82 Indonesian Words Starting with O – Examples

Someone give you some information or explain you about something new. Then, all of sudden, your reflex to reply with saying “Ooo…”

Saying “O” means you understand what other people mean in their words. At least, you show your appreciation that you heard what they told previously.

Well, in this time, we won’t learn about that kind of “O”. But, we shall gain our vocabulary in Indonesian Words that begining with O. For your information, O is the fifteenth letter in common Alphabet that is used. O is one of vocal letter among the othe four letter. The shape of O is circle with olong in the middle part. It looks like a doughnut.

Indonesian Words Starting with O

Okay, without spending useless time, let’s check the words out…

  1. Obat (O-but) = Medicine/ Drug
  2. Obeng (O-bang) = Screwdriver
  3. Obesitas (Obe-see-tuas) = Obesity
  4. Obligasi (Ob-lig-uasi) = Debenture/ Bond
  5. Obral (Ob-rual) = Discount/ Sale
  6. Obrol (Ob-roul) = Chat
  7. Obsesi (Ob-sas-e) = Obsession
  8. Oceh (O-chaeh) = Blabber/ Talk nonsense
  9. Odol (O-doll) (Informal word) = Tooth paste
  10. Ogah (O-guah) (Informal word) = Refuse/ Be averse to/ Don’t want to
  11. Olah (O-luah) = Manner/ Way of doing something/  Trick
  12. Olahraga (O-luah-rua-gua) = Sport/ Physical exercise
  13. Olahragawan (O-luah-rua-gua-wuan) = Sportsman/ Athlete
  14. Olak (O-luak) = Circulation of surface water
  15. Oleh (O-leih) = By/ Because of
  16. Oleh-oleh (O-leih–O-leih) (A single or plural form)= Souvenir from someone’s trip
  17. Oleng (Ol-aeng) = Shacky
  18. Oles (O-laes) = Spread
  19. Oli (O-lee) = Oil
  20. Oligarki (O-lee-guar-key) = Oligarchy
  21. Olimpiade (O-lim-pia-dae) = Olympiad
  22. Olimpik (O-lim-pick) = Olympic
  23. Olok (O-lock) = Making funny/ Joke/ Ridicule
  24. Om (Om) (Informal way) = Uncle
  25. Oma (O-mua) (Traditional word from Sulawesi) = Grandmother
  26. Ombak (Om-buck) = Wave/ Billow
  27. Omel (O-mael) = Grumble/ Complai/ Angry
  28. Omong (Om-ong) = Talk/ Say
  29. Omongan (Om-ong-uan) = Chatter/ Gossip/ Rumor/ Saying
  30. Ompol (Om-pol) = Urine expelled in bed or pants
  31. Ompong (Om-pong) = Toothless
  32. Onak (O-nuck) = Curved Thorn
  33. Onani (O-nua-knee) = Masturbation
  34. Onar (O-nuar) = Noisy sensation/ Stir
  35. Onggok (Ong-gok) = Hips/ Stack/ Pile
  36. Ongkos (Ong-kos) = Fee/ Charge/ Payment/ Expense/ Cost
  37. Ons (Ons) = Ounce
  38. Opa (O-pua) (Traditional word from Sulawesi) = Grandfather
  39. Opak (O-puck) = Fried crispy chip made from a roll of steamed rice or cassava
  40. Opelet (Opae-let) = Mini urban bus (Especially in Jakarta)
  41. Opera (O-pae-ra) = Musical drama
  42. Operasi (O-pae-rua-see) = Operation/ Action/ Campaign
  43. Operasional (O-per-uasi-onual) = Operational
  44. Operet (O-pae-rat) = Operetta
  45. Opini (O-pee-knee) = Opinion
  46. Opium (O-pee-oum) = Poppy
  47. Opname (Op-nua-mae) =  e hospitalized/ Hospitalization/ Photographic shot/ Shooting
  48. Opor (O-por) = Traditional Cuisine that seems like curry
  49. Opportunis (Opp-or-two-knees) = Opportunistic/ Opportunist
  50. Opsi (Op-see) = Option 
  51. Opsir (Op-sier) = Officer in Police or Military Academy
  52. Optik (Op-tick) = Optics
  53. Optimal (Op-tee-mual) = Optimum/ Best
  54. Optimis (Op-tee-mis) = Optimist/ Optimistic
  55. Orang (O-rung) = Person/ People/ Human
  56. (1) Orang tua (O-rung–Two-ua) = Old man/ Old fellow
  57. (2) Orang tua (O-rung–Two-ua) = Parent(-s)
  58. Ordinat (Or-dee-nut) = (In Math) Coordinate
  59. Ordo (Or-do) = Catholic order
  60. Ordonansi (Or-dl-nuan-see) = Ordinance/ Decree
  61. Organik (Or-gun-nick) = Organic
  62. Organisasi (Or-gun-nisa-see) = Organization
  63. Organisator (Or-gun-knee-sua-tor) = Organizer
  64. Orgasme (Or-gas-mae) = Orgasm
  65. Orgen (Or-gaen) = Traditioan Music Instruments
  66. Orientasi (O-rien-tua-see) = Orientation
  67. Orijinal (O-ree-jee-nual) = Original
  68. Orkes (Or-kaes) = Orchestra/ Band/ Music group
  69. (1) Orok (O-rock) (Traditional word in Jakarta, Sunda, Java) = Newborn baby
  70. (1) Orok (O-rock) = Snore 
  71. Ortodoks (Or-two-docks) = Orthodox
  72. Ortografi (Or-two-graf-e) = Ortography
  73. Ortopedi (Or-two-pae-dee) = Orthopedic.
  74. Osilasi (O-see-lua-see) = Oscillation
  75. Otak (O-tuck) = Brain
  76. Oto (O-two) = Automotive vehicle/ Car
  77. Otomatis (O-two-mua-tis) = Automatic/ On its own
  78. Otonom (O-two-nom) = Autonomy
  79. Otopsi (O-top-see) = Autopsy
  80. Otorisasi (O-two-riesa-see) = Authorzation.
  81. Otoritatif (Autk-ree-ta-tif) = Àutoritative.
  82. Otot (O-tot) = Muscle/ Tendon

More Indonesian Vocabularies:

Here, they are the Indonesian words starting with o. Hopefully this article is useful. Keep enjoying to learn Bahasa Indonesia. Hopefully this article is useful and please keep learning about Bahasa Indonesia.

See you guys…

Categories: Vocabulary