100 Indonesian Prepositions with Examples

Halo lagi! Hello again! Welcome to Mastering Bahasa! If you had visited us, welcome back! In this article we are going to learn Indonesian Prepositions!

As what we have been saying over and over, basically Indonesian vocabularies are not too different with English vocabularies. The only thing that makes these languages different is that Indonesian grammar  are much simpler than English language. For example, in English grammar you may have learned Simple Present Tense Structure, Simple Past Tense Structure, Future Continuous Tense Structure, and many other structures. In Indonesian, there is no structure like that! Much simpler, no? You can check Indonesian Grammar Structure if you don’t believe us!

As what we mentioned before, we are going to learn together for Indonesian Prepositions. In Cambridge Dictionary, you may find “Prepositions” definition as a word that is used before a noun, a noun phrase, or a pronoun, connecting  it to another word. In Indonesian language, we understand the word of “preposition” as “preposisi”. We also understand it as “kata depan”, which literally means “front word” in English. Why? Because a preposition is always located in front of a noun, a noun phrase, or a pronoun.

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Now let’s begin our study for Indonesian Prepositions!

1. Indonesian Preposition for People / Objects

Here are the list of Indonesian Prepositions:

Preposisi[/th] [th]Prepositions

[tr] [td]Mengenai[/td] [td]About [/td] [/tr]

[tr] [td]Tentang[/td] [td]About[/td] [/tr]

[tr] [td]Soal[/td] [td]About[/td] [/tr]

[tr] [td] Menuju[/td] [td]Towards[/td] [/tr]

[tr] [td] Ke Arah[/td] [td]Towards[/td] [/tr]

[tr] [td] Seperti[/td] [td]Like[/td] [/tr]

[tr] [td] Tidak Seperti[/td] [td]Unlike[/td] [/tr]

[tr] [td] Kebalikan[/td] [td]Opposite[/td] [/tr]

[tr] [td] Untuk[/td] [td]For[/td] [/tr]

[tr] [td] Bersama[/td] [td]Along[/td] [/tr]

[tr] [td] Bersama[/td] [td]With[/td] [/tr]

[tr] [td] Dengan[/td] [td]With[/td] [/tr]

Here are the explanation of Indonesian Prepositions examples:

  • Mengenai = About
    Aku ingin berbicara mengenai kakakmu.
    I want to talk about your brother.
  • Tentang = About
    Aku ingin berbicara tentang kakakmu.
    I want to talk about your brother.
  • Soal = About
    Aku ingin berbicara soal kakakmu.
    I want to talk about your brother.
  • Menuju = Towards
    Lily berlari menuju Thomas.
    Lily is running towards Thomas.
  • Ke arah = Towards
    Lily berlari ke arah Thomas.
    Lily is running towards Thomas.
  • Seperti = Like
    Albert bertinkah seperti ibunya.
    Albert is acting like his mother.
  • Tidak Seperi = Unlike
    Albert bertingkah tidak seperti biasanya. 
    Albert is acting unlike the usual.
  • Kebalikan = Opposite
    Hana memiliki kebalikan sifat dari Hani.
    Hana has the opposite personality with Hani.
  • Untuk = For
    Aku akan membawakan buku ini untuk guru.
    I will bring this book for the teacher.
  • Bersama = Along
    Riani menyanyikan lagu itu bersama melodi.
    Riani sings the song along the melody.

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2. Indonesian Prepositions for Positions

Here are the list of Indonesian Prepositions:

Preposisi[/th] [th]Prepositions

[tr] [td]Di atas[/td] [td]Under [/td] [/tr]

[tr] [td]Di atas[/td] [td]Above[/td] [/tr]

[tr] [td]Di atas[/td] [td]On[/td] [/tr]

[tr] [td] Di dalam[/td] [td] In [/td] [/tr]

[tr] [td] Ke Dalam[/td] [td]Into[/td] [/tr]

[tr] [td] Di bawah[/td] [td]Under[/td] [/tr]

Di bawah[/td] [td]Below[/td] [/tr]

[tr] [td]Di belakang[/td] [td]Behind[/td] [/tr]

[tr] [td]Di samping[/td] [td]Beside[/td] [/tr]

[tr] [td] Di Depan[/td] [td]In front of[/td] [/tr]

[tr] [td] Di dalam[/td] [td]Inside[/td] [/tr]

[tr] [td] Ke dalam[/td] [td]Inside[/td] [/tr]

[tr] [td] Di luar[/td] [td]Outside[/td] [/tr]

[tr] [td] Ke luar[/td] [td]Outside[/td] [/tr]

[tr] [td] Di antara[/td] [td]Between[/td] [/tr]

[tr] [td] Dekat[/td] [td]Near[/td] [/tr]

[tr] [td]Jauh[/td] [td]Far[/td] [/tr]

[tr] [td]Dari[/td] [td]From[/td] [/tr]

[tr] [td]Ke[/td] [td]To[/td] [/tr]

Here are the explanation of Indonesian Prepositions examples:

  • Di atas = Under
    Anjingku tidur di atas bantalku.
    My dog sleeps under my pillow.
  • DI atas = Above
    Burung-burung terbang di atas permukaan laut.
    The birds fly above the sea surface.
  • Di atas = On
    Annie meletakkan remot TV di atas laptop.
    Annie puts TV remote on the laptop.
  • Di dalam = In
    Lisa memiliki uang di dalam dompetnya.
    Lisa has money in her wallet.
  • Ke dalam = Into
    Lisa memasukkan uang ke dalam dompetnya.
    Lisa puts money into her wallet.
  • Di bawah = Under
    Anak itu menempelkan bekas permen karet di bawah bangku taman.
    That kid sticks gumball waste under the park bench.
  • Di bawah = Bellow
    Kucing saya tidur di bawah kasur.
    My cat sleeps below the bed.
  • Di samping = Beside
    Samantha hanya ingin duduk di samping suaminya.
    Samantha wants to sit only beside her husband.
  • Di Depan = In front of
    Ketua kelompok berjalan di depan barisan pramuka cilik.
    The group leader walks in front of the little scouts row.
  • Di Dalam = Inside
    Bila kau mencari dosen, ia berada di dalam kantornya.
    If you are looking for our lecturer, he is inside his office.
  • Ke dalam = Inside
    Lala baru saja masuk ke dalam kamar tidurnya.
    Lala just go inside her bedroom.
  • Di luar = Outside
    Betsy sedang berada di luar.
    Betsy is outside.
  • Ke luar = Outside
    Sepertinya bayimu baru saja berjalan ke luar sendirian.
    It seems your baby just walks outside by herself.
  • Di antara = Between
    Susy berdiri di antara dua patung yang terbuat dari rotan.
    Susy is standing between two rattan statues.
  • Dekat = Near
    Sepertinya kamu dapat menemukan penjual cilok dekat pasar.
    It seems you can find a cilok seller near the market.
  • Jauh = Far
    SPBU terletak cukup jauh dari posisimu sekarang.
    The gas station is located quite far than your current position.
  • Dari = From
    Setiap hari Lisa berjalan kaki dari rumah ke sekolah.
    Every day Lisa walks from her house to her school.
  • Ke = To
    Setiap hari Lisa berjalan kaki dari rumah ke sekolahnya.
    Every day Lisa walks from her house to her school.

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3. Indonesian Prepositions of Time

Here are the list of Indonesian Prepositions:

Preposisi[/th] [th]Prepositions

[tr] [td]Ketika[/td] [td]When [/td] [/tr]

[tr] [td]Sebelum[/td] [td]Before[/td] [/tr]

[tr] [td]Setelah[/td] [td]After[/td] [/tr]

[tr] [td]Sesudah[/td] [td]After[/td] [/tr]

[tr] [td]Sampai[/td] [td]Until [/td] [/tr]

[tr] [td]Hingga[/td] [td]Until[/td] [/tr]

[tr] [td]Saat[/td] [td]During[/td] [/tr]

[tr] [td]Ketika[/td] [td]During[/td] [/tr]

[tr] [td]Sejak[/td] [td]Since[/td] [/tr]

[tr] [td]Dari[/td] [td]From[/td] [/tr]

Here are the explanation of Indonesian Prepositions examples:

  • Ketika = When
    Seorang penjual donat berada di sini ketika kamu berangkat sekolah.
    A donut seller is here when you go to school.
  • Sebelum = Before
    Kamu harus datang ke kelas sebelum dosen kelas Linguistik datang.
    You have to be in class before the Linguistics lecturer comes.
  • Setelah = After
    Dokter tampan itu akan memeriksamu setelah ia memeriksa ibu itu.
    That handsome doctor will examines you after he examined that woman
  • Sesudah = After
    Dokter tampan itu akan memeriksamu sesudah ia memeriksa ibu itu.
    That handsome doctor will examines you after he examined that woman.
  • Sampai = Until
    Kita harus menunggu sampai jam lima untuk menemui dosen.
    We have to wait untl five o’clock to see the lecturer.
  • Hingga = Until
    Kita harus menunggu sampai jam lima untuk menemui dosen.
    We have to wait untl five o’clock to see the lecturer.
  • Saat = During
    Kami makan siang bersama saat waktu istirahat.
    We eat lunches together during the break time.
  • Ketika = During
    Kami makan siang bersama ketika waktu istirahat.
    We eat lunches together during the break time.
  • Sejak = Since
    Perusahaan jamu ini dibangun sejak tahun 1864.
    This jamu company was built since the year of 1864.
  • Dari = From
    Aku sudah menunggu kamu dari
    I have been waiting for you from dawn.

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Those are Indonesian Prepositions in Indonesian Grammar! Not too hard, no? What? Are you still confused to use those Indonesian Prepositions in your daily conversation? No worries!

Here is a quick example of short conversation which applies several Indonesian prepositions examples in sentences!

*Settings: A guy named Jimmy meets his classmate named Bertha*

Jimmy  : Halo, Bertha!
(Hello, Bertha!)

Bertha : Halo juga, Jimmy!
(Hello too, Jimmy!)

Jimmy  : Kamu dari perpustakaan ya? Kamu membawa sebuah kamus.
(Are you from the library? You bring a dictionary)

Bertha : Oh, bukan. Aku meminjamnya dari temanku. Aku memiliki sebuah tugas yang harus diserahkan ke dosenku. Tapi aku belum mengerjakannya karena aku sedang bersiap-siap untuk berangkat ke Jogja.
(Oh, no. I borrow it from my friend. I have a task which I have to hand it to my lecturer. But I have not done it because I am preparing to go to Jogja.)

Jimmy  : Ke Jogja?
(To Jogja?)

Bertha : Iya. Aku bersama adikku akan ke Jogja untuk mengunjungi nenekku.
( Yes, me with my sister will go to Jogja to visit my grandmother.)

Jimmy  : Apakah kamu memerlukan bantuan untuk mengerjakan tugasmu? Aku tahu bahwa tugas itu cukup sulit.
(Do you need any help to do the task? I know that the task is quite hard.)

Bertha: Tidak perlu, Jimmy. Terima kasih. Kita berasal dari jurusan yang berbeda. Meskipun kelasku berada di sebelah kelasmu. Tidak seperti di jurusanku, tugas-tugasmu pasti lebih susah.
(No need, Jimmy. Thank you. We are from different programs. Although my class is located beside your class. Unlike my program, your tasks must be more difficult.)

Jimmy  : Memang benar. Tapi aku ingin membantu hingga kamu berangkat ke Jogja.
(It is true. But I want to help until you go to Jogja.)

Bertha  : Sekali lagi terima kasih. Aku bisa mengerjakan tugas ini sendiri.
(Thank you once again. I can do the task all by myself)

Jimmy:  Kalau kamu berpikir begitu.
(If you think so.)

Bertha: Cukup doakan untuk aku dari sini, ya!
(Just pray for me from far, okay!)

Jimmy:  Pasti!
(I will!)

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Here are more Indonesian Prepositions:

That is all of the  conversation example! And it also ends this article! Thank you so much for joining us here! See you soon in our next article!

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Categories: Prepositions