Good day! Have you read about Indonesian prefixes table and Indonesian infixes? They are an important part of Indonesian grammar structure. Today, we are focusing on suffixes, particularly the suffix “-kan”. Sometimes a suffix has more than one usage in Indonesian, just like the suffix “-kan”, but basically the formula is the same, you just add “-kan” to the root word you want to use.
The first function of the Indonesian suffix -kan is causative, making or causing something to happen. Usually, it is used as imperatives, instructions, or commands. You’ll encounter these words often in recipes or manuals.
- examples: campurkan {campur+kan} = to mix or combine
Pertama, campurkan tepung dan gula bersama (First, combine flour and sugar together) - ingatkan {ingat+kan} = to remind
Ingatkan saya untuk membawa payung sebelum berangkat (Remind me to bring an umbrella before leaving) - matikan {mati+kan} = to turn off; to extinguish
Jangan lupa matikan lampu jika tidak digunakan (Don’t forget to turn off the lights if not used) - belikan {beli+kan} = to buy or purchase something
Tolong belikan saya obat untuk sakit kepala (Please buy me medicine for my headache) - bawakan {bawa+kan} = to bring
Bawakan panggangan dan kipas untuk acara nanti malam (Bring a griller and fan for tonight’s event) - ambilkan {ambil+kan} = to take something
Tolong ambilkan sapu dari halaman depan (Please take the broom from the front yard)
More Examples Indonesian Suffix -Kan
Here are more Indonesian Suffix -Kan examples
Ia membersihkan kamarnya. Polisi membebaskan Jimmy. Dia menyelamatkan anaknya. |
She cleaned her room. The police freed Jimmy. She saved her child. |
(i.e. she caused it to be bersih: clean) (i.e. they caused him to be bebas: free) (i.e. she caused it to be selamat: safe) |
Sometimes, the suffix is also used to describe feelings.
Kabar itu mengherankan. Film ini membosankan. Sikapnya mengecewakan. |
That news was surprising. This film is boring. His attitude is disappointing. |
[i.e. it causes one to be heran: surprised] [i.e. it causes one to be bosan: bored] [i.e. it causes one to be kecewa: disappointed] |
Other times, the suffix is not used as a causative suffix, it actually does not have a particular function, but the root word would be odd if it did not have the suffix “-kan” added to it. It is often used in combination with the prefix “me-“.
Examples of Indonesian Suffix Kan
- Me + mikir + kan = memikirkan (think about)
Kami memikirkan hal itu (We think about the matter) - Mem + bicara + kan = membicarakan (talk about)
Mereka membicarakan film itu (They talk about that movie) - Men + kerja + kan = mengerjakan (do)
Teresa mengerjakan PR-nya (Teresa does her homework) - Men + kembali + kan = mengembalikan (return)
Dia mengembalikan payung saya (He returned my umbrella) - Mem + bangun + kan = membangunkan (wake)
Ibu membangunkan anaknya (Mom wakes her child) - Meng + henti + kan = menghentikan (stop)
Saya menghentikan mobil itu (I stopped the car)
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