How to Say Get well soon in Indonesia Language – Sentence Examples

In everyday life, we may face the situation when our friends or our family get sick. In Indonesia culture, we can visit them with bringing some fruits or breads. Both are as a symbol of close relationship either as family or close friend.

How to Say Get well soon in Indonesia Language

  • Semoga cepat sembuh 
  • Semoga lekas sehat 

If we are in far away from those who get sick, we can text them by giving some expression as follows:

  1. We miss your laugh, your joke, we miss talking and discussing together, hope you get well soon brother

Kami rindu ketawamu, candaanmu, kami rindu berbicara dan diskusi bersama. Semoga cepat sembuh kakak

  1. Hospital is not your home and our place, please stay calm and take rest to get well soon

Rumah sakit bukan rumahmu dan bukan tempat kita, tolong tetap tenang dan istirahatlah biar cepat sembuh

  1. My friend, I miss playing football together with you , move your body and get well soon

Temanku, saya kangen bermain sepak bola denganmu, gerakkan tubuhmu dan cepatlah sembuh

  1. Don’t forget to eat well ordered and drink the medicine from the doctor on time, that’s all for your recovery.

Jangan lupa untuk makan teratur dan minum obat dari dokter tepat waktu, itu semua demi kesembuhanmu.

  1. Don’t forget to drink medicine from doctor on time, dont forget to eat and drink, so you will be healthy then

Jangan lupa minum obat dari dokter tepat waktu, jangan lupa untuk makan dan minum, jadi kamu akan sehat selanjutnya.

  1. Don’t be sad, don’t be afraid, we are always together as friend, we need your coming here, be healthy again

Jangan sedih, jangan khawatir, kami selalu bersamamu sebagai teman, kami butuh kedatanganmu di sini, jadilah sehat kembali

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  1. Sister, we send our pray to you. We miss the time together with you. Our family misses you so much. Without your smile, we cannot find the happiness, let’s be better soon

Kakak, kami berdoa untuk mu. Kami kangen bersama denganmu. Keluarga kita rindu kakak. Tanpa senyum kakak, kami tidak dapat menemukan kebahagiaan. Cepatlah sembuh.

  1. Every day we talk together, we walk together, we learn school lesson together. Honey, please be healthy, I miss you so much

Setiap hari kita berbicara bersama, kita berjalan bersama, kita belajar pelajaran sekolah bersama. Saying, cepatlah sehat, saya kangen kamu

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  1. You have to kick away your sick, we keep our promise together to do a joke together

Kamu harus melawan penyakitmu, kita tetap menjaga janji untuk bercanda bersama

  1. My dear, don’t be afraid, I stay beside you whatever your condition. Right now you get an illness. You have to take a rest and make your mind be calmer, so you will be recovered soon

Sayangku, jangan khawatir. saya tetap disampingmu apapun kondisimu. Sekarang, kondisimu lagi sakit. Kamu harus istirahat dan berpikirlah tenang. Jadi kamu akan cepat sembuh secepatnya

  1. I hear that you get sick bro. I am so sorry I cannot come to visit you. But here, I always pray for you. Let’s be better soon and healthy to do your daily activity

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Saya denganr kamu lagi sakit, teman. Maaf saya tidak bisa mengunjungimu. Tapi disini, saya akan selalu berdoa untukmu. Cepatlah lebih baik dan sehat untuk beraktivitas sehari – hari.

  1. My brother, right now you just sleep because you get a warm. Be better soon and do your activity.

Saudaraku, sekarang kamu hanya tidur karena lagi sakit panas. Cepatlah sembuh dan kerjarkan aktivitas sehari – harimu

Categories: Sentences