Basic Conversation at Gas Station in Indonesian Language – Examples

Hi everyone! I trust this writing finds you well! Today we will learn something that can make your daily life in Indonesia a lot of easier which is basic conversation at Gas Station in Indonesian Language.

Using private transportation vehicle is common in Indonesia. The example of private transportation that most used including motorbike, scooter, car and bicycle. The number of motorbike is outnumbering the other vehicle. This is because motorbike best use during worst traffic jam. You can do maneuver during to keep you move during the traffic. It is something you cannot do by driving a car.

If you are in Bali, then most likely you will rent a motorbike or scooter to do your travel mobility.  You can find tons of motorbike rental service when you arrived. However, when you rent a bike, it doesn’t cover for the fuel. You have to refill the tank by yourself. All you need to do is to find nearest gas station.

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Before you fill in your gas tank in a gas station, you have to know type of fuel that commonly used in Indonesian gas station. Below are lists of fuel and it’s price that commonly used in Indonesia:

Types of Fuel in Indonesian Gas Station

  • Premium : Rp. 7000/ltr
  • Pertamax : Rp. 10.400/ltr
  • Pertalite: Rp. 7800/ltr
  • Solar: Rp. 9800/ltr

Premium is a government subsidized fuel. This type of fuel is also started to become rare to sell since it supposed to be only sold to poor people. This type of fuel is also has the lowest quality compare to other types of fuel. Pertamax is a top tier fuel. It has first class quality and higher prices compare to other. Pertalite has better quality compare to Premium, but it one level below Pertamax. Solar is only for certain vehicle such as truck or big car.

When you come to the gas station, you can choose types of fuel as mentioned above. In Indonesian language, conversation in gas station is simple. It depends on the type of gas station. When you come to self services gas station, you need to tell the operator how much you want to fill your gas tank. Below are examples of phrases that oftenly used in gas station.

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Phrase in Gas Station:

  • Isi Pertamax 30.000 (Fill with Pertamax, 30.000 Rupiah)
  • Pertalite 20.000 (Pertalite, 20.000 Rupiah)
  • Pertalite 20 (Pertalite, 20.) 

On phrase above, we can see that we just need to mention what type of fuel we want to take. Then, we need to mention how much we want our fuel to be filled in Rupiah, not liter. This showed in the first and second phrase above. On the third phrase, we can even shortening the number. The number “20” is a simplification of saying 20.000 rupiah in a simple way. In self-services gas station, after we mention phrase above, the operator will give us code and bill to scan in the fuel vending machine.

There is also non self-service gas station in Indonesia. In this type of gas station, we do not fill our own fuel. Instead, the operator will do it for us. We just need to mention type of fuel and how much we want our tank to be filled in Rupiah. Then, the operator will do the rest of the work. However, this gas station is rarely prints the bill. We need to ask the operator whether they can provide printed bill or not. Below are examples on asking the fuel bill in non self-services gas station.

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Asking the Fuel Bill in Non Self-Service Gas Station

  • Bisa Minta Bon? (Can I get the bill?)
  • Tolong Print Struknya. (Please print the receipt)
  • Minta Struk ya. (Please give me the receipt)

In Indonesian language, bill translated as “Bon” or “Struk”.  Mostly, the word “bon” is oftenly used for traditional bill which manually written with pen. The word “struk” is more popular when we want to describe the printed bill or receipt. Now, we need to know how to put all the phrase and information above on a conversation at the gas station.

Below are examples of basic conversation in the gas station:

Basic conversation at the gas station

A: Mau isi Berapa? (How much you want to fill?)

B: Pertamax, 20.000 (Pertamax, 20.000 Rupiah)

A: Ok, mulai dari nol ya. (Ok, we will start from zero)

B: Bisa minta struk? (Can I get the receipt?)

A: Bisa. Ini struknya. Terima kasih. (Sure, here is the receipt. Thank you)

In simple conversation above, we see how to do basic conversation in Indonesian language at gas station. After we mention the type of fuel and the number, the operator will always said “Mulai dari nol ya” (We will start from zero). This sentence refers to the fuel meter on the vending machine that always started from zero. This is to make sure that there is no manipulation when they fill your gas.

Okay, now you already know how to do basic conversation at Gas Station in Indonesian Language. The most important is you have to know what type of fuel you want to fill and how much you want to fill. After that, if you need the bill, just ask the operator to give the printed receipt for you. That’s all for today! Happy practice!

Categories: Conversation