Airport is certainly the first place in a country that you will visit. It is the first environment that you should adjust as a foreigner. You can find many facilities inside, it can be administration process, rest rooms, canteens, prayer places, and more. Let’s learn English and Indonesian conversation at the airport:
Here are some vocabularies that you might find at the airport:
- Airport : Bandara
- Flight : Penerbangan
- Airplane/Plane : Pesawat
- Seat : Tempat duduk
- Gate : Pintu gerbang
- Arrival : Kedatangan
- Arrive : Datang
- Arrival time : Waktu kedatangan
- Departure : Keberangkatan
- Depart : Berangkat
- Departure time: Waktu keberangkatan
- Board ing time : Jam keberangkatan
- Boarding : Masuk pesawat
- Delay : Penundaan
- Check-in : Mendaftar
- Ticket : Tiket
- Ticket number: Nomor tiket
- Schedule : Jadwal
- Passport : Paspor
- National identification : Identitas nasional (abbreviated as KTP in Indonesian)
- Identification : Tanda pengenal
- Boarding pass: Pas naik
- Baggage : Bagasi
- Luggage : Tas/Barang bawaan
- Stewardess : Pramugari
- Steward : Pramugara
- Security officer: Satpam
- Restroom : Ruang istirahat
- Toilet : Kamar mandi
- Canteen : Kantin
- Store : Toko
- Restaurants : Restoran
- Hotel : Penginapan
- Car Rental : Penyewaan mobil
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Conversations in airport
Learn English and Indonesian conversation at the airport:
Checking in
A: Welcome. May I have your tickets?
Selamat datang. Boleh saya lihat tiket anda?
B: Here you go
Ini dia
A: Is anybody else traveling with you?
Apakah ada orang yang pergi bersamamu?
B: No. It’s just me
Tidak. Hanya saya sendiri.
A: Do you have your passports with you?
Apakah kamu membawa paspormu?
B: Of course. Here it is.
Tentu. Ini dia.
A: That’s all. Thank you mam! Have a great visit!
Itu saja bu, semoga kunjunganmu menyenangkan!
B: Ok, you’re welcome!
Baik, sama-sama.
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Luggage check in
A: There are some questions. Please respond with a yes or a no.
Ada beberapa pertanyaan. Mohon dijawab dengan ya atau tidak.
B: Ok.
A: Did a stranger ask you to take something on the plane with you?
Apakah ada orang asing memintamu untuk mengambil sesuatu ke dalam pesawat?
B: No.
A: Did you make sure that those are your luggage that you own?
Apakah sudah anda pastikan bahwa semua barang bawaan anda adalah milik anda?
B: Yes.
A: Are you carrying any weapons or firearms?
Apakah kamu membawa senjata atau senjata api?
B: No.
A: Are you carrying any flammable material?
Apakah kamu membawa benda mudah terbakar?
B: No.
A: That’s all. Can you move your baggage over here?
Itu saja. Bisakah anda pindahkan bagasi anda kesini?
B: Sure.
A: Do you prefer an aisle or a window seat?
Kamu lebih memilih duduk di sebelah lorong atau di dekat jendela?
B: Window seat please.
Di dekat jendela saja.
A: Ok. I am placing you in 13A. The gate number is B1. It is written on the bottom of the ticket. They will start boarding 20 minutes before the departure time. B1 is located around the corner through the hall. Thank you for your visit to Indonesia.
Baik. Saya memberimu tempat duduk di 13 A. Pintu gerbangnya B1. Tertulis pada pojok bawah tiket. Mereka akan mengizinkan masuk pesawat 20 menit sebelum jam keberangkatan. B1 terletak di sekitar pojok melalui aula. Terima kasih atas kunjungannya ke Indonesia.
B: Can you tell me which way is B1?
Bisakah kamu memberitahu saya B1 itu ke arah mana?
A: Sure. It’s that way.
Tentu. Ke arah sana.
B: Thank you so much!
Terima kasih!
A : You’re welcome! Have a safe flight!
Sama-sama! Semoga selamat di perjalanan!
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Announcement at the gate
Learn English and Indonesian conversation at the airport:
- Gate change
A : Apologies ladies and gentlemen, but there has been a gate change. So I hope you can mobilize to the
new gate at C1. Sorry for the inconveniences.
Mohon maaf bapak dan ibu, tapi terdapat perubahan pintu gerbang. Kami harap anda dapat berpindah ke pintu terbaru yaitu C1. Mohon maaf atas kenyamanannya.
B : Excuse me, but can you tell us which one is that gate?
Mohon maaf tapi bisakah kamu beri tahu pintu itu ke arah mana?
A : Sure. It’s that way through the hall.
Tentu. Ke arah sana melalui aula.
B : Thank you.
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- Boarding announcement
A : Attention ladies and gentlemen, we are going to open the gate in 10 minutes. Please kindly prepare your boarding pass and identification and line up in the queue
Mohon perhatiannya bapak dan ibu, kami akan membuka pintu gerbang dalam waktu 10 menit. Mohon disiapkan boarding pass dan tanda pengenal serta berbaris dalam barisan.
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Asking for airport facilities
You are encouraged to ask to the customer service or security officer.
A : Excuse me. May I know where can I find the restroom/restaurant/canteen/exit gate?
Mohon maaf. Boleh saya tau dimana kamar mandi/restoran/kantin/pintu keluar?
B : Of course. You can follow me.
Tentu. Kamu bisa mengikuti saya.
That’s all for the lesson today. We hope it can be helpful for you during your first arrival in Indonesia!