How to Say Police in Indonesian – Examples and Conversations

Hello all, I hope you have a good day. Today I would like to show you how to say Police in Indonesian.  We, Indonesians say polisi (po.li.si) as term for Police.

Here are some sentence examples of how to say police in Indonesia

  • Ke mana arah pos polisi yang paling dekat dari sini? (Where is the direction of the nearest police station from here?)
  • Berapa nomor telepon kantor polisi daerah Kuta? (What is the phone number of police office in Kuta area?)
  • Beberapa polisi bertanya kepadaku tentang tujuan perjalananku. (Some police officers asking me about my trip purpose.)
  • Saya kesulitan berkomunikasi dengan polisi wanita (polwan, read:pol.wan) tersebut karena dia tidak bisa berbicara berbahasa inggris. (I feel difficulty in communicating with the female police because she can’t speak English.)

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When you lost something, can be your wallet, passport, or other belongings, you have to go to the nearest police station.

Here is some examples of how to communicate with the officer in Indonesian.

  • You: Selamat siang, Pak. Saya baru saja kehilangan paspor saya. Apakah bisa dibantu? (Good afternoon, Sir. I just lost my passport, could please help me?)
  • Polisi: Selamat siang, Anda harus mengisi formulir laporan kehilangan yang kita sediakan. kemudian Anda harus segera melaporkannya dengan membawa formulir ini  ke Kantor Imigrasi. (Good afternoon, you have to fill the lost report form, which we have provided. After that you have to soon report it and bring along this form to immigration office.)

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During your holiday in Indonesia, you visit a tourism place and you forgot the way back to your hotel and you bump into a police officer.

  • You: Permisi Pak, ke arah mana saya harus menuju jika ingin ke hotel Horison? letaknya di pusat kota.       (Excuse me sir, what direction should I take if I want to go the Horison hotel? It is located in city center.)
  • Police: Anda jalan lurus sekitar 500 meter dari sini, kemudian Anda belok kiri dan berjalan lagi sekitar 500 m, kemudian Anda belok kanan, dan anda sudah sampai di pusat kota. (You just go straight around 500 m from here, then you turn left and after that walk around 500 meter, then you turn right and you actually have arrive at the city center.)

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Another Idiom of Police in Indonesia 

The word Polisi in Indonesia is also used as term to slow limit the vehicle speed. It is called Polisi Tidur (Sleeping Police).

This term refers to a concrete cement pile across the road, to make the rider or drivers reduce their car’s or motorcycle’s speed.

Polisi tidur ditambah di jalan M.H Thamrin karena banyak kendaraan yang melaju kencang. (Sleeping police is added on Jalan M.H Thamrin because there are a lot of vehicles that are fast.)

Those are some examples of how to say police in Indonesian. Hopefully those samples help you learn Indonesian better. Have a good day.

Categories: Conversation