-i Suffix in Indonesian – Vocabularies and Sentence Example

They are a lot of topics when we learn Bahasa Indonesia such as Indonesian slang,Indonesian idiom, and Indonesian greeting. However when an individual learns Bahasa Indonesia, they have to learn vocabulary first which is the basic rule of learning Bahasa Indonesia. During learning the vocabulary, it will be found some word that has affiliation with another word that has new meaning. At some point, they will find Indonesian suffix topic.

Suffix is a branch of affixes. The process of suffix’s forming is called suffixation. According to cambridge dictionary, suffix is a letter or a group of letters added at the end of a word which makes a new word. There are a lot of Indonesian suffixes, they are ‘kan’ , ‘an’, ‘i’ , ‘nya’ , ‘man’ , ‘wati’ , ‘wan’ , ‘isme’ , ‘in’, ‘wi’, etc. The topic that will be discussed is -i suffix in Indonesian.

Just like another suffix, -i suffix in Indonesia has few forms with different function and different meaning. Based on Ejaan Yang Disempurnakan, -i suffix in Indonesian is usually added with prefix me, di, and per.

There are two functions of -i suffix in Indonesian.

1. If -i suffix forms an imperative verb. Imperative verb is a verb that has a function to express obligation, and prohibition.

Base Word  Suffix -i Meaning
Ulang Ulangi Repeat
Panas Panasi Heat
Jauh Jauhi Get away

Example : Ulangi lagi gerakanmu! ( Repeat your move!)

Jangan lupa panasi sayur itu! ( Don’t forget to heat the meal!)

Jauhi danau itu! ( Get away from that lake!)

Jangan lupa panasi sayur itu! ( Don’t forget to heat the meal!)

2. i- suffix change intransitive verb to transitive verb.

Base word Prefix me- Suffix -i Meaning
Tangis Menangis Menangisi Cry at
Tawa Menertawai Laugh at

Note : Tawa can not be added with suffix -i without adding prefix me-

Adit menertawai temannya yang terjatuh. ( Adit is laughing at his friend’s fall)

At the first example, the verb is menangisi which is Indonesian transitive verb. Its meaning is crying. Before it is added with -i suffix, the verb is intransitive which is ‘menangis’. ‘Menangis’ is independent, it does not need object. However, after it is added with -i suffix, it needs a direct object which is his dead cat.

It also applies on the second example. The transitive verb is ‘menertawai’. Before it is added with -i suffix, the verb is intransitive verb which is ‘tertawa’. ‘Tertawa’ does not need a direct object, but ‘menertawai’ does. The object is ‘temannya yang terjatuh’ or his friend’s fall.

The meaning of -i suffix in Indonesian

1. To express the action that is done repeatedly

Base Word  Suffix -i Meaning
Ulang Ulangi Repeat
Panas Panasi Heat
Jauh Jauhi Get away

Paman memukuli kecoa hingga mati. ( My uncle hit a coackroach until it is dead.)
The uncle hits repeatedly a coackroach until it is dead. In other words, the uncle will not stop hitting the bug until it is dead.
Ibu memarahi adik yang nakal. ( My mother scold my naught brother.)
A mother scolds her son for being naughty. She will not stop scold him, until her son realize that his behavior can not be accepted.

2. To express the locative case. Its function is to indicate place in or at which.

Base Word Prefix me- Suffix -i Meaning
lewat melewati Pass by
Masuk memasuki Come in
Duduk Menduduki Sit

Note : lewat, masuk, and duduk must be added with prefix me- and suffix -i altogether.

Tono melewati rumah Bayu. ( Tono passes by Bayu’s house.)The verb is melewati which it means pass by. In this case, ‘melewati’ indicates a place which is Bayu’s house.
Edi memasuki ruang kelas. ( Edi comes in to the classroom.)
The verb is ‘memasuki’ which it means come in. In this case, ‘memasuki’ indicates a place which is classroom.
Pak Ratmo menduduki kursi itu. ( Mr. Ratmo sit on that chair.)
The verb is ‘menduduki’ which it means sit. In english chair is not a place, however, in Bahasa Indonesia, chair is a location. Location of where Mr. Ratmo sit. 

3. To express causative. Its function is to be the cause of something that happens. If the verb is added with me- prefix, the verb functions to be a reason or a cause.

Note : All the words in the table can not be added suffix-i without adding prefix me-Ratna mewarnai gambar. ( Ratna is coloring a picture.)The verb is ‘mewarnai’ which it means coloring. In this case ‘mewarnai’ or coloring make a picture to be colorful.
Lampu menerangi ruangan itu. ( The lamp lights up the room.)
The verb is menerangi which it means lighting up. In this case, ‘menerangi’ or lighting up makes a room to be bright.
Ibu memanasi nasi. ( My mother is heating up the rice.)
The verb is ‘memanasi’ which it means heating up. ‘Memanasi’ or heating up causes a rice to be warm or hot.

Base word Prefix me- Suffix -i Meaning
warna Mewarnai color
Terang Menerangi Light up
Panas Memanasi heat
Categories: Structures