A-Z Useful Words to Get You Anywhere in Indonesia

Hi! Welcome back!

Indonesia is the fourth biggest country in the world and also fourth most populated one. It also consists more than 17,000 islands and diverse ethnicity with their own culture. But, we have one national language that unite us, which is Bahasa Indonesia.

Therefore, after learn about useful words to get you anywhere in Indonesia. Indonesian Words in 5 Minutes, now let’s learn the Words to Get You Anywhere in Indonesia. Those are several Handy Indonesian Words that could at least make you survive in anywhere in Indonesia.

Before we start, you could check these articles.

Indonesian Greetings

This is very important. Greetings could give good first impression and you will considered friendly (Check Common Greetings In Indonesian). Here are the list.

  • Apa kabar? = How are you?
  • Selamat pagi = Good morning
  • Selamat siang = Good afternoon
  • Selamat sore = Good evening
  • Selamat malam = Good evening/Goodnight
  • Selamat tinggal/jalan = Goodbye
  • Selamat datang = Welcome
  • Sampai jumpa/ketemu = See you
  • Salam = (literal meaning as ‘greet’, but similar to ‘hi’ or ‘bye’, depends on when it used)
  • Dada = Bye
  • Halo = Hi
  • Terima kasih/Makasih = Thank you
  • Sama-sama = Your welcome
  • Permisi = Excuse me
  • Maaf = Sorry, or apologize because the interruption
  • Silakan = Let someone (usually to sit, get in or pass through you)
  • Tolong = please

Indonesian Verbs

Sometimes, in Bahasa Indonesia you do not need a full sentence to express your mind. Mostly you just need to tell them the Most Common Indonesian Verbs or Adjective Words in Indonesian

  • tidak (verb)/bukan (noun) = not
  • makan = eat
  • minum = drink
  • tidur = sleep
  • mandi = take a bath
  • kenyang = full (because eating)
  • main = play, visit
  • datang = come
  • pergi = go
  • duduk = sit
  • berdiri = stand up
  • berjalan/jalan-jalan = walk
  • belajar = study
  • bicara/ngomong = talk
  • mendengar = hear
  • mendengarkan = listen
  • suka/senang = like
  • cinta = love
  • beli = buy
  • jual = sell
  • bertanya/meminta = ask
  • jawab = answer
  • lupa = forget
  • masuk = (get) in
  • keluar = (get) out

Indonesian Adjectives

Here are some very common adjective that very useful anywhere in Indonesia.

  • lapar = hungry
  • haus = thirsty
  • ngantuk = sleepy
  • bagus = good
  • baik = kind, good
  • jelek = ugly, bad
  • kiri = left
  • kanan = right
  • benar = true, right
  • salah = wrong, false
  • mahal = expensive
  • murah = cheap
  • dekat = near, close
  • jauh = far
  • dingin = cold
  • panas = hot
  • tua = old
  • muda = young
  • besar = big
  • kecil = small
  • manis = sweet
  • asam = sour
  • asin = salty
  • pahit = bitter
  • pedas = spicy
  • enak = delicious
  • luar = outside/outer
  • dalam = inside/inner

Indonesian Pronouns

One of the very essential part of Bahasa Indonesia is Pronouns. This is quite important to be mastered because the cultural aspects of Indonesian people.

  • aku/saya = I, me, myself, mine
  • kamu = you, your, yours
  • dia = he, she, him, his, her, hers
  • kami = we, us, our (excluding the interlocutor)
  • kita = we, us, our (including the interlocutor)
  • mereka = they, their, theirs, them

Check also: Indonesian Pronouns and Formal Pronouns

Indonesian Slang words

Beside the formal words, let’s move forward to the more recent generation vocabulary. It is nice to learn Indonesian Slang Words because you could feel the young vibe and become cool Indonesian speaker!

  • kepo = Knowing Every Particular Object
  • kuy  (yuk’ backwards) = c’mon, let’s (asking someone to join)
  • sikat/takis/gas = go forward without hesitant
  • baper (bawa perasaan) = too sensitive
  • PD (percaya diri) = confident
  • gaje (gak jelas) = uncertain, weird, quirky, unfunny
  • ulala = similar like oh la la
  • unch ucnh = extremely cute
  • up = see above
  • sabi (‘bisa’ backwards) = ok, can/could, agree on something
  • kece = cool
  • tidur kayak kebo = sleep like an ox (heavy sleep)
  • otewe = on the way
  • gabut (gaji buta) = do not have anything to do like an unemployed
  • wkwk/wqwq = similar to haha (laugh sound)
  • ngegas = talking with ‘angry emotion’ (high pitch and/or loud voice and/or high speed)
  • gapapa = never mind
  • kids zaman now = young generation (particularly kids and teenager)
  • kids zaman old = refer to before 2000s generation (90s, 80s and so on)
  • kekinian = shopisticated
  • hakiki = genuine (e.g kegantengan yang hakiki = the genuine handsomeness)

Other Words to Get You Anywhere in Indonesia

  • apa = what
  • siapa = who
  • di mana = where
  • ke mana = where to
  • dari mana = where … from
  • kapan = when
  • mengapa/kenapa = why
  • bagaimana/gmn = how
  • berapa = how much/how to
  • merah = red
  • jingga/oranye = orange
  • kuning = yellow
  • hijau = green
  • biru = blue
  • nila = indigo
  • ungu = purple
  • hitam = black
  • putih = white
  • akan/hendak = will
  • sedang = (auxiliary for present continuous)
  • belum = have/has not
  • sudah = have/has (present/past perfect)
  • tanpa = without
  • makanan = food
  • toilet/WC = bathroom
  • sayuran = vegetables
  • buah = fruits
  • daging = meat
  • nasi = rice
  • di = in
  • ke = to
  • dari = from
  • atas = above
  • bawah = under
  • belakang = behind
  • samping = next
  • seberang = opposite
  • Senin = Monday
  • Selasa = Tuesday
  • Rabu = Wednesday
  • Kamis = Thursday
  • Jumat = Friday
  • Sabtu = Saturday
  • Minggu = Sunday
  • hari = day
  • minggu = week
  • bulan = month
  • tahun = year
  • nama = name
  • perempuan = female, woman
  • laki-laki = male, man
  • anak-anak  = kids/children
  • rumah = home/house
  • meja = table
  • kursi = chair
  • pintu = door
  • jendela = window
  • atap = roof
  • bus = bus
  • mobil = car
  • kereta = train
  • pesawat = plane
  • tiket/karcis = ticket
  • motor = motorcycle
  • sepeda = bicycle
  • ojek = motorcycle taxi
  • ojek online = online motorcycle taxi
  • angkot = city/public transportation
  • daring = online
  • luring = offline
  • warganet = netizen

So, there are the list of Words to Get You Anywhere in Indonesia. I believe you still want to know more about Indonesian Vocabulary. I guarantee there are still more interesting words to learn. I hope you are still curious to learn more about Bahasa Indonesia. Therefore, you could add up your lexical resources with these following articles. Take a look.

Good luck!

Categories: Vocabulary