What Does Cabe Mean in Indonesia? Vocabulary – Examples

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Every language in this world has its own uniqueness. So is in Bahasa Indonesia. The slang words, dirty words you name it, it grows and has more vocabularies from time to time. These slang words or dirty words usually came from the Indonesian people daily conversation. Slang or dirty words usually were spoken by the youth, but sometimes also used by the adults. Those slang words usually has different meaning from its original meaning.

For the example of a kind of Indonesian slang/dirty words now we will concern into the word “Cabe”. Cabe is another form of the word “cabai”.

According to the KBBI (Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia) cabai means a kind of vegetable with long round and pointed shape at the end, it has spicy taste. It has some color variants, red, green, and orange. When it is translated into English, it is called chilli. Cabai usually used as the main ingredients to made sambal/sauce and to make a dish more tasty.


The Actual Meaning: Cabai is Chilli
The Idiom/Informal Form: Cabai/Cabe is b#tch, chick, immature young girls

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How to spell cabai you could try with:

  • /Ca/ you could pronounce like the sound when you spell /cha/
  • /ba/ you could pronounce with the sound like what its already written
  • /i/ you could pronounce like when you spell the vowel /e/ in English

Some people sometimes change the form cabai into cabe to make it simple to pronounce. The word cabe usually used when they were involved in an informal conversation.

For the example:

  • Bang, cabe rawitnya setengah kilo ya ! (Sir, half kilo’s of chilli please !)
  • Ma, cabe nya habis. (Mom, we’re running out of chilli.)

Nowdays, the term cabai or cabe has another meaning. It is now were famous to be an example of Indonesian slang words. The word cabe then has a changing form into “cabe-cabean”. The term cabe-cabean is formed from repeated word “cabe” and ended with suffix /-an/.

The term cabe-cabean actually represent a negative meaning. The word cabe-cabean refers to the girls on teenage who started to works on prostitution. The word cabe usually used to called them who were used as a bet on an illegal race competition, done in rural area.

Cabe-cabean actually is an abbreviation from words “Cewe Alay umur Belasan”. It means a teenage girls who pretends to be pretty, beautiful, mature, etc which actually doesnt fit yet with them. Furthermore, its more likely to called them cheap sex workers.

If you used the term cabai-cabaian instead of cabe-cabean, then it has a different meaning from the word cabe-cabean even its still has negative meaning. Cabai-cabaian also an abbreviation from the words “calon jablai”. Jablai itself also another abbreviation from the words “jarang dibelai” which means rarely being touch (by a man/husband). So for the whole meaning “calon jablai” refers to those girls who works as a sex workers.

Basically cabe-cabean or cabai-cabaian has the same meaning. Those refers to the girls who works as a sex workers with low rates. They has different level with those sex workers from high class who usually were being booked by bussinessman or officials with expensive costs.

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The example of cabe-cabean and cabai-cabaian:

  • Lihat tuh, cabe-cabean keluar rumah mau pergi. (Hey look at her, cabe-cabean starts leaving her house.)
  • Masih muda uda janda, paling nanti jadi cabai-cabaian. (She were young but already became a widow, let us see she might be a cabai-cabaian.)

After you were know what does cabe means in Bahasa Indonesia hope you could use the word cabe or cabai wisely. Please be carefull because when you use it in a wrong sentences or situation, it might be offended to your opponent. If it is not necessarily please do not use the cabe-cabean or cabai-cabaian with older people or someone you just know especially to woman.

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Categories: Vocabulary