hard.

Furthermore, here how to use ‘pagi’ in Bahasa Indonesia as ‘Good Morning’ in English. It is similar with the ‘Selamat pagi’. Take a look!

  • Pagi! – (Good) Morning!
  • Pagi, Teman-teman! (Good) – Morning, friends!
  • Pagi, Bu! – (Good) Morning, Mam!
  • Pagi, Ayah! – (Good) Morning, Dad!
  • Pagi, Pak Indra – (Good) Morning, Mr. Indra!
  • Pagi, Sisi – (Good) Morning, Sisi!

See? The only difference is only the word ‘Selamat’. But, you still need to show your respect to others, especially if they are older than you. But, do not use it in formal situation like speeches or presentation. It will be considered disrespectful and sounds less serious to others.

Further readings: Indonesian Chat Abbreviations and Indonesian Language Abbreviations

Local Greeting of ‘Good Morning’ in Indonesian

Because Indonesia is a really diverse country that consists many society and its culture, it is nice to learn more about local way about how to say Good Morning in Indonesia. In Javanese, it is usually translated as ‘sugeng enjing’ or ‘sugeng enjang’. The term ‘sugeng’ is similar with ‘Selamat’ in Bahasa Indonesia or ‘Good’ in English, but the terms is required unlike ‘selamat’ in Bahasa Indonesia.

By using people local language, it shows your respect and willingness to know about the people. In addition, it will give great impression to them, especially in certain places Bahasa Indonesia is considered as national language to use for people outside the place, while they used their local language to each other.

Even sometimes, the elderly could not use or understand Bahasa Indonesia (because we declared Bahasa Indonesia as national language only since 1928). Therefore, sometimes you need to use the local language like ‘Sugeng Enjing’ or ‘Sugeng Enjang’. Here how to use it

  • Sugeng Enjing, Mbah – Good Morning, Mbah
    *Mbah is a term to call people female or male that is really old or at the age of general grandparents (usually around 60s and older)
  • Sugeng Enjang, Pak – Good Morning, Sir

Notes: Enjing and Enjang is only dialect matters. It depends on the society itself.

Further readings: Javanese Slang Words

Okay, you have learned from formal to informal, as well as the local way about how to say Good Morning in Indonesian language. Keep practice to get use to with it. If you want to find out more about Indonesian language and culture, check these following articles.

Categories: Greetings