123 Indonesian Words Starting with M – Alphabet – Meaning

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Well, don’t think too much guys. Enjoy our time and learn Bahasa Indonesia again. We will learn about the easy stuff. Yes, in this time, we only shall increase our Indonesian vocabulary with the words that starting with M.

Indonesian words starting with M

So, here they are…

  1. Maaf (Ma-aff) = Pardon/ Sorry/ Forgive
  2. Mabuk (Ma-book) = Tipsy/ Nauseated/ Drunker
  3. Macam (Ma-cham) = Sort/ Typke/ Kind of
  4. Macan (Ma-chan) = Tiger
  5. Macet (Ma-chaet) = Traffic/ Disturbance/ Stuck
  6. Madat (Ma-dhat) = Opium
  7. Madinah (Ma-deen-ah) = Medina
  8. Madrasah (Mud-ra-sah) = Islamic school
  9. Madu (Ma-doo) = Honey
  10. Madya (Mud-ya) = Average/ Medium
  11. Magang (Ma-gung) = Internship/ Clerk/ Volunteer
  12. Magister (Ma-gis-taer) = Master’s degree
  13. Magrib (Mag-rib) = At sunset/ (In Islam) Prayer time
  14. Maha (Ma-ha) = Great/ Very
  15. Mahabesar (Ma-ha-baes-ar) = Enormous
  16. Mahaguru (Ma-ha-goo-roo) = Professor
  17. Mahakuasa (Ma-ha-kwu-asa) = The Almighty
  18. Mahal (Ma-haal) = Expensive
  19. Mahamulia (Ma-ha-moo-liea) = Exalted/ Lofted
  20. Mahar (Ma-har) = (In Islam) Bride price
  21. Maharaja (Ma-ha-raa-jaa) = Sobereign/ Emperor/ King of King
  22. Maharajalela (Ma-har-aja-lae-la) = Rage/ Rampage
  23. Mahasiswa (Ma-ha-sis-wa) = University student
  24. Mahasuci (Ma-ha-soo-ci) = The Holy God
  25. Mahir (Ma-heer) = Clever/ Addept/ Skilled
  26. Mahkamah (Mah-ka-mah) = Court of law
  27. Mahkota (Mah-ko-ta) = Crown
  28. Mahligai (Mah-lee-guy) = Palace
  29. Main (Ma-in) = Play
  30. Mainan (Ma-in-uan) = Toy
  31. Maisena (Mai-sey-na) = Maizena
  32. Majal (Ma-jaal) = Dull/ Blunt
  33. Majalah (Ma-jal-ah) = Magazine
  34. Majelis (Ma-jel-is) = Committe/ Meeting
  35. Majemuk (Ma-jam-ook) = Plural/ Compound/ Composite
  36. Majikan (Ma-jee-kuan) = Boss/ Employer
  37. Maju (Ma-joo) = Go forward
  38. Mak (Ma-ak) = (Traditonal word) Mom
  39. Maka (Ma-ka) = Then/ So
  40. Makalah (Ma-ka-luah) = Working paper
  41. Makam (Ma-kuam) = Grave/ Resting place
  42. Makan (Ma-kun) = Eat
  43. Makanan (Ma-kun-uan) = Meal/ Dish/ Food
  44. Makanya (Ma-ka-nya) = Consequentl/ Because of that
  45. Makar (Ma-kaar) = Trick 
  46. Makelar (Ma-kael-ar) = Broker
  47. Makhluk (Mah-look) = Creature
  48. Maki (Ma-kee) = Getting with the vulgar language
  49. Makin (Ma-keen) = Increasingly/ More and more
  50. Maklum (Mak-loom) = Know/ Be understanding
  51. Maklumat (Mak-loom-uat) = Announcement/ Declaration
  52. Makmur (Mak-moor) = Rich/ Wealthy/ Prosperous
  53. Makna (Mak-na) = Meaning
  54. Maksiat (Mak-see-uat) = Immoral/ Sin/ Wickedness
  55. Maksud (Mak-sood) = Purpose
  56. Maktub (Mak-toob) = Recorded
  57. Mal (Mal) = By (in measurement)/ Times (multiplication)
  58. Malah (Mal-ah) = Instead/ In fact
  59. Malahan (Mal-ah-uan) = Instead 
  60. Malaikat (Ma-lie-kat) = Angel
  61. Malam (Ma-lump) = Night/ Evening
  62. Malang (Ma-lung) = Poor/ Unlucky
  63. Malapetaka (Ma-la-pae-ta-ka) = Disaster/ Misfortune/ Havoc/ Doom
  64. Malas (Ma-last) = Lazy
  65. Maling (Ma-ling) = Thief
  66. Malu (Ma-luw) = Shy/ Embarrassed/ Ashame/ Bashful
  67. Mama (Ma-ma) = Mother
  68. Mamah (Ma-mah) = Chew/ Masticate
  69. Mamalia (Ma-ma-liea) = Mammals
  70. Mampir (Mam-peer) = Look in/ Come by/ Drop in
  71. Mampu (Mam-poo) = Able/ Capable/ Can
  72. Mampus (Mam-puss) (Vulgar words) = Die/ Unfortunate
  73. Mana (Ma-na) = Where/ Which/ That
  74. Mancanegara (Ma-an-cha-nae-ga-ra) = Abroad/ Foreign Countries
  75. Mancung (Man-choo-ng) = Sharp/ Pointed
  76. Mandat (Man-dat) = Order/ Mandate
  77. Mandek (Man-deck) (Informal word) = Stop/ Stuck/ Stagnant
  78. Mandi (Ma-an-di) = Bath
  79. Mandiri (Ma-an-dee-ree) = Independent/ Alone/ Be autonomous
  80. Mandul (Ma-an-duol) = Sterile/ Infertile
  81. Mandur (Man-door) = Foreman/ Overseer
  82. Manfaat (Man-fa-at) = Use/ Utility/ Profit/ Benefit
  83. Mangga (Mung-ga) = Mango
  84. Manggis (Mang-gis) = Mangosteen
  85. Manggung (Mang-goo-oung)(Infomral word) = Perform
  86. Mangkir (Mang-kier) = Be absent
  87. Mangkuk (Mang-cook) = Bowl/ Cup
  88. Mangsa (Mang-sa) = Prey/ Victim
  89. Mani (Money) = Sperm
  90. Manis (Ma-knees) = Sweet
  91. Manisan (Ma-knees-an) = Candy/ Sweets
  92. Manja (Man-ja) = Attached to/ Dependent/ Spoiled
  93. Manjur (Man-joour) = Efficacious/ Effective
  94. Manset (Man-saet) = Cuff
  95. Mantan (Man-tuan) = Ex
  96. Mantap (Man-tup) = Firm/ Steady/ Strong
  97. Mantel (Man-tael) = Coat
  98. Mantera (Man-tae-ra) = Magic word
  99. Manusia (Man-oos-ia) = Human being/ Man/ Human
  100. Manusiawi (Man-oos-ia-we) = Human-being
  101. Mama (Ma-ma) = Mother
  102. Mamah (Ma-mah) = Chew
  103. Mamalia (Ma-ma-lia) = Mammals
  104. Mampir (Mam-peer) = Look in/ Come by/ Drop in
  105. Mampu (Mam-poo) = Able/ Capable/ Proper
  106. Mampus (Mam-poos) (Vulgar words) = Die/ Unfortunate
  107. Map (Ma-up) = File/ Folder
  108. Mapana (Ma-puan) = Rich/ In proper place
  109. Marah (Ma-ruah) = Angry
  110. Marak (Ma-ruck) = Glow/ Luster
  111. Maret (Ma-rat) = March 
  112. Marga (Mar-ga) = Clan/ Genus/ Family name
  113. Margasatwa (Mar-ga-suat-wa) = Wild animals
  114. Mari (Ma-ree) = Come here/ Please/ Let us….
  115. Marilah (Ma-ree-lah) = Let’s
  116. Markas (Mar-kuas) = Station/ Office/ Barrack
  117. Martabat (Mar-tab-uat) = Grade/ Prestige/ Value
  118. Martil (Mar-til) = Hammer
  119. Mas (Mas) = Sir/ Brother
  120. Masa (Ma-sa) = Time/ Period/ During
  121. Masak (Ma-suack) = Cokk/ Mature
  122. Masakan (Ma-suack-uan) = Dish/ Cuisine
  123. Masalah (Mas-ual-uah) = Problen

Okay, that’s all. It doesn’t take a long time, right ? Such saying 1-2-3 and we’ve already learn about Indonesian words starting with M. Keep your spirit up to learn Bahasa Indonesia. Selamat Belajar!

Categories: Word Formation