How to Say Nice to Meet You in Bahasa (Easy Practice)

The sentence “nice to meet you” is usually one of the first sentence that students learn when learning English. Here, we will discuss about how to say nice to meet you in Bahasa.

Usually we say it when meeting with people, especially with new people, in daily life and in a business meeting. We will learn to say it in Bahasa both formally and informally.

“Nice to Meet You” Meaning in Bahasa

If we break down the sentence “nice to meet you” meaning per word, it would be:

Nice : Senang/suka/bagus

Meet : Bertemu

You : Kamu / Anda

As a whole sentence, “nice to meet you” can be translated as “senang bertemu denganmu” in Bahasa. If you want to say it more formally, in case you are having a business conversation, you can say it as “senang bertemu dengan Anda”.

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How to Pronounce “Nice to Meet You” in Bahasa

Pronouncing “nice to meet you” or “senang bertemu denganmu” in Bahasa is not hard. We will break down per word as below:

  • Pronouncing the word “senang”

The “e” in “se” is pronounced similar with “e” in “perhaps”. While the “a” in senang is pronounced similar with “a” in “last”.

  • Pronouncing the word “bertemu”

The “e” in “ber” and “te” is pronounced similar with “e” in “perhaps”. While the “mu” in bertemu is pronounced similar with “mu” in “multiple”.

  • Pronouncing the word “kamu”

Pronouncing the “ka” in kamu is similar with “ca” in “car. While the “mu” in kamu is pronounced similar with “mu” in “multiple”.

How To Say “Nice to Meet You” in Bahasa Informally

If you are in an informal situation, maybe you want to try to say “nice to meet you” in Bahasa informally.

  • You can replace the word “senang” in the informal form “seneng”. The “e” in “neng” is pronounced similar with “e” in “perhaps”.
  • You can replace the word “bertemu” with “ketemu”. All of the “e” is pronounced similar with “e” in “perhaps”.
  • The word kamu is already quite informal. You can say it as it is.

As a result, if you want to say “nice to meet you” in Bahasa informally, you can say it “seneng ketemu kamu”.  

Examples of Conversation using “Nice to Meet You” in Bahasa

Below are several examples of conversation using “nice to meet you” in Bahasa. You can also learn about how to reply “nice to meet you” in Bahasa from the examples below (how to say “nice to meet you too” in Bahasa):

  • A: Senang bertemu denganmu (nice to meet you)

B: Senang bertemu denganmu juga (nice to meet you too)

  • A: Senang bertemu Anda (nice to meet you)

B: Senang bertemu Anda juga (nice to meet you too)

  • A: Seneng ketemu kamu (nice to meet you)

B: Aku juga seneng ketemu kamu (I’m glad to see you too)

That’s all about how to say nice to meet you in Bahasa. Thank you for reading, hope the information above will be helpful for all of the readers.

Categories: Conversation