What Does It Mean to Be ‘Fluent’ In Bahasa Indonesia? Learning Tips

Have you learned Bahasa Indonesia for quite some time? How do you know that you are already fluent in Bahasa Indonesia? There are many signs that show us about our fluency in using Bahasa Indonesia. Many of them are not really visible to our awareness, but some are observable.

So, to give a clean benchmark about how fluent are you using Bahasa Indonesia, we will discuss it here as what does it mean to be ‘fluent’ in Bahasa Indonesia.

What is ’Fluency’?

Most second language learners define fluency as being able to speak, write, and giving responds as good as the native speaker does. Many of the learners would also define it as knowing the lexical, grammatical, and phonetical aspect of a language perfectly.

Well, if you think those are the definitions of being fluent in Bahasa Indonesia, you will never be called fluent in Bahasa Indonesia, or even any language. So, how should you define ‘fluent’ exactly? Let’s discuss it on the next part.

The True Definition of Fluency

Just straight to the point, being fluent in Bahasa Indonesia means that you are able to use Bahasa Indonesia to learn more about Bahasa Indonesia. This is easily misunderstood by second language learner since it is not quite clear of how it actually is.

To explain about that statement, I will give you an example. When you do not understand a word in Bahasa Indonesia, ‘kepo’ for instance, but when they tell you that it means orang yang selalu ingin tahu, then, you are already fluent in Bahasa Indonesia.

It is quite simple isn’t it to be fluent in Bahasa Indonesia. There is much vocabulary in Bahasa Indonesia that its learners don’t understand, but, if they could understand new words by knowing its description, they will learn new words rapidly.

How Do You Make Use of This Definition to Learn More About Bahasa Indonesia?

In the early stage of learning Bahasa Indonesia, we should focus more on learning enough language to define meaning and achieve new language without depending on our native language ability. So, you have to learn the basic word and structure of Bahasa Indonesia comprehensively until you do not rely on your native language.

Here is a list of things you should learn in early stage of learning Bahasa Indonesia:

  • Pronouns
  • Common Nouns (These should include words like rumah, makanan, kendaraan, keluarga, dan lain-lain)
  • Basic Prepositions (Focus on 10 or 15 basic prepositions as start)
  • Most Common Verbs (This should include verbs like, jalan, bicara, pergi, dating, makan, dan lain-lain)
  • Common Adjectives (You only need to learn very simple descriptive like, tinggi, jauh, baik, cepat, dan lain-lain)

It is not always easy to learn language because the state that a language is always evolving through time. Everybody needs to give huge determination in order to learn new language. But, if you are already at the state of fluency as stated above, then you are bound to learn Bahasa Indonesia perfectly. Grats.

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