How to Say Water in Balinese – Vocabulary – Example

Indonesia language is the representative to all tribes’ languages which exist in Indonesia. Because of its many tribes, Indonesian language are important to be learnt. However, learning one or more than tribes’ languages are necessary, such as learning Javanese as the most spoken language and or learning Balinese as the most visited province in Indonesia.

If you decide to visit Bali soon, you had better learn the language which has three different level languages. The first level is Bahasa Bali Halus which is spoken by the authorities or spoken in a formal situation such as the meetings. The second level is Bahasa Bali Madya which is spoken by the same-age people or from older to younger people. The third level is Bahasa Bali Kasar which is spoken among the severe people or maid class.

After knowing about the level of language, learning Balinese is as important as knowing the culture history of Bali. People of Bali have the great history with water. Balinese use water every time they want to do the rituals or traditional event in the province. Water is called as the God’s universe. The Weda (Hindu’s Scripture) elaborates that water is a source of cure and repellent of the diseases.

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Then, how to say water in Balinese?

  • The Word Water in Balinese

There are three different words for water in Balinese.

Water: Toya, Tirta, and Yeh

In the history, Toya word has its own meaning relates to the holy meaning. Toya means God’s universe. Toya is also implied as the holy water among Balinese. The meaning of Toya as holy water is as same as Tirta. Tirta has the meaning of holy water. 

Toya: Water, God’s Universe or Holy Water

Tirta: Water, Holy Water

Yeh: Water

  • The Combination of Water Word in Balinese with Other Words

Other than the basic words of water, the words can also be combined by other words and produced as the different words. Here are the example of how to say water in Balinese combined with other words.

Balinese Meaning in English
Tirta Yatra Pilgrimage
Kama Semen
Enceh Pee
Damuh Dew Water
Waspa Tears
Cangkrim Chicken Pox

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Example of the Phrases and Sentences or Expressions with Water Words

Expressions or Phrases in Balinese with Water Meaning in English
Tiang nyak toya botolan I like mineral water (Madya/Halus level)
Titian jagi lunga ka bayu tirta I go to water power source (Halus level)
Ragane nginem yeh mudah You drink the cheap water (Madya/Kasar level)
Yat, da jekjek enceh! Watch out, don’t step on the pee!
Waspa nya bales The tears are swift
Aji ka Tirta Yatra Bapak goes to Tirta Yatra
Blalunya maduwe damuh The tree has dew water

Those are the expressions and phrases for helping you to add the knowledge of how to say water in Balinese. After knowing the meaning of toya, yeh, or tirta for water words, you have to speak them correctly in time and level of speaking.

You also have known the other words combined with the water word in Balinese. So, are you going to visit Bali soon and practice those words?

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Categories: Vocabulary