How to Say Merry Christmas and Happy New Year in Indonesian

For most people around the world, December has special meaning. In this month, every Christian (and Catholics) celebrate Christmas. Beside of that, December is the end of the year. Every people in the world will meet a new year.

People in Indonesia also have this two special day as their festive. That’s why you need to know how to say Merry Christmas and Happy New Year in Indonesian, especially in December. It is part of how to congrats people. For general congratulation, you can read how to say congratulation in Bahasa Indonesia.

How to Say Merry Christmas in Indonesian

In Indonesian language, “Merry Christmas” = “Selamat Hari Natal”

You can say it with complete sentence or using variation as explained below:

  • “Selamat Natal”. You remove word “hari”. This is shorter form.
  • Met Natal” This is shortest form. “Met” comes from “Selamat”. This form is informal way to say Merry Christmas.

How to Say Happy New Year in Indonesian

In Indonesian language, “Happy New Year” = “Selamat Tahun Baru”

If you can say Merry Christmas in 2 (two) shorter form, the variation for Happy New Year as below:

  • Basically you only have 1 (one) variation sentence. It is “Met Tahun Baru”. Once again, “met” comes from “selamat”.
  • The other variation is on how to say word “Tahun” in “Selamat Tahun Baru”. You can say it as “Taun” or “Taon”.

This is how to say Merry Christmas and Happy New Year in Indonesian.

Example to Say Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

The 2 (two) sentences can be used in many function and many kind of situation with some additional words. This is the example to say Merry Christmas and Happy New Year:

  1. As greeting

Jack: “Hi, Kari” (Hi Kari)

Kari: “Hi Jack, selamat tahun baru ya!” (Hi Jack, happy new year!)

Jack: “Selamat tahun baru juga, Kari” (Happy new year too, Kari)

You can see that Kari add word “ya” just as variation to “selamat tahun baru”. To reply Kari, Jack use the same sentence, with additional kata “juga”. This is one technique to give reply to some sentence in Indonesia language.

  1. When you want to give Christmas gifts

Hari: “Don, ini hadiah Natal buatmu. Met Natal ya” (Don, this is your Christmas gift. Merry Chrismas)

Don: “Terima kasih, Hari” (Thanks, Hari)

Hari use an informal way to say Merry Christmas since Don is his friend. You can use same expression to your friend. To reply it, you just can say thanks. 

  1. When you want to left your friend for holiday

Rara: “Aku mau cuti Natal nih, Vio” (I will have Christmas leave, Vio)

Vio: “Wow, aku juga” (Wow, me too)

Rara: “Kalau begitu, sampai jumpa lagi” (Then, see you again after holiday)

Vio: “Met Natal, Rara!” (Merry Christmas, Rara!)

Rara: “Met Natal juga, Vio!” (Merry Christmas too, Vio!)

Vio use informal way to say Merry Christmas to Rara. Rara also use informal form as her reply. But, Rara use the same sentences with additional word “juga”.

You also can read:

I hope the example can give you understanding on how to use “Selamat Hari Natal” dan “Selamat Tahun Baru” in daily conversation. Of course, please do not forget your smile and all the good gesture. For Indonesian people, the nonverbal communication is important. You can read more in Verbal and Nonverbal Communication in Indonesia.

I believe you have confidence now to talk to Indonesian, since you already know how to say Merry Christmas and Happy New Year in Indonesian.

Categories: Conversation