A-Z Useful Balinese Phrases – Tourists Should Know

Beside learning Indonesian, learning useful Balinese phrases is quite important too because Bali is one of the biggest tourist destination in the world. Therefore, after learn Balinese swear words, why don’t we learn some very common Balinese phrases that may help you lot in the most visited places for tourist destination. It is also part of Indonesian phrases that tourist should know.

For your information, Balinese, Javanese and even Melayu (as well as Bahasa Indonesia) came from same root, which is Austronetian languages. On the other words, you may found similarities, especially in Javanese and Balinese.

Learn the Balinese Phrases for number

I hope you are not mistaken about Bali is really a part of Indonesian because sometimes people think that Bali and Indonesia are two different region, while Bali is part of Indonesian province. Although the local people mostly speak good English (at least in terms of selling things especially for foreigner) as well as other languages, you may also want to speak local languages too. Yes, Balinese os a different language and one of 700+ local languages in Indonesia.

First of all, of course learning about Balinese number is as important as learning Indonesian numbers At least, if you know how to say one to ten, you could simply make a simply sentences. It also would add some to your vocabulary.

  • zero = kosun
  • half = sathang
  • one = siki
  • two = kalih
  • three = tiga
  • four = papat
  • five = lima
  • six = nenem
  • seven = pitu
  • eight = kutus
  • nine = sanga
  • ten = dasa
  • eleven = solas
  • twelve = roras
  • thirteen = telu las
  • fourteen = pat belas
  • fifteen = lima las
  • sixteen = nem belas
  • seventeen = pitu las
  • eighteen = plekutus
  • nineteen = sia ngolas
  • twenty = duang dasa
  • twenty five = duang dasa lima/selae
  • fifty = limang dasa/seket
  • a hundreed = satus
  • a thousand = siu
  • ten thousand = rhiba haunna

Hopefully with those important simple phrases, you could also complete it with knowledge, such as how to order food in Indonesia. Don’t forget to memorize it and keep practice so you would be more fluent.

Learn General Sentences for Balinese Phrases

Beside numbers, you may also want to master some simple complete sentences, starting from how to say greetings until how to express your feeling. Here are some of very useful Balinese phrases that would help you master it quick and effective. Take a look of these following examples from good morning greetings until how to say I love you. 

  • Om Swastiastu = (a very nice and polite greeting)
  • rahajeng semeng = good morning
  • rahajeng tengai = good afternoon
  • rahajeng sanje = good evening
  • rahajeng wengi = good evening
  • rahajeng mekolem = goodnight
  • selamat datang= welcome
  • kenken kabare = what’s up
  • becik – becik = I’m good
  • matur suksma = thank you
  • suksma mewali = welcome back
  • Napi wastan gumine niki? = Where is this area? (What is this area’s name?)
  • tyang jagi ngajeng dumun = I need to eat first
  • Kude = How much
  • Dados kuang bu? = Could you please lower the price, please?
  • Sira pesengan ragane/Sira pesengane? = What is your name?
  • Titiyang Andi = My name is Andi
  • Nunas lugra…tyang jagi metaken = Excuse me, I want to ask
  • Saking Boston = I am from Boston
  • dija? = where?
  • Titiyang Tresna Sareng Ragane = I love you
  • Nyak/Nggih = Yes
  • Sing = No
  • Ampura = I’m sorry
  • A little bit = Bedik-bedik
  • Nulungin tiang = help me!
  • Tiang mara teka uli Ubud = I have just came in Ubud

Beside many vocabulary, other most important phrases are the titles for Balinese. If in Java Island you know terms like Mas or Mbak and in Bahasa Indonesia you know Pak and Bu, in Bali there is specific term too. You could call people with these two most common titles. Therefore, you will be considered more polite as well as respectful

  • Bli
    *It similar with Sir or ‘mas’ in Javanese
  • Mbok
    *It similar with Mam or ‘mbak’ in Javanese 

Other very useful Balinese Phrases

Furthermore, do not also forget other simple phrases, such as days or color. Of course, in certain occasion, this might help you to communicate with others. Here are the list of the Balinese phrases.

  • Aji = father
  • Meme – mother
  • Iwa – uncle/aunt
  • Coma – Monday
  • Angara – Tuesday
  • Budha – Wednesday
  • Wraspati – Thursday
  • Sukra – Friday
  • Saniscra – Saturday
  • Redite – Sunday
  • barack – red
  • raguk – orange
  • kuning – yellow
  • gadang – green
  • pelung – blue
  • barak nguda = pink
  • biru pucat – purple
  • selem – brown
  • putih – white

Notes: For month, it similar with Bahasa Indonesia. So, make sure you know time in Bahasa Indonesia

Without a doubt, mastering one language, such as Bahasa Indonesia have been not a very easy task. But, the joy of learning Bahasa Indonesia is that you could (or should) also learn many culture and local language because its diversity. I hope this useful Balinese phrases would help you a lot in your trip as well as your life. Do not forget to learn the sacred communication etiquette so you could maximize your language skill.

Categories: Phrases