135 Indonesian Words that Start with ‘R’ – Meaning

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Indonesian words that start with r

  1. Raba = (ra-ba) = Touch
  2. Rabi = (ra-bi) = Rabbi
  3. Rabies = (ra-bee-yes) = Rabies
  4. Rabat (Similar with ‘Diskon’) = (ra-bat) = Discount
  5. Rabu = (ra-boo) = Wednesday
  6. Rabun (could be ‘Rabun Jauh’ or ‘Rabun Dekat’) = (ra-boon) = (Could be ‘Farsightness’ or ‘Nearsightness’)
  7. Racau (Similar with ‘Igau) = (ra-caw) = Raved/Delirium
  8. Racik = (ra-cheek) = Blend in
  9. Racun = (ra-choon) = Poison
  10. Radang = (ra-dang) = Inflammation
  11. Radar = (ra-dar) = Radar
  12. Radian = (ra-dee-yan) = Radians
  13. Radial = (ra-dee-yal) = Radial
  14. Radiasi = (Ra-dee-ya-see) = Radiatob
  15. Radiator = (ra-dee-ya-tor) = Radiator
  16. Radikal = (Ra-dee-kal) = Radical
  17. Radikalisme = (ra-dee-ka-lis-me) = Radicalism
  18. Radio = (ra-dee-yo) = Radio
  19. Radioaktif = (ra-dee-yo-ak-tif) = Radioactive
  20. Radioterapi = (ra-dee-yo-te-ra-pi) = Radiotherapy
  21. Radiologi =  (ra-dee-yo-lo-gi) = Radiology
  22. Radium = (ra-dee-yoom) = Radium
  23. Radius = (ra-dee-yoos) = Radius
  24. Raflesia = (ra-fle-see-ya) = Raflesia
  25. Raga = (ra-ga) = Physic
  26. Ragam = (ra-gam) = Variety
  27. Ragawi = (ra-ga-wee) = Physically
  28. Ragu = (ra-goo) = Doubt
  29. Rahang = (ra-hang) = Jaw
  30. Rahasia = (ra-ha-see-ya) = Secret
  31. Rahib = (ra-heeb) = Monk
  32. Rahim = (ra-heem) = Uterus
  33. Rahmat = (rah-mat) = Grace
  34. Raib = (ra-yeeb) = Unseen
  35. Raih = (ra-yeeh) = Reach
  36. Raja = (ra-ja) = King
  37. Rajungan (Other word from ‘Kepiting’) = (ra-joo-ngan) = Crab
  38. Raket = (ra-ket) = Racket
  39. Rakit = (ra-kit) = Raft
  40. Raksa = (rak-sa) = Mercury
  41. Rakus = (ra-koos) = Greedy
  42. Raksasa = (rak-sa-sa) = Giant
  43. Rakyat = (rak-yat) = People
  44. Ramah = (ra-mah) = Friendly
  45. Ramadhan = (ra-ma-dan) = Ramadan
  46. Ramai = (ra-mai) = Crowded
  47. Rambut = (ram-boot) = Hair
  48. Rambutan = (ram-boo-tan) = Rambutans
  49. Rampok = (ram-pok) = Robber
  50. Rampung = (ram-poong) = Finished
  51. Ranah = (ra-nah) = Domain
  52. Rangka = (rang-ka) = Frame
  53. Rangkum = (rang-koom) = Summarize
  54. Rangsang = (rang-sang) = Stimulative
  55. Rantai = (run-tai) = Chain 
  56. Rapat = (ra-pat) = Meeting
  57. Rapi = (ra-pee) = Neat
  58. Rasial = (ra-see-yal) = Racial
  59. Rasio = (ra-see-yo) = Ratio
  60. Rasis = (ra-sees) = Racist
  61. Rasisme = (ra-sees-me) = Racism
  62. Rasa = (ra-sa) = Flavors
  63. Rasberi = (ras-be-ri) = Raspberries
  64. Rasional = (ra-see-yo-nal) = Rational
  65. Ratu = (ra-too) = Queen
  66. Rasul = (ra-sool) = Apostle
  67. Ratap = (ra-tap) = Stare
  68. Rata = (ra-ta) = Flat
  69. Rawa = (ra-wa) = Swamp
  70. Rayap = (ra-yap) = Termite
  71. Rayu = (ra-yoo) = Seduce
  72. Razia = (ra-zee-ya) = Raids
  73. Reaksi = (re-ak-see) = Reaction
  74. Reaktor = (re-ak-tor) = Reactor
  75. Residu = (re-see-doo) = Residue
  76. Realis = (re-a-lis) = Realist
  77. Realitas = (re-a-lee-ta) = Reality
  78. Realistis = (re-a-lis-tis) = Realistic
  79. Realisasi = (re-a-lee-sa-see) = Realization
  80. Relokasi = (re-lo-ka-see) = Relocation 
  81. Reboisasi = (re-bow-ee-sa-see) = Reforestation
  82. Rebana = (re-ba-na) = Tambourine
  83. Receh = (re-ceh) = Change (refer to Small Change)
  84. Redaksi = (re-dak-see) = Redaction
  85. Redup = (re-doop) = Dim
  86. Reduksi = (re-duk-see) = Reduction
  87. Refleks = (re-fleks) = Reflex
  88. Referensi = (re-fe-ren-see) = Reference
  89. Referendum = (re-fe-ren-dum) = Referendum
  90. Reformasi = (re-for-ma-see) = Reform (or Reformation)
  91. Regang = (re-gang) = Stretch
  92. Regu = (re-goo) = Team
  93. Regulasi = (re-goo-la-see) = Regulation
  94. Regulator = (re-goo-la-tor) = Regulator
  95. Rehabilitasi = (re-ha-bee-lee-ta-see) = Rehabilitation
  96. Rekayasa = (re-ka-ya-sa) = Engineering
  97. Rekapitulasi = (re-ka-pee-to-la-see) = Recapitulation
  98. Rekondisi = (re-kon-dee-see) = Recondition
  99. Rekonstruksi = (re-kon-struk-see) = Reconstruction
  100. Rekrutmen = (re-krut-men) = Recruitment
  101. Reksadana = (rek-sa-da-na) = Mutual Funds
  102. Rektor = (rek-tor) = Rector
  103. Relaksasi = (re-lak-sa-see) = Relaxation
  104. Relasi = (re-la-see) = Relation
  105. Relatif = (re-la-tif) = Relative
  106. Relativitas = (re-la-tee-fee-tas) = Relativity
  107. Rela = (re-la) = Willing
  108. Relawan = (re-la-wan) = Volunteer
  109. Religi = (re-lee-gee) = Religion
  110. Religius = (re-lee-gee-yoos) = Religious
  111. Relung = (re-lung) = Niche
  112. Remas = (re-mas) = Squeeze
  113. Rematik = (re-ma-tik) = Rheumatism
  114. Rembulan = (rem-boo-lan) = Moon
  115. Remisi = (re-mee-see) = Remission
  116. Rempah = (rem-pah) = Spices
  117. Rencana = (ren-ca-na) = Plan
  118. Rendah = (ren-dah) = Low
  119. Reparasi = (re-pa-ra-see) = Repair
  120. Repetisi = (re-pe-tee-see) = Reps
  121. Reporter = (re-por-ter) = Reporter
  122. Reportase = (re-por-ta-se) = Reportage
  123. Reptil = (rep-til) = Reptile
  124. Republik = (re-poo-bleek) = Republic
  125. Reputasi = (re-poo-ta-see) = Reputation 
  126. Resep = (re-sep) = Recipe
  127. Resmi = (res-mee) = Official
  128. Restoran = (res-to-ran) = Restaurant
  129. Revisi = (re-fi-si) = Revision
  130. Restorasi = (res-to-ra-see) = Restoration
  131. Resepsi = (re-sep-see) = Reception
  132. Residen = (re-see-den) = Resident
  133. Resolusi = (re-so-loo-see) = Resolution
  134. Revolusi = (re-fo-loo-see) = Revolution
  135. Responden = (res-pon-den-see) = Respondents

That was the list of Indonesian words that start with ‘R’. It is obviously long and a lot of words. But believe us that these will help you learn Bahasa Indonesia quickly, instead Indonesian Words Starting with ‘J’. We will see you in the next article.

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