How to Say “Have A Great Day” in Indonesian

Halo, this is time for you to learn how to say have a great day in Indonesian. This is part of ethics in conversation.

When you already finish your conversation with someone, normally you need to say something to people that talk with you. Usually you will give them some good words. “Have a great day” is one of nice word that we can use to this kind of situation.

In Indonesian, “Have a Great Day!” = “Semoga hari anda menyenangkan”

There are some variation on how to say great day in Indonesian, such as:

  • Replacing “anda” with same words in Indonesian

“Anda” is 2nd singular personal pronoun in Indonesian. When “have a great day” translate to Indonesian, these word exist. Then, you can use the other words as a variation, such as “kamu”. The sentence will become, “semoga harimu menyenangkan!” (“-mu” = “kamu”).

  • Using people name

This make your sentence become personal. You can use their name in front of the sentence, by saying “Andi (this is people name), semoga hari anda menyenangkan!”. Or, you can put it in the end of your sentence, by saying “Semoga harimu menyenangkan, Andi!” To learn about Indonesian name, you can read how to pronounce indonesian names also.

  • Using additional word

This additional word has no additional meaning. This is part of variation on conversation, such as, “semoga hari anda menyenangkan ya!” or “semoga hari anda menyenangkan nih!” Do not confuse on this additional word. Usually people in Indonesian use it for casual conversation.

Using this sentence is a polite way to finish your conversation. You can use it whether you do your conversation by directly meet the person face to face, or by phone, or by any online media.

If you do the conversation by face to face, then it is best if you shake that people hand when you say “semoga hari anda menyenangkan!” This small gesture is nice. Do not afraid people will reject your handshake. In Indonesian, this is part of the culture.

Replying to ‘Have a Great Day in Indonesian’

Since this is the end of your conversation, then people that talk to you can say this word before you say it. To reply it, you do not need to say the same sentence again. There are a few way to reply, such as:

  • Sama-sama
  • Anda juga” (“You’re welcome”). Since you use 2nd singular personal pronoun, you can also use “kamu” instead of “anda”. The sentence will be “kamu juga”.
  • Oke” or “Ok
  • Or, you can simply say “Terima kasih” (“Thank you”).

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By response them with this way, the people that talk to you will understand that you also want to say have a great day also to them. It means your conversation ends well.

This simple act need to do to ensure your conversation partner realize that you like and enjoy the conversation. You or the people that talk to you will understand that it is good to have conversation again in the future. For Indonesian people, this politeness is good. You will open your opportunity to get know more people.

This is how to say have a great day in Indonesian. I hope you are getting more comfortable to use Bahasa Indonesian. So, let’s start your conversation in Indonesia. This is the easy way to learn Indonesian language.

Categories: Conversation