Indonesian Object Focus Sentences – Formula – Examples

In Indonesian language, it is quite simple to arrange a sentence. The formula to make a sentence is Subject + Verb + Object, and we just need to add prefix before verb to explain how is the sentence being understood. There are two prefix in Indonesian language, there are me- and di-. For the two prefix mentioned, they have different meaning when you use them with verb.

Example of  Indonesian object focus sentences :

  1. Prefix me-: Ardi membaca buku (Ardi reads a book)
  2. Prefix di- : Buku dibaca oleh Ardi (The Book is read by Ardi)

Here are:

Please check the detail of the sentence formula below:

1. Ardi membaca buku


  • Ardi is subject
  • Membaca is coming from mem-baca, the base word is baca, before the word baca is added by me-, it become mem-baca so the subject, which is Ardi, as the active side who is doing reading.
  • Book is object

So for using me- as prefix to form the sentences we call it active voice or subject focus.

2. Buku dibaca Ardi


  • Buku is object
  • Dibaca is form by di-baca, which mean something passive activity.
  • Ardi is the subject.

For using prefix di- the sentence become passive voice or object focus.

Now we are going to discuss about object focus senteces which is quite common in Indonesian languange. Object focus or passive voice sentences use in Indonesia  language for cultural reason. In Indonesia and also other Asian countries, they like to put other people first and they show this in their languages as well.

Indonesian Object Focus Sentences Formula:


Sometimes we add by to refer who is doing the activity.

There are some object focus sentences that you can use in Indonesian language:

  1. Sepeda itu dikayuh Tony — The bike is ride by Tony.
  2. Rumah itu akan dibongkar– The house will be renovated.
  3. Pagar rumahnya sudah dikunci — The gate of his house has been locked.
  4. Novel itu ditulis oleh Andrea Hirata — The novel is written by Andrea Hirata.
  5. Buku-buku di perpustakaan disusun berdasarkan subyeknya — The books in the library are arranged by their subjects.
  6. Semua pertanyaan dari juri mampu dijawab olehnya — All the questions from the jury are able to be answered by him.
  7. Butik baju terkenal itu akan dibuka di tengah kota hari ini — The famous clothing boutique will be opened down town today.
  8. Semua makanan itu dibuat dari bahan-bahan organik — All the meals are made by organic ingredients.

Here are:

Examples of Sentences in Indonesian Using Focus Object

In Indonesian object focus sentences , besides prefix, sometimes it is added with suffix after the verb. There are the example:

1. Rumah besar itu dibiarkan kosong pemiliknya

Meaning: The big house is left empty by the owner.

Rumah besar itu is object.

Dibiarkan is object focus verb comes from di-biar-kan, word base is “biar”

Pemilliknya is subject

2. Sampah plastik dimanfaatkan sebagai kantong belanja.

Meaning: The plastic waste is used as shopping bag.

Sampah plastik is object

Dimanfaatkan is object focus verb, comes from di-manfaat-kan, base word is “manfaat”

Sebagai kantong belanja is adverb. 

3. Saya senang dibuatkan sarapan pagi ini olehnya.

Meaning: I am happy are being made breakfast by her this morning.

Saya senang shows the feeling.

Dibuatkan is object focus verb, comes from di-buat-kan, word base is buat.

Sarapan is object.

Pagi ini is adverb of time.

Olehnya is subject.

We mostly find the object focus sentences in the newspaper because the articles are made as reports. By reading Indonesian newspapers we can practice object focus sentences. Also learn it better about Indonesian Diphthongs

Keep on practicing by having conversations with local people also will help you understanding this subject.

Categories: Structures