Mmmmm…. Selamat Datang di! Welcome to!
Were you mumbling before ? Or you just thinking ?
Well, don’t think too much guys. Enjoy our time and learn Bahasa Indonesia again. We will learn about the easy stuff. Yes, in this time, we only shall increase our Indonesian vocabulary with the words that starting with M.
Indonesian words starting with M
So, here they are…
- Maaf (Ma-aff) = Pardon/ Sorry/ Forgive
- Mabuk (Ma-book) = Tipsy/ Nauseated/ Drunker
- Macam (Ma-cham) = Sort/ Typke/ Kind of
- Macan (Ma-chan) = Tiger
- Macet (Ma-chaet) = Traffic/ Disturbance/ Stuck
- Madat (Ma-dhat) = Opium
- Madinah (Ma-deen-ah) = Medina
- Madrasah (Mud-ra-sah) = Islamic school
- Madu (Ma-doo) = Honey
- Madya (Mud-ya) = Average/ Medium
- Magang (Ma-gung) = Internship/ Clerk/ Volunteer
- Magister (Ma-gis-taer) = Master’s degree
- Magrib (Mag-rib) = At sunset/ (In Islam) Prayer time
- Maha (Ma-ha) = Great/ Very
- Mahabesar (Ma-ha-baes-ar) = Enormous
- Mahaguru (Ma-ha-goo-roo) = Professor
- Mahakuasa (Ma-ha-kwu-asa) = The Almighty
- Mahal (Ma-haal) = Expensive
- Mahamulia (Ma-ha-moo-liea) = Exalted/ Lofted
- Mahar (Ma-har) = (In Islam) Bride price
- Maharaja (Ma-ha-raa-jaa) = Sobereign/ Emperor/ King of King
- Maharajalela (Ma-har-aja-lae-la) = Rage/ Rampage
- Mahasiswa (Ma-ha-sis-wa) = University student
- Mahasuci (Ma-ha-soo-ci) = The Holy God
- Mahir (Ma-heer) = Clever/ Addept/ Skilled
- Mahkamah (Mah-ka-mah) = Court of law
- Mahkota (Mah-ko-ta) = Crown
- Mahligai (Mah-lee-guy) = Palace
- Main (Ma-in) = Play
- Mainan (Ma-in-uan) = Toy
- Maisena (Mai-sey-na) = Maizena
- Majal (Ma-jaal) = Dull/ Blunt
- Majalah (Ma-jal-ah) = Magazine
- Majelis (Ma-jel-is) = Committe/ Meeting
- Majemuk (Ma-jam-ook) = Plural/ Compound/ Composite
- Majikan (Ma-jee-kuan) = Boss/ Employer
- Maju (Ma-joo) = Go forward
- Mak (Ma-ak) = (Traditonal word) Mom
- Maka (Ma-ka) = Then/ So
- Makalah (Ma-ka-luah) = Working paper
- Makam (Ma-kuam) = Grave/ Resting place
- Makan (Ma-kun) = Eat
- Makanan (Ma-kun-uan) = Meal/ Dish/ Food
- Makanya (Ma-ka-nya) = Consequentl/ Because of that
- Makar (Ma-kaar) = Trick
- Makelar (Ma-kael-ar) = Broker
- Makhluk (Mah-look) = Creature
- Maki (Ma-kee) = Getting with the vulgar language
- Makin (Ma-keen) = Increasingly/ More and more
- Maklum (Mak-loom) = Know/ Be understanding
- Maklumat (Mak-loom-uat) = Announcement/ Declaration
- Makmur (Mak-moor) = Rich/ Wealthy/ Prosperous
- Makna (Mak-na) = Meaning
- Maksiat (Mak-see-uat) = Immoral/ Sin/ Wickedness
- Maksud (Mak-sood) = Purpose
- Maktub (Mak-toob) = Recorded
- Mal (Mal) = By (in measurement)/ Times (multiplication)
- Malah (Mal-ah) = Instead/ In fact
- Malahan (Mal-ah-uan) = Instead
- Malaikat (Ma-lie-kat) = Angel
- Malam (Ma-lump) = Night/ Evening
- Malang (Ma-lung) = Poor/ Unlucky
- Malapetaka (Ma-la-pae-ta-ka) = Disaster/ Misfortune/ Havoc/ Doom
- Malas (Ma-last) = Lazy
- Maling (Ma-ling) = Thief
- Malu (Ma-luw) = Shy/ Embarrassed/ Ashame/ Bashful
- Mama (Ma-ma) = Mother
- Mamah (Ma-mah) = Chew/ Masticate
- Mamalia (Ma-ma-liea) = Mammals
- Mampir (Mam-peer) = Look in/ Come by/ Drop in
- Mampu (Mam-poo) = Able/ Capable/ Can
- Mampus (Mam-puss) (Vulgar words) = Die/ Unfortunate
- Mana (Ma-na) = Where/ Which/ That
- Mancanegara (Ma-an-cha-nae-ga-ra) = Abroad/ Foreign Countries
- Mancung (Man-choo-ng) = Sharp/ Pointed
- Mandat (Man-dat) = Order/ Mandate
- Mandek (Man-deck) (Informal word) = Stop/ Stuck/ Stagnant
- Mandi (Ma-an-di) = Bath
- Mandiri (Ma-an-dee-ree) = Independent/ Alone/ Be autonomous
- Mandul (Ma-an-duol) = Sterile/ Infertile
- Mandur (Man-door) = Foreman/ Overseer
- Manfaat (Man-fa-at) = Use/ Utility/ Profit/ Benefit
- Mangga (Mung-ga) = Mango
- Manggis (Mang-gis) = Mangosteen
- Manggung (Mang-goo-oung)(Infomral word) = Perform
- Mangkir (Mang-kier) = Be absent
- Mangkuk (Mang-cook) = Bowl/ Cup
- Mangsa (Mang-sa) = Prey/ Victim
- Mani (Money) = Sperm
- Manis (Ma-knees) = Sweet
- Manisan (Ma-knees-an) = Candy/ Sweets
- Manja (Man-ja) = Attached to/ Dependent/ Spoiled
- Manjur (Man-joour) = Efficacious/ Effective
- Manset (Man-saet) = Cuff
- Mantan (Man-tuan) = Ex
- Mantap (Man-tup) = Firm/ Steady/ Strong
- Mantel (Man-tael) = Coat
- Mantera (Man-tae-ra) = Magic word
- Manusia (Man-oos-ia) = Human being/ Man/ Human
- Manusiawi (Man-oos-ia-we) = Human-being
- Mama (Ma-ma) = Mother
- Mamah (Ma-mah) = Chew
- Mamalia (Ma-ma-lia) = Mammals
- Mampir (Mam-peer) = Look in/ Come by/ Drop in
- Mampu (Mam-poo) = Able/ Capable/ Proper
- Mampus (Mam-poos) (Vulgar words) = Die/ Unfortunate
- Map (Ma-up) = File/ Folder
- Mapana (Ma-puan) = Rich/ In proper place
- Marah (Ma-ruah) = Angry
- Marak (Ma-ruck) = Glow/ Luster
- Maret (Ma-rat) = March
- Marga (Mar-ga) = Clan/ Genus/ Family name
- Margasatwa (Mar-ga-suat-wa) = Wild animals
- Mari (Ma-ree) = Come here/ Please/ Let us….
- Marilah (Ma-ree-lah) = Let’s
- Markas (Mar-kuas) = Station/ Office/ Barrack
- Martabat (Mar-tab-uat) = Grade/ Prestige/ Value
- Martil (Mar-til) = Hammer
- Mas (Mas) = Sir/ Brother
- Masa (Ma-sa) = Time/ Period/ During
- Masak (Ma-suack) = Cokk/ Mature
- Masakan (Ma-suack-uan) = Dish/ Cuisine
- Masalah (Mas-ual-uah) = Problen
Okay, that’s all. It doesn’t take a long time, right ? Such saying 1-2-3 and we’ve already learn about Indonesian words starting with M. Keep your spirit up to learn Bahasa Indonesia. Selamat Belajar!