11 List of The Countries that Learn Indonesian Language

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As you know Indonesia is the fourth biggest country and also fourth most populated country in the world. It has also has long history as other nation and most importantly consists of heterogeneity. The complexity makes studying about Indonesia interesting as well as exciting. In fact, beside Bahasa Indonesia, there are many countries that also learn about Indonesia (mostly about the culture).

List of The Countries that Learn Indonesian Language 

Therefore, at this time here we will discuss about list of the countries that learn Indonesian language. Before we step in, please check this following articles.

1. Netherlands

Because of their history, Netherlands and Indonesia have a very special relationship. The study of Indonesian, including language (the local ones to), culture, society, art and so on has begun since the colonialism era. You would not surprised that there are many Indonesian Words Derived from Dutch.

It is also the main destination of Indonesian student to study abroad. One of the survey said that at least 1 out of 10 Dutch people has a relationship with Indonesia, either their wife or great-grandparents or even has word experience in Indonesia.

Consequently, they at least understand the Indonesian basic. Furthermore, formal study about Indonesia could be found in Leiden University because they have specific major about Indonesian, including Javanese.

2. United Kingdom

The British also ruled Indonesia in 1811–1816. They also has special interest of Indonesian Studies, even they have British Library of Malay and Indonesian Manuscripts. If you want to learn more about Indonesian, you could go to SOAS (School of Oriental and African Studies), University of London.

Read also: List of English Words from Indonesian Origin

3. United States

Even though Indonesian has no direct relationship with the United States at colonialism era, it does not mean there are no way to learn Indonesian. In fact, there are many university that offer study about Indonesian (including linguistics/language). In addition, most Indonesian Studies are included into Southeast Asian Studies and usually merged with Malay Studies because the shared history of language and culture. For options to learn you could attend Cornell University, University of Michigan, University of Hawa’i’ Manoa, Ohio University and many more.

Further readings: Main Differences Between Bahasa Indonesia and Malaysian Language

4. Australia

As the Indonesia neighbor country, of course study of Indonesia become important in Australia from daily life activity, travel, business and even political relationship. In addition, many Indonesian student are also move to Australia for study or work.

Therefore, it might influenced the learning about Indonesian too. In fact, there are many university that offer Indonesian Studies (especially linguistics) or have Indonesian Centre such as University of Sydney, Monash University, Australian National University, University of Western Australia and also in some of Australian Senior High School! 

5. Germany

Do you know German also has special interest in Indonesian Studies even though they never ruled Indonesia? One of the Indonesian Center you could find is Hamburg.

6. East Asia = China, Japan and South Korea

Beside formal education such as in Tokyo University of Foreign Studies and Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Bahasa Indonesia is quite important to learn because business relationship with Indonesia. As you know, Indonesia is one of the biggest market of imported goods, especially from those three countries (especially cuisine, technology, automotive and skincare products).

Therefore, learning Bahasa Indonesia will be a golden ticket for business. If you are in Indonesia, just take a look at the street, mall or anywhere. You will find those three countries products used by Indonesian.

Read also: Indonesian Business Phrases

7. Southeast Asian Countries

Of course as a neighborhood countries, we will at least learn each other, maybe in terms of language or culture. Usually in the national holiday, people tend to go vacation abroad. The nearest and most common one is to the neighbor, especially Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand.

Do not be surprise if you would find more Indonesian than locals in vacation period. For Malaysia and Singapore case, because the similarity between Malay and Bahasa Indonesia, there is no surprise if we learn each other language. As in Thailand, you would find some of the merchant in the tourist site would speak basic Bahasa Indonesia to sell the products because Indonesian is one of their biggest market for tourism.

Moreover, in Vietnam it is also learned as second language in Ho Ci Minh City, similar to most of the population that learn English as their second language. Furthermore, it is also spoke in East Timor (Timor Leste) because the history between the two countries, as they have separated from Indonesian Republic for only 19 years (1999). 

8. Suriname

Well, even though both country are really far from each other, this two country have one thing in common, Dutch colonialism. At the past, groups of Indonesian (mostly Javanese) were brought there by the Dutch for work. Some of them stayed and having family there, but sime moved to Netherlands. But, they still keep their ancestors culture, such as Javanese language, Kejawen religion, gamelan or wayang.

Read: Indonesian Folktales for Storytelling

9. Others: Russia, Ukraine, Sweden

Although there is no direct relationship between Indonesia and those countries above in the past, the study of Indonesia, especially Bahasa Indonesia is increased years by years. You could find it in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kiev, Lund and many more. Maybe you could find more!

Those are the list of the countries that learn Indonesian language. Most of the country possibly has learned about Indonesian at least if they have their national products here in Indonesia or has bilateral relationship with Indonesia. I guess you will be more curious about Indonesian and of course Bahasa Indonesia. Then, you should check these following articles.

Categories: Learning