How to Say ‘Congratulation’ in Bahasa Indonesia

Now it is time to know how to say congratulation in Bahasa Indonesia to your friends. I hope you realize this is a fun topic when you learning Bahasa Indonesia.

I believe you have friends or want to make friendship with someone around you. So, saying congratulation to your friends will give you chance to get close and boost your friendship. For Indonesian people, this is part of kindness. Usually you will congrats your friends when they have something that makes them happy. By give them congratulation, you show that you know their happiness and care about them. Sometimes, it makes your friends start to care about you too.

In Bahasa Indonesia, Congratulation = Selamat.

Vowels: S’LAH-maht

No special way to say it. It is simply our creativity to congrats them. You can learn Verbal and Nonverbal Communication in Indonesia to help you to understand. Usually, warm shake hand and nice smile is needed when you say congratulation to your friends. Sincerity is the most important things so your congratulation have meaning to them.

There are a lot of opportunity and moment to say congratulations. You can say it for private occasion, such as birthday, marriage, for having kids, house, or even a new car. You also can give congratulation for special purpose such as new job, promotion, or any successful achievement. As long as your friends feel happy on that particular time for particular reason, then it is a perfect time to say this magic words.

Usually, we can’t just say congratulation without any additional word. Sometimes 1-2 word added to make your congratulation as casual. That additional word even can have no meaning. It is part of conversation in Indonesian. So, this is how to say congratulations in Bahasa Indonesia,

  • Selamat ya! (Congratulation ya! “Ya” just additional word. No specific meaning)
  • Wow, selamat! (Wow, congratulation! “Wow” just additional word. No specific meaning)
  • Selamat! Luar biasa! (Congratulation! It is great!)
  • Keren! Selamat! ( Cool! Congratulation!)

More Congratulation Phrases in Indonesian

This is How to Say Congratulation in Bahasa Indonesia:

  • Selamat Menikah
    Happy Wedding
  • Selamat Ulang Tahun
    Happy Birthday
  • Selamat Datang

After say “Selamat”,  you also can let your friends now the reason you give your congratulation. Some situation, such as:

  • This day is your friend birthday, you can say “Selamat! This is your birthday.” Or you can simply say “Selamat Ulang Tahun” (Happy Birthday).
  • Your friends just get married, you can say “Selamat ya! You already married.” Or in Indonesia, people usually say “Selamat Menempuh Hidup Baru” (Congrats for your marriage).
  • Your colleague do some great things with their works, you also can say “Selamat! It is great works!” By saying this, you also give complementary to your colleague.

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By tell them the reason you congrats them, you show that you care. Your friends will understand that you dig information about them and you know the perfect time to congrats them. It will raise the moods of friendship. Do not surprise if suddenly your friends will treat you to celebrate their happiness. There is a lot of goodness happen when you congrats your friends.

So, what are you waiting for? There are a lot of opportunity to say “Selamat” to people around you. Use this opportunity as chance to have more friend and more people to like you.

Selamat, you learn how to say congratulation in Bahasa Indonesia to your friends by read this article. I hope this article give you excitement to learn other things in Bahasa Indonesia and you also can have a new friend by learning bahasa Indonesia.

Categories: Conversation