How Do You Say Happy End of Ramadan in Indonesia?

In Indonesia, Ramadan is a very valuable moment. Most of Indonesian people are Muslim. Once a year in Lunar Calendar, they have to do fasting.

In this article, we will discuss about how do you say happy end of Ramadan in Indonesia. There are many things that you can say, and you will learn about it below.

The Meaning of Happy End of Ramadan in Indonesia

Ramadan is indeed a very valuable moment for all of Muslim people, including Muslim people in Indonesia.

The end of Ramadan means that they will soon completed the fasting and other pray that they should do in Ramadan. This is something you can congratulate on.

In English, you can say it as “happy end of Ramadan.” In Indonesian, you can translate it into Indonesian language:

  • Happy: selamat
  • End: akhir
  • Ramadan: Ramadhan

If you say it as “selamat akhir Ramadhan”, it will be too awkward and weird. You can say it as “selamat hari terakhir Ramadhan” or “selamat hari terakhir berpuasa”.

You can also express it in other sentences:

  • Selamat menyambut Idul Fitri (Happy Eid Al-Fitr)
  • Selamat jalan Ramadan (bye Ramadan)

Read more about how to congratulate in Indonesian for other occasions.

Fasting or Ramadan in Indonesia

When fasting in Ramadan month, Muslim people in Indonesia cannot drink and eat from morning (around 4 am) until evening (around 6 pm).

Although not all of Indonesian people is Muslim, the majority of the people is Muslim. In result, most of the restaurants will close at lunch time. Several restaurants will still be open, however most of them will close their windows.

Fasting month in Indonesia is very unique and valuable. People will pray a lot more than other months. This is an important time, so people usually say “happy fasting” because it is something big to be celebrated. At the end of Ramadan, people usually say other greeting, something like “happy end of Ramadan.”

A day after Ramadan is a feast day for Muslim people. Although it is sad that Ramadan will end soon after the last day, they will meet a happy day when day celebrate the end of Ramadan (known as Eid Al-Fitr).

Indonesian Other Related Sentences to Say Happy End of Ramadan in Indonesia

If you want to say more meaningful and long sentences to express Happy End of Ramadan in Indonesia, you can google it and found it easily. Most people in Indonesia use beautiful sentences and sent it to close friends or family.  

Here, I will provide you several common sentences that Indonesian people say on the end of Ramadan as translated from tribunnews.com:

  • Kami dengan tulus mengucapkan permintaan maaf yang tulus sepanjang waktu telah terlampaui dari kesalahan sengaja maupun tidak di malam akhir ramadhan ini.

We sincerely want to say a sincere apology for all the time we have been through, from intentional as well as accidental mistakes, on this moment of the end of Ramadan.

  • Maafkan segala khilaf atas lisan yang tajam, ucapan yang menusuk, hati yang kotor, perilaku yang menyinggung dan sikap yang tidak sopan dalam doa-doa Anda di malam akhir ramadhan ini.

Let me apologize for all mistakes happened from all of my bad words, dirty heart, offensive behavior, and disrespectful attitude in your prayers on the night of the end of Ramadan.

  • Memasuki malam akhir ramadhan ibarat memasuki zona terbukanya pintu doa yang makbul menghadapi Hari Raya Kemenangan Idul Fitri.

Entering the last night of Ramadan is like entering a zone of the opened prayer door that faces the day of Eid Al-Fitr.

Read more about other Indonesian quotes:

That’s the explanation on how do you say happy end of Ramadan in Indonesia. I hope the information will be helpful for you. Thank you for reading.

Categories: Greetings