Where to Learn Indonesian Language in Jakarta? Courses and Private Tutor

Is Bahasa Indonesia that important to receive your interest? Yes. There are bunch af reason why Indonesian is Important to Learn? In fact, there is long List of The Countries that Learn Indonesian as well as the usage of Bahasa Indonesian in global, such as Indonesian Words in Minions. On the other words, you could use Bahasa Indonesia for many benefit: for travel, study or even business and bilateral relationship with the country (especially Indonesia is one of the big market of imported goods).

The language itself is easy as well as complex to learn. Compared to English, it has more flexible Indonesian Grammar Rules, but High Context Culture because its diversity. However, in case you have arrived in Indonesia, especially the capital city, I will tell you several places where to Learn Indonesian Language in Jakarta! Take a look!

University-related Language Center

Where to Learn Indonesian Language in Jakarta? Some university in Jakarta, as well as Indonesia, has a language center. Mostly, the main function of it is to facilitate the local student to learn foreign language, especially English, Mandarin, Japanese, Korean, with some also provide German, Dutch and many more. Those also including language for special purpose, such as TOEFL, IELTS, HSK, ZG or JLPT.

However, because some university also received foreign student, it is also a place to learn Bahasa Indonesia. Therefore, sometimes they have special program to foreign student so they can assimilate with the local and of course with more affordable price than non-university institution.

It is recommended for you who want to learn Indonesian language for academic reason, because mostly it is provided for student (but sometimes expatriate too). Several university that has language center is Universitas Indonesia (UI) in Depok actually, Universitas Negeri Jakarta (UNJ), Universita Atma Jaya (Unika Atma Jaya), Universitas Trisakti (Usakti) and many more

Notes: if you somehow go to other city, mostly the governmental university has its language center. For example, in Yogyakarta, Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) has The Indonesian Language and Culture Learning Service (INCULS) for you who want to have private tutor. It is also divided by the level of your understanding and capacity. The other is Universitas Sanata Dharma (USD).

Private Language Center (Non-University)

There are also some private language center in Jakarta, which similar to the university, has the main function to provide facility for the local to enhance their foreign language skill. However, there are also some of Indonesian Language Center that focus mainly to foreigner who want and need to learn Bahasa Indonesia, even Javanese and Indonesian culture. 

Here are some of the examples.

  • AIM for English
  • IALF (Indonesia Australia Language Foundation)
  • Expatriate Indonesia
  • Kursus Bahasa Indonesia
  • Jakarta Communication Club

In addition, one of the best place to learn Bahasa Indonesia is Yogyakarta because unlike the capital city (which is very crowded and the traffic is crazy), the culture there is still dominant and you could also learn Javanese and Indonesian culture in less crowded city. Moreover, mostly it is placed to strategic point, which near the tourist destination such as Malioboro and several university. In fact, some of it provide accommodation so you could could live like them. Here are several examples.

  • Wisma Bahasa
  • Realia Language and Culture Center
  • Alam Bahasa Indonesia

Regardless your choice, the key to learn Bahasa Indonesia is depend on yourself. But, here are some tips for you if you decide to learn Bahasa Indonesia through institution. Here they are!

  • Know your purpose! Just for daily conversation or you want to understand a whole Indonesian novels completely
  • How long will you stay there or how fast do you want to master the language. Of course, 6 months training would be different with 3 weeks
  • Check their program. Ask about syllabus! – What would you learn in first week, how often, is there private tutor? And sometimes, is their cultural event/program?
  • The cost. It is very important.
  • The accommodation. Could they provide/help it or you need to find it by yourself
  • Practice outside the program, like go shopping to traditional market or places where people could not speak English!

Beside the formal language training, you could also join volunteer in Indonesia, especially in the remote place, or find a guest family in site like workaway. There, you could adapt more fast. But, again, there are many factors to think when you decide about the language training. Pick the best for yourself!

Hopefully, the articles will help you make the right decision. Furthermore, here are several articles that might help you to learn about Bahasa Indonesia!

Where to Learn Indonesian Language in Jakarta?

Categories: Learning