How to Say ‘How Are You in Indonesian’ with Meaning

It must be delightful if you are known as a man or woman who cares for people. Usually, this type of person will be loved and have a lot of friend. People will easily accept a person that care to them in the society. That’s the reason you need to know how to say how are you in Indonesian. This phrase is a powerful way to show people that you care for them.

So, let’s learn about it. I hope you can do it after you read this article.

In Indonesian, “How Are You?” = “Apa kabar?”

This phrase has some variation, such as:

  • “Apa kabarnya?” (There is additional “-nya”. No special additional meaning)
  • “Pa kabar?” (The letter “a” in front of “apa” is removed)
  • “Apa kabar nih?” (There is additional word “nih”. No special additional meaning, too)

Usually “apa kabar” is saying before you want to start a conversation. It is part of greeting. So, there are some additional word could be added to say it, such as:

  • “Halo”

It will become, “Halo, Apa kabar?” Or, sometimes people use “Hi” instead of “Halo”. Then, you can say, “Hi, apa kabar nih?” You also can learn common greetings in Indonesian to enrich your greetings variation.

  • Peoples name

By using their name, you say it more personal. You can say it with, “Joni (this is people name), apa kabar?” or “Pa kabar, Joni?”

To make it more powerful, then body gesture is needed. When you say “apa kabar?”, you should give them warm handshake and stare to their eyes directly. This will show how genuine your willingness to know their news. If the people already have good relation to you, clapping their shoulder or hug them is a nice additional gesture when you say “apa kabar?” You can learn Verbal and Nonverbal Communication in Indonesia to give you more idea.

Some Situation to Say How Are You in Indonesian

“Apa kabar” is not only for casual conversation with people around you. On below situation, you can practice how to say how are you in Indonesian.

  • Business Meeting

You can start speak to your colleague or client with this phrase. After you greet them with, “Selamat pagi” or “Selamat malam”, you can say “Apa kabar?”

  • Phone Conversation

You also can use “Apa kabar?” as an opening greeting in a phone. As soon as you can hear the voice of the people in the other side of the phone, you can say, “Halo, apa kabarnya?” 

  • Social Media

If you meet new friend in social media or you want to give news to old friend, you can write “apa kabar nih?” This also applies if you use whatsapp or other application to chat or socialize with your friend.

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It looks like a simple thing. But, if you say “apa kabar?” with proper then you can open a lot of positive things in your personal relationship with people around you. With this simple question, you can have a warmer and intimate conversation.

So, try to avoid say “apa kabar” without any sense of care. This will lead people think you are a cold people and do not want to socialize with them. Trust me! You never want people to think this way to you.

Well, this is how to say how are you in Indonesian. Now after you know about it, it is your time to practice to say “apa kabar” to people around you.

Categories: Conversation