5 Indonesian Vowel Chart – Category – Classification

Language in around the world has own Characteristic of Indonesian language, which is very interesting to study, include Indonesian Language. In Bahasa Indonesia, vowel words is similar with English vowel words or alphabet. But it turns out become one of the most interesting yet sophisticated material to learn. It has been divided in four category, which will be explain in the next part about Indonesian vowel chart.

1. Vowel Letter

Vowel Letter, or more known as vowel, is a sound produced by the unrestricted flow of air in the vocal chords. The vowel quality is determined by three factors:

  • First, the high-low position of the tongue (high, medium, low).
  • Second, the raised tongue (front, center, back).
  • Third and last, the shape of the lips on the vocal formation itself (normal, round, width / outstretched).

Vowels are important because nearly every word has at least one. There are five letters that represent vowels in Indonesian (A, I, U, E, O), but there are eight distinct sounds associated with them.

  • First, ‘A’ like you said ‘Father’.
  • Second, ‘E’ like mention ‘About’ or ‘Ago’; in other terms called schwa.
  • Third, ‘E’ like you call ‘Eight’.
  • Forth, ‘E’ as you saying ‘bed’.
  • Fifth, ‘I’ as spelling ‘Meet’.
  • Sixth, ‘O’ as ‘Low’, with condition if the syllable ends with vowel, used this sound.
  • Seventh, ‘O’ when you say ‘Stop’.
  • Eighth and the final, ‘U’ when you mention ‘Moon’.

The difficulty for a beginner is knowing which sound applies to vowels that have more than one sound associated with them.With Indonesian Indonesian Language Pronunciation guide Guide, it will help you to learn about letter.

2. Consonant Letter

Consonants are sounds of the language produced in a way, after the outflow currents of the glottis, and are subjected to certain speech implements in the oral or nasal cavity. Consonant sounds can be classified by :

  • First, the place of articulation;
  • Second, the articulation itself;
  • Third, the vibrating or lacking the vocal cords; and
  • Forth, the structure.

There are twenty one consonants in Indonesian (which is similar with English alphabet). While most of consonant are pronounced close to English, some are quite different, like c and r. Some are silent depending where they are located in the word. For tips and trick to learn, you can see How to Learn Bahasa Indonesia in fast ways. 

3. Double Vowel/Diphthong Letter

A diphthong, or double vowel, is the combination of two vowels. It is called diphthong because the position of the tongue when producing this sound at the beginning and in the end is not the same. The inequality concerns the high level of the tongue, the part of the moving tongue, and the structure.

However, the result is not two sounds, but only all sounds because they are in like one syllables. In English pronunciation, these vowels are represented just a single sound. In Indonesian, all vowel must be clearly pronounced when speaking.

There are five type of diphthong : ‘ai’, ‘au’, ‘io’, ‘iu’, and ‘ua’. These are familiar in Bahasa Indonesia, and Indonesian Phrases and common sentences will help you out.

4. Double Consonant Letter

Double Consonant Letter is a compound is two or more adjacent consonants in a word. In Indonesian, there are five distinct compound (kh, ng, ny, sy, ngg), which is pretty easy to learn with Types of Indonesian Verb.

That is the type of Indonesian vowel chart, which is extremely help you to understand Bahasa Indonesia. You will find a Benefits of Learning Bahasa Indonesia after reading this article and practicing in your daily life

Categories: Structures