125 Indonesian Words Starting with ‘N’ – Examples

As we know that Bahasa Indonesia, or Indonesian Language, have so many words and its variety. It is happen because from basic words can be developed to be other word, and have a change of meaning, although the meaning itself is not far from the original words.

From Indonesian Words in Alphabetical and Basic Words in Indonesian, you can learn how to spell the words in Indonesian. This time, we will show you numerous words start from alphabet ‘N’. With Easy Ways to Learn Indonesian Language, you will not get difficulty to learn Bahasa Indonesia.

So, here is Indonesian words starting with ‘N’:

  1. Nabati = (na-ba-ti) – Vegetable (adj), Phyto-(prefix)
  2. Nada = (na-da) – Tone
  3. Nama = (na-ma) – Name
  4. Naas = (na-as) – Unlucky/Tragic
  5. Nadir = (na-dir) – Nadir
  6. Nadi = (na-di) – (Pulse)
  7. Nafas = (na-fas) – Breath
  8. Nafkah = (naf-kah) – Living/Livelihood
  9. Nafsu = (naf-su) – Lust
  10. Naik = (na-ik) – Up
  11. Najis = (na-jis) – Unclean (adj), Filth (verb)
  12. Nakal = (na-kal) – Naughty
  13. Nahkoda = (nah-ko-da) – Captain
  14. Naluri = (na-lu-ri) – Instinct
  15. Nalar = (na-lar) – Reason
  16. Nanah = (na-nah) – Pus
  17. Nota = (no-ta) – Note
  18. Nangka = (nang-ka) – Jackfruit
  19. Namun = (na-mun) – However
  20. Nampan = (nam-pan) – Tray
  21. Nampak = (nam-pak) – Visible
  22. Narapidana = (na-ra-pi-da-na) – Inmates
  23. Narasi = (na-ra-si) – Narration
  24. Narasumber = (na-ra-sum-ber) – Interviewees
  25. Narkotika = (nar-ko-ti-ka) – Narcotic
  26. Narsis = (nar-sis) – Narcist
  27. Narsisme = (nar-sis-me) – Narcissim
  28. Naskah = (nas-kah) – Script
  29. Nasal = (na-sal) – Nasal
  30. Nasib = (na-sib) – Fate
  31. Nasihat = (na-si-hat) – Advice
  32. Nasi = (na-si) – Rice
  33. Nasional = (na-syo-nal) – National
  34. Nasionalis = (na-syo-na-lis) – Nationalist
  35. Nasionalisme = (na-syo-na-lis-me) – Nationalism
  36. Nasionalisasi = (na-syo-na-li-sa-si) – Nationalization
  37. Nasrani = (na-sra-ni) – Christian
  38. Natal = (na-tal) – Christmas
  39. Natalitas = (na-ta-li-tas) – Birthrate
  40. Navigasi = (na-fi-ga-si) – Navigation
  41. Navigator  = (na-fi-ga-tor) – Navigator
  42. Nazar = (na-zar) – Vows
  43. Nebula = (ne-bu-la) – Nebula
  44. Nazi = (na-zi) – Nazi
  45. Necis = (ne-cis) – Dapper
  46. Negasi = (ne-ga-si) – Negation
  47. Negatif = (ne-ga-tif) – Negative
  48. Negara = (ne-ga-ra) – State
  49. Negeri = (ne-ge-ri) – Country
  50. Negarawan = (ne-ga-ra-wan) – Statesman
  51. Negosiasi = (ne-go-si-a-si) – Negotiation
  52. Negosiator = (ne-go-si-a-tor) – Negotiatior
  53. Nelayan = (ne-la-yan) – Fisherman
  54. Nekrosis = (ne-kro-sis) – Necrosis
  55. Nekrofilia = (ne-kro-fi-li-a) – Necrophilia
  56. Nekat = (ne-kat) – Reckless
  57. Nelangsa = (ne-lang-sa) – Suffering
  58. Nenek =(ne-nek) – Grandmother/Grandma
  59. Neo = (ne-yo) – Neo
  60. Neptunus = (nep-tu-nus) – Neptune  
  61. Neraca = (ne-ra-ca) – Balance Sheet
  62. Neraka = (ne-ra-ka) – Hell
  63. Nepotisme = (ne-po-tis-me) – Nepotism
  64. Nestapa = (nes-ta-pa) – Sorrow
  65. Netral = (ne-tral) – Neutral
  66. Neuron = (niu-ron) – Neurons
  67. Neurologi = (neu-ro-lo-gi) – Neurology
  68. Neurotropik = (neu-ro-tro-pik) – Neurotrophic
  69. Ngarai = (nga-rai) – Canyon
  70. Niaga = (ni-a-ga) – Commerce
  71. Nihil = (ni-hil) – Nil/Naught
  72. Nilai = (ni-lay) – Point/Score
  73. Niat = (ni-yat) – Intention
  74. Nilon = (ni-lon) – Nylon
  75. Nila = (ni-la) – Indigo
  76. Nikah = (ni-kah) – Marriage
  77. Nikmat = (nik-mat) – Favors
  78. Nikotin = (ni-ko-tin) – Nicotine
  79. Nipah = (ni-pah) – Nipah
  80. Nikel = (ni-kel) – Nickel
  81. Nira = (ni-ra) – Nira
  82. Nirlaba = (nir-la-ba) – Non-Profit
  83. Niscaya = (nis-ca-ya) – Undoubtedly
  84. Nirwana = (nir-wa-na) – Nirvana
  85. Nisab = (ni-sab) – Nisab
  86. Nisbi = (nis-bi) – Relative
  87. Nomor = (no-mor) – Number
  88. Nitrogen = (ni-tro-gen) – Nitrogwn
  89. Nitrat = (ni-trat) – Nitrate
  90. Nol = (nol) – Zero 
  91. Nomaden = (no-ma-den) – Nomadic
  92. Nomad = (no-mad) – Nomad
  93. Nomenklatur = (no-men-kla-tur) – Nomenclature
  94. Noda = (no-da) – Stain
  95. Nyiur = (nyiur) – Nyiur
  96. Non = (non) – Non
  97. Nominal = (no-mi-nal) – Nominal
  98. Nominatif = (no-mi-na-tif) – Nominative
  99. Nominasi = (no-mi-na-si) – Nominations
  100. Norma = (nor-ma) – Norm
  101. Normal = (nor-mal) – Normal
  102. Normatif = (nor-ma-tif) – Normative
  103. Normalisasi = (nor-ma-li-sa-si) – Normalization
  104. Nostalgia = (nos-tal-gi-ya) – Nostalgia
  105. Notabene = (no-ta-be-ne) – Notabene
  106. Notaris = (no-ta-ris) – Notary/Notary Public
  107. Notaria = (no-ta-ri-a) – Notaria
  108. Nostro = (nos-tro) – Nostro
  109. Notifikasi = (no-ti-fi-ka-si) – Notification
  110. Nanti = (nan-ti) – Later
  111. Nurani = (nu-ra-ni) – Conscience
  112. Nukleus = (nu-kle-us) – Nucleus
  113. Numerik = (nu-me-rik) – Numeric
  114. Numerologi = (nu-me-ro-lo-gi) – Numerology
  115. Nutrisi = (nu-tri-si) – Nutrition
  116. Nyali = (nya-li) – Guts
  117. Nyaman = (nya-man) – Comfort
  118. Nyaring = (nya-ring) – Loud
  119. Nyaris = (nya-ris) – Almost
  120. Nanas = (na-nas) – Pineapple
  121. Nyanyi = (nya-nyi) – Sing
  122. Nyamuk = (nya-muk) – Mosquito
  123. Nyenyak = (nye-nyak) – Soundly
  124. Nyonya = (nyo-nya) – Madame
  125. Nyawa = (nya-wa) – Life

That was some of numerous Indonesian words starting with ‘N’. There are much more than this example what we give to you from letter ‘N’. For more information, you can read another article from MasteringBahasa.com such as Indonesian Language Pronunciation and Indonesian Vowel Chart to help you more understanding.

Categories: Word Formation