How to Say Don’t in Indonesian Language

Selamat Pagi, good people!

We are glad to know you still have eager to learn Bahasa Indonesia with us on this website. By the way, let’s learn about something new. In this time, we shall learn about how to say “don’t” in Indonesian.

Don’t is used to show or express or state the opposite. Simply means no. It also can be used to show that someone disagree.

Actually don’t simply means “Tidak”. The pronunciation is “tea-duck”. Yes, kinda saying both of nouns. Although, in formal way of Bahasa Indonesia, ” Tidak” is the one and only meaning of don’t. In other case that is informal, the translation of don’t can be more than one.

Without wasting time anymore, let’s begin our lesson session. Check this following explanation about how to say don’t in Indonesian Language.

1. Tidak (Don’t) 

Like it has been said previously, Tidak is the simple meaning of don’t. It is commonly used in formal conversation or any other circumstanse. For example :

  • I don’t want to eat fried rice anymore = Saya tidak ingin makan nasi goreng lagi
  • We don’t have the responsibility to call the speaker = Kami tidak memiliki kewajiban untuk hubungi pembicara

In English, don’t is only used in the sentence with the subjects are I, we, and they. Meanwhile, when the subjects are she, he, and it, doesn’t is used as the correct grammar.

However, in Bahasa Indonesia, there is no different use whether the subjects I we, they, he, she, or it. It is all the same use  of “tidak”

To make you getting it more clear, here the example for you about how to say don’t in Indonesian Language:

  • She doesn’t need all of these books : Dia tidak butuh semua buku ini
  • It (the cat) doesn’t eat fish like it was used to = Kucing itu tidak makan ikan seperti biasanya
  • He doesn’t come to our meeting =Dia tidak datang ke pertemuan kami lagi

Also read:

2. Tak (Don’t/No) 

Actually, “tak” is similar to tidak, that is used in formal way. Its pronunciation sounds like how we say “tuck”. By the way, this word seems another word of tidak in short. Here are the examples ti make you understand about how this word is used :

  • I don’t want to meet him anymore = Saya tak ingin jumpa dengan dirinya lagi
  • We don’t sing another song = Kami tak menyanyikan lagu yang lain

Because of, “tak” is kinda “tidak” for short. So that, how its use is similar. Here is another example for you :

  • Despite of his mistake, but she doesn’t hate her ex boyfriend = Meskipun ada kesalahannya, tapi dia tak pernah membenci mantan kekasihnya

Also read:

3. Enggak (Informal Ways of Saying No) 

After talking dont in formal way on how to say don’t in Indonesian Language, it is time to learn the informal ones. Enggak is also included in the words to say “dont”  in Bahasa Indonesia.

The pronouncation of “Enggak” sounds like Aeng-guak. To know its better sound exactly, you should ask your Indonesian friend or the others who speak Bahasa Indonesia fluently.

Don’t forget that “Enggak” is informal use. Unless it is conversation with the elder or formal situation, then you can use “Enggak”. Especially whenever you would talk to your peer group, then you can say it.

Anyway, here the examples for ylu in order to make you understand about how its use is :

  • I don’t ask you to do it = Aku enggak meminta dirimu untuk melakukan hal tersebut,
  • We don’t go to see this movie in cinema = Kami enggak pergi untuk menonton film ink di bioskop,
  • Since she got her tonsil inflammed, then she doesn’t like eating ice cream anymore= Semenjak ia menderita peradangan tonsil, lalu ia enggak suka makan es krim lagi.

Okay, that is all how you say don’t in Indonesian Language. Keep trying and learning, good people. See you!

Categories: Conversation