Weather Words in Indonesian – Meaning and Vocabulary

Starting a conversation in Indonesian and How to talk with Indonesian? You’ll usually start with saying how are you in Indonesian. How do you proceed? You’ll probably talk about some light topics, for example, how’s the weather today? In Indonesia, the weather is mostly either hot and sunny or rainy.

Weather Words in Indonesian

The weather is also sometimes unpredictable! Either way, here are some vocabulary list to help you describe the weather around you in Indonesian.

English Indonesian Sentence example
tornado angin topan Kota itu mengalami angin topan kemarin (The city experienced a tornado yesterday)
smoke asap Langit sore ini kurang indah karena ditutupi asap (The sky is not so beautiful this evening because it’s covered in smoke)
cloud awan Hari ini sangat cerah, sama sekali tidak ada awan (It’s such a bright day with no clouds at all)
storm badai Kami harus mempersiapkan diri untuk badai (We need to prepare for the storm)
wet basah Bajunya basah karena ia lupa membawa payung (Her clothes are wet because she forgets to bring an umbrella)
windy berangin Saya sangat menikmati cuaca berangin (I really enjoy windy weather)
moon bulan Bulan malam ini indah sekali (The moon tonight is so beautiful)
sunny cerah Ia sudah terbiasa dengan cuaca cerah di Indonesia (He is used to the sunny weather in Indonesia)
cold dingin Ia menyiapkan sup untuk dimakan saat cuaca dingin (She prepares soup to be eaten during cold weather)
ice es Saya butuh es untuk cuaca seperti ini (I need ice for a weather like this)
hot gerah Hari ini sangat gerah, untung saya membawa baju ganti (Today is so hot, fortunately I bring extra clothes)
drizzle gerimis Mari pulang sebelum gerimisnya menjadi hujan besar (Let’s get home before this drizzle turns into heavy rain)
warm hangat Ia suka memakai jaket agar tetap hangat di musim hujan (He likes to wear a jacket to keep warm during rainy season)
rain hujan Hujan sudah berlangsung semalaman (The rain has poured the whole night)
hail hujan es Kami belum pernah mengalami hujan es (We have never experienced hail)
fog kabut Daerah pegunungan itu ditutupi kabut (The mountainous area is covered in fog)
dry kering Para petani mengharapkan cuaca tidak akan terlalu kering (The farmers hope the weather will not be too dry)
sky langit Warna langit pagi ini sangat indah (The colour of the sky this morning is so pretty)
humid lembab Di cuaca lembab, jamur mudah tumbuh (In humid weather, molds grow easily)

Weather Words in Indonesian

mud lumpur Anak-anak itu bermain di lumpur (The kids play in the mud)
sun matahari Pagi ini sangat gelap sampai matahari tidak terlihat (Today is so dark that the sun can’t be seen)
cloudy mendung Ibu mengangkat jemuran ketika mulai mendung (Mom took the clothes inside when it started to get cloudy)
hot panas Hari ini hari terpanas dalam minggu ini (Today is the hottest day of the week)
snow salju Kita bisa melihat salju di gunung Jaya Wijaya (We can see snow in Jaya Wijaya mountain)
cool sejuk Cuaca hari ini sejuk, jadi kami berpiknik (Today’s weather is cool so we go on a picnic)
typhoon topan Rumah ini pernah dihancurkan angin topan (This house was once destroyed by a typhoon)
tsunami tsunami Kami mengirimkan sumbangan untuk korban tsunami (We delivered donations for the tsunami victims)

What else can you talk about in daily conversations? Perhaps you can talk about Indonesian food or Indonesian clothing. To end your conversation, don’t forget to learn how to say take care in Indonesian.

Categories: Vocabulary