A-Z Javanese Swear Words – Meaning – Rules

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What is the most interesting as well as sensitive part of learning new language? Yes, the swear words. You have learned about Indonesian Bad Words and Balinese Swear Words. Now, let’s move to another local language, which is about Javanese Swear Words! Then, you will know and understand the meaning and could use your knowledge wisely as well as properly. Before we go, let’s check these following articles. Take a look!

Dog = Asu

In Bahasa Indonesia and Javanese, the most popular and common swear word is translated as ‘dog’ or ‘dog-ish person’. Somehow, unlike other countries, we have this ‘special’ relationship with dog. In Javanese, it is translated as ‘asu’ and it is very harsh. But, sometimes if you are very close to your friends that makes mocking of each other becomes the way your friendship works, it will somehow becomes only a joke to each other.

But, I recommend you not to use it because it is very offensive, especially in Javanese speaking region or for older people. In addition, there are many modifications of how to say ‘asu’, which is ‘wasyu’, ‘uasu’. ‘wasew’ and similar sounding word.

Here are some others Javanese swear words related to animals. Furthermore, every animals actually could be a swear word

  • kirik = puppy (less harsh than ‘asu’)
  • monyet = monkey
  • wedhus = goat
  • pitik = chick
  • babi/celeng = pig/wild boar
  • kebo = ox (for couch potato person or like to sleep)
  • Babi ngepet = mystical pig/wild boar which related to supernatural practice in Indonesia
  • jangkrik = cricket
  • Kampret = microbats (a species of bat)
    *it is also could be shortened as ‘pret’
  • Bangsat = bedbug (a species of bug that has stinky smell)

All of those animals has similar meaning with sh*t, son of a b*tch, motherf*cker, f*ck’. Usually people also use it with this formula: ‘you’, ‘this’ or ‘that’. Here are the examples.

  • Asu, koe = You are a dog!/You are son of a b*tch
  • Kebo, kui = He/She is lazy likes an ox  (‘kui’ refer to third-person pronouns, but literally translated as ‘that’)
  • Iki kampret = This (task) is sh*t (‘Iki’ is translated as ‘this)

Read also : Indonesian Words for Animals


Other most common and popular Javanese Swear Words is ‘jancuk’, which is also similar with son of a b*tch, motherf*cker and expression of sh*t and f*ck. But, in East Java it shows close relationships between two persons and not as harsh as in the Center Java or Yogyakarta.

Even though those regions use Javanese, but the dialects are different, including the sense of some words. Usually the Center Java and Yogyakarta is considered softer and more strict, while the East Java is thought to be more inappropriate or harsh by the previous one. Furthermore, the word ‘jancuk’ has also a variation which is ‘cuk’ (shorten of ‘jancuk’)

Here are other Javanese Swear Words

  • Asem = literally translated as ‘sour’
  • Cocote = your mouth
  • cangkemmu = your mouth
  • ndasmu = your head
  • sikilmu = your leg
  • matamu = your eyes
  • gundulmu = your bald head

Beside animals, mention your + body part could be swear words to. For ‘matamu’ (your eyes) or ndasmu (your head), it is considered very harsh because there is a cultural rules that pointing someone at their upper body part (above chest) is impolite. 

Therefore, never pointing someone head or eyes when talking to people, especially in Javanese speaking region. Read also Indonesian Words Body Parts

  • modar = die
  • bajingan = (son of a b*tch)
  • pekok = moron
  • semprul = inconsequent
  • ngaceng = similar to erection (male)
  • kimcil = small v*gina
  • tempik = v*gina
  • jembud = pubic hair
  • ngepet = similar to ‘babi ngepet’
  • edan = crazy
    (variation: uedan, edyan, wedan)
  • gendeng = crazy
  • Sontoloyo = literally translated as ‘duck sheperd’, but means careless people
  • Mbahmu/Simbahmu = your grandparent
    It means when people say unreasoning things or doing something weird, people usually questioning it and express disagreement like this: Siapa yang ngajar/ngomong? Simbahmu? (Who taught/told you? Your grandparent?) means similar to ‘What the hell’
  • Taik = feses

Read also Indonesian Possesive Pronouns

Furthermore, even though those are the general swear words, actually a second person-posessive pronoun + noun also could means a swear words (similar to what the hell – shows unbelievable expression). Here are the examples.

  • (For someone late)
    – A : Koe saking pundi? (Where are you?)
    – B : Saking omah (I was from my house)
    – A : Omah Mbahmu! Sak iki jam piro, Cuk> (Your grandma house! [what the hell], what time is it now, motherf*cker?)
  • (For someone pretend studying)
    – A : Ngapain, koe? (What are you doing)
    – B : Sinau, Mas. (I’m studying, Older Brother)
    – A : Sinau kumismu! (Studying your mustache [What the hell!])

It may sounds weird as well as funny, but this is one of Indonesian culture. Read Also Indonesian Funny Phrases

So, those are the Javanese Swear Words. However, because the Javanese (especially in Center Java and Yogyakarta) are known very soft and polite people, using it improperly would cause problems because you could offend the culture.

Therefore, I hope you use this knowledge very wisely and try to avoid of using it! Furthermore, if you are still curious about Indonesian culture, take a look of these following articles. Keep practice!

Categories: Vocabulary