Learn Indonesian Compound Words Lists with The Experts

Welcome to MasteringBahasa! Glad to see you here! If you are new to this site, we are pleased to see you! MasteringBahasa is not the first but the best site for you, travelers in Indonesia, to learn Indonesian language in days! If you need a quick guide to talk in Indonesian for traveling purposes, kindly check Indonesian Phrases for Travellers! But for you guys who had been learning Indonesian language with us, we are pleased to see you again! Today we are going to learn Indonesian Compound Words!

In English, we understand “Compound Word” as “a word that is made up of two or more other words”. There are several compound words in English language too. For example, the word of “dragon” with “fly”. You know dragon, right? That mystical creature that blows fire, yes! But if the noun “dragon” meets the the noun of “fly”, it does not mean a dragon who eats a fly, or flying dragon. When “dragon” meets “fly” it became “dragonfly”, another kind of insect. If you are not familiar with English Compound Words, MasteringBahasa will shows you some examples of English compound words before we meet Indonesian compound words:

Words 1[/th] [th]+[/th][th]Words 2[/th] [th]=[/th] [th]Compound Words

Dragon[/td] [td][/td][td]Fly[/td] [td][/td] [td]Dragonfly

Eye[/td][td][/td] [td]Balls[/td][td][/td] [td]Eyeballs

Air[/td][td][/td] [td]Plane[/td][td][/td] [td]Airplane

Honey[/td] [td][/td][td]Moon[/td] [td][/td][td]Honeymoon

Fire[/td][td][/td] [td]House[/td] [td][/td][td]Firehouse

Rain[/td] [td][/td][td]Bow[/td][td][/td] [td]Rainbow

Day[/td] [td][/td][td]Dream[/td][td][/td] [td]Daydream

News[/td] [td][/td][td]Paper[/td] [td][/td][td]Newspaper

Grand[/td] [td][/td][td]Father[/td] [td][/td][td]Grandfather

Car[/td][td][/td] [td]Sick[/td][td][/td] [td]Carsick

Lip[/td][td][/td] [td]Stick[/td][td][/td] [td]Lipstick

Fish[/td][td][/td] [td]Bowl[/td][td][/td] [td]Fishbowl

Tea[/td] [td][/td][td]Spoon[/td][td][/td] [td]Teaspoon

Sister[/td][td][/td] [td]Hood[/td][td][/td] [td]Sisterhood

School[/td][td][/td] [td]Bus[/td] [td][/td][td]Schoolbus

As you can see, some words are not related with each other. For example, “carsick” made from a noun of “car” and an adjective of “sick”. Does it mean “carsick” is a car which is sick? That does not make sense! But the compound word of “carsick” means a situation of a person who feels sick after riding with car. That rules also applied in Indonesian language. In Indonesian language, you will understand it as Kata Majemuk. Just like English compounds, Indonesian compound words made by two or more words to make a new words. The difference with English compounds is that Indonesian compound words still separating the words they are compounding. To learn about nouns in Indonesian, you can see them here: Indonesian Common Nouns and Indonesian Basic Words.

1. Noun + Noun

Here is a list of Indonesian compound words that consist of two nouns!

1st Word[/th] [th]+[/th][th]2nd Word[/th][th]=[/th] [th]Indonesian Compound Words[/th] [th]Meaning

Rumah[/td] [td][/td] [td]Penginapan[/td][td][/td] [td]Rumah Penginapan[/td] [td]Motel

Rumah[/td] [td][/td] [td]Susun[/td] [td][/td] [td]Rumah Susun (Rusun)[/td] [td]A mansion, an apartment

Rumah[/td] [td][/td] [td]Toko[/td][td][/td] [td]Rumah Toko (Ruko)[/td] [td]A shop with a place to stay

Rumah[/td][td][/td] [td]Kaca[/td] [td][/td] [td]Rumah Kaca[/td] [td]Glasshouse, to keep plants

Anak[/td][td][/td] [td]Emas[/td] [td][/td] [td]Anak Emas[/td] [td]The most spoiled child

Anak[/td] [td][/td] [td]Buah[/td][td][/td] [td]Anak Buah[/td] [td]Staffs

Anak[/td][td][/td] [td]Bawang[/td] [td][/td] [td]Anak Bawang[/td] [td]A child who knows nothing in a game

Anak[/td] [td][/td] [td]Angin[/td][td][/td] [td]Anak Angin[/td] [td]Soft Winds

Anak[/td] [td][/td] [td]Bangsa[/td][td][/td] [td]Anak Bangsa[/td] [td]Young Indonesians

Anak[/td] [td][/td] [td]Sekolah[/td][td][/td] [td]Anak Sekolah[/td] [td]Students

Anak[/td] [td][/td] [td]Tangga[/td] [td][/td] [td]Anak Tangga[/td] [td]Each steps of a stairs

Anak[/td] [td][/td] [td]Tunggal[/td] [td][/td] [td]Anak Tunggal[/td] [td]Anak Tunggal

Anak[/td][td][/td] [td]Sulung[/td][td][/td] [td]Anak Sulung[/td] [td]The eldest child

Anak[/td][td][/td] [td]Bungsu[/td] [td][/td] [td]Anak Bungsu[/td] [td]The youngest child

Anak[/td] [td][/td] [td]Lidah[/td][td][/td] [td]Anak Lidah[/td] [td]An Uvula

Kapal[/td][td][/td] [td]Api[/td] [td][/td] [td]Kapal Api[/td] [td]A ship which uses coals or logs to turn the machine up

Kapal[/td] [td][/td] [td]Bendera[/td][td][/td] [td]Kapal Bendera[/td] [td]The biggest ship for commander or lieutenant

Kapal[/td][td][/td] [td]Cuaca[/td] [td][/td] [td]Kapal Cuaca[/td] [td]A ship that detects weather


Kapal[/td][td][/td] [td]Motor[/td] [td][/td] [td]Kapal Motor[/td] [td]A small boat that is operated by a motor

Kapal[/td] [td][/td] [td]Penumpang[/td] [td][/td] [td]Kapal Penumpang[/td] [td]A ship that transports people.

Kapal[/td] [td][/td] [td]Perang[/td] [td][/td] [td]Kapal Perang[/td] [td]A Warship

Kapal[/td] [td][/td] [td]Pesiar[/td] [td][/td] [td]Kapal Pesiar[/td] [td]A Cruise Ship

Kapal[/td] [td][/td] [td]Selam[/td] [td][/td] [td]Kapal Selam[/td] [td]A submarine

Kapal[/td][td][/td] [td]Tangki[/td][td][/td] [td]Kapal Tangki[/td] [td]A ship that transports oils


Air[/td][td][/td] [td]Aki[/td] [td][/td] [td]Air Aki[/td] [td]Accu Water

Air[/td] [td][/td] [td]Tawar[/td] [td][/td] [td]Air Tawar[/td] [td]Unsalted Water

Air[/td][td][/td] [td]Bersih[/td][td][/td] [td]Air Bersih[/td] [td]Drinkable Water

Air[/td][td][/td] [td]Irigasi[/td] [td][/td] [td]Air Irigasi[/td] [td]Irrigation Water, Water for Fields

Air[/td][td][/td] [td]Mata[/td] [td][/td] [td]Air Mata[/td] [td]Tears

Air[/td] [td][/td] [td]Mineral[/td][td][/td] [td]Air Mineral[/td] [td]Drinking water that contains beneficial minerals

Meja[/td][td][/td] [td]Hijau[/td] [td][/td] [td]Meja Hijau[/td] [td]Court


Cakar[/td] [td][/td] [td]Ayam[/td][td][/td] [td]Cakar Ayam[/td] [td]Bad Writing

Akad[/td] [td][/td] [td]Nikah[/td][td][/td] [td]Akad Nikah[/td] [td]Marriage Contract

Sapu[/td] [td][/td] [td]Tangan[/td][td][/td] [td]Sapu Tangan[/td] [td]Handkerchief

Jam[/td] [td][/td] [td]Tangan[/td][td][/td] [td]Jam Tangan[/td] [td]Watch

Wajah[/td] [td][/td] [td]Buku[/td][td][/td] [td]Wajah Buku[/td] [td]Book Cover

Suara[/td] [td][/td] [td]Hati[/td][td][/td] [td]Suara Hati[/td] [td]Conscience

Suara[/td] [td][/td] [td]Rakyat[/td][td][/td] [td]Suara Rakyat[/td] [td]Votes

Jalan[/td] [td][/td] [td]Tikus[/td][td][/td] [td]Jalan Tikus[/td] [td]Very small roads

Tuan[/td] [td][/td] [td]Tanah[/td][td][/td] [td]Tuan Tanah[/td] [td]Landlord

Kulit[/td] [td][/td] [td]Badak[/td][td][/td] [td]Kulit Badak[/td] [td]A person that has no heart

Tanah[/td] [td][/td] [td]Air[/td][td][/td] [td]Tanah Air[/td] [td]The country where a person is born

Darah[/td] [td][/td] [td]Daging[/td][td][/td] [td]Darah Daging[/td] [td]Descendants

Arah[/td] [td][/td] [td]Tujuan[/td][td][/td] [td]Arah Tujuan[/td] [td]Where to Go

Kucir[/td] [td][/td] [td]Kuda[/td][td][/td] [td]Kucir Kuda[/td] [td]Ponytail

Uang[/td] [td][/td] [td]Adat[/td][td][/td] [td]Uang Adat[/td] [td]Money to pay administration

Anggota[/td] [td][/td] [td]Tubuh[/td][td][/td] [td]Anggota Tubuh[/td] [td]Refers to hands, legs, and head

Alam[/td] [td][/td] [td]Semesta[/td][td][/td] [td]Alam Semesta[/td] [td]Universe

You can use those compound words in any kind of sentences as a noun or adverb of places. Just never forget to add prepositions in it! Kindly check  Indonesian Prepositions to learn more of prepositions in Indonesian language!

2. Verb + Adjective

Here is a list of Indonesian compound words that consist of a verb and an adjective!

1st Word[/th] [th]+[/th][th]2nd Word[/th][th]=[/th] [th]Indonesian Compound Words[/th] [th]Meaning

Kerja[/td][td][/td] [td]Bakti[/td] [td][/td] [td]Kerja Bakti[/td] [td]Devotion Work

Kerja[/td] [td][/td] [td]Keras[/td][td][/td] [td]Kerja Keras[/td] [td]Hard Work

Kerja[/td][td][/td] [td]Kasar[/td] [td][/td] [td]Kerja Kasar[/td] [td]Rough Work

Makan[/td] [td][/td] [td]Bebas[/td][td][/td] [td]Makan Bebas[/td] [td]To eat and drink for free

Jalan[/td] [td][/td] [td]Santai[/td][td][/td] [td]Jalan Santai[/td] [td]To walk without any intention of going

When you add those compound words into a sentence, you need verbs. If you need some affixes, you can learn them in Indonesian Affixes!

3. Adjective + Noun

Here is a list of Indonesian compound words that consist of an adjective and a noun!

1st Word[/th] [th]+[/th][th]2nd Word[/th][th]=[/th] [th]Indonesian Compound Words[/th] [th]Meaning

Keras[/td][td][/td] [td]Kepala[/td] [td][/td] [td]Keras Kepala[/td] [td]Stubborn

Keras[/td] [td][/td] [td]Hati[/td][td][/td] [td]Keras Hati[/td] [td]Persistent

Iri[/td][td][/td] [td]Hati[/td] [td][/td] [td]Iri Hati[/td] [td]Envy

Adi[/td] [td][/td] [td]Daya[/td][td][/td] [td]Adi Daya[/td] [td]Superpower

Panjang[/td] [td][/td] [td]Tangan[/td][td][/td] [td]Panjang Tangan[/td] [td]Like to steal things

Tinggi[/td] [td][/td] [td]Hati[/td][td][/td] [td]Tinggi Hati[/td] [td]Snobby

Panas[/td] [td][/td] [td]Hati[/td][td][/td] [td]Panas Hati[/td] [td]Envious

Dingin[/td] [td][/td] [td]Hati[/td][td][/td] [td]Dingin Hati[/td] [td]Has no spirit of living

Dingin[/td] [td][/td] [td]Kepala[/td][td][/td] [td]Dingin Kepala[/td] [td]Being sense

Naik[/td] [td][/td] [td]Darah[/td][td][/td] [td]Naik Darah[/td] [td]Very Angry

Those compound words can be used in a sentence. You can learn how to make proper Indonesian sentence in our article of  Basic Indonesian Language!

4. Adjective + Adjective

Here is a list of Indonesian compound words that consist of two adjectives!

1st Word[/th] [th]+[/th][th]2nd Word[/th][th]=[/th] [th]Indonesian Compound Words[/th] [th]Meaning

Akal[/td][td][/td] [td]Sehat[/td] [td][/td] [td]Akal Sehat[/td] [td]Common Sense

Cerdik[/td] [td][/td] [td]Pandai[/td][td][/td] [td]Cerdik Pandai[/td] [td]Smart and Clever

Besar[/td][td][/td] [td]Kecil[/td] [td][/td] [td]Besar Kecil[/td] [td]Any kind of size

Tua[/td] [td][/td] [td]Muda[/td][td][/td] [td]Tua Muda[/td] [td]Any kind of age

Sepak[/td] [td][/td] [td]Terjang[/td][td][/td] [td]Sepak Terjang[/td] [td]Hurdles in life

Adi[/td] [td][/td] [td]Daya[/td][td][/td] [td]Adi Daya[/td] [td]Superpower

Hancur[/td] [td][/td] [td]Lebur[/td][td][/td] [td]Hancur Lebur[/td] [td]Destroyed Completely

Serba[/td] [td][/td] [td]Salah[/td][td][/td] [td]Serba Salah[/td] [td]Everything is wrong

Susah[/td] [td][/td] [td]Payah[/td][td][/td] [td]Susah Payah[/td] [td]Very serious

We have an article of Lists of Indonesian Adjectives. This is super helpful, go check them and learn them in days!

5. Noun + Adjective

Here is a list of Indonesian compound words that consist of a noun and an adjective!

1st Word[/th] [th]+[/th][th]2nd Word[/th][th]=[/th] [th]Indonesian Compound Words[/th] [th]Meaning

Rumah[/td][td][/td] [td]Sakit[/td] [td][/td] [td]Rumah Sakit[/td] [td]Hospital

Suara[/td] [td][/td] [td]Bulat[/td][td][/td] [td]Suara Bulat[/td] [td]A deal in a group discussion

Kulit[/td] [td][/td] [td]Putih[/td][td][/td] [td]Kulit Putih[/td] [td]Europeans

Kulit[/td] [td][/td] [td]Kuning[/td][td][/td] [td]Kulit Kuning[/td] [td]Asians

Kulit[/td] [td][/td] [td]Merah[/td][td][/td] [td]Kulit Merah[/td] [td]Indians

Kulit[/td] [td][/td] [td]Hitam[/td][td][/td] [td]Kulit Hitam[/td] [td]Africans

Akar[/td] [td][/td] [td]Masalah[/td][td][/td] [td]Akar Masalah[/td] [td]A reason of a problem

Tanah[/td] [td][/td] [td]Merah[/td][td][/td] [td]Tanah Merah[/td] [td]A place to bury dead people

Darah[/td] [td][/td] [td]Biru[/td][td][/td] [td]Darah Biru[/td] [td]Royal Descendants

Darah[/td] [td][/td] [td]Tinggi[/td][td][/td] [td]Darah Tinggi[/td] [td]Very angry

Kursi[/td] [td][/td] [td]Malas[/td][td][/td] [td]Kursi Malas[/td] [td]A chair for being lazy

Cacing[/td] [td][/td] [td]Gila[/td][td][/td] [td]Cacing Gila[/td] [td]A girl that like to go everywhere

Uang[/td] [td][/td] [td]Buta[/td][td][/td] [td]Uang Buta[/td] [td]Salary for workers who do not work

Uang[/td] [td][/td] [td]Miskin[/td][td][/td] [td]Uang Miskin[/td] [td]Subsidy

Jalan[/td] [td][/td] [td]Damai[/td][td][/td] [td]Jalan Damai[/td] [td]To deal in peace

Some of the compund words are slangs. If you need more Indonesian slangs, kindly check Indonesian Slangs and How to Say It article to learn about it more!

6. Verb + Noun

Here is a list of Indonesian compound words that consist of a verb and a noun!

1st Word[/th] [th]+[/th][th]2nd Word[/th][th]=[/th] [th]Indonesian Compound Words[/th] [th]Meaning

Rumah[/td] [td][/td] [td]Makan[/td][td][/td] [td]Rumah Makan[/td] [td]Restaurant

Rumah[/td][td][/td] [td]Dinas[/td] [td][/td] [td]Rumah Dinas[/td] [td]A house where someone in duty can live

Anak[/td] [td][/td] [td]Angkat[/td][td][/td] [td]Anak Angkat[/td] [td]Adopted Child

Terjun[/td][td][/td] [td]Payung[/td] [td][/td] [td]Terjun Payung[/td] [td]Skydiving

Alih[/td] [td][/td] [td]Bahasa[/td][td][/td] [td]Alih Bahasa[/td] [td]Translating Procedures

Makan[/td] [td][/td] [td]Angin[/td][td][/td] [td]Makan Angin[/td] [td]Walking to find fresh air

Makan[/td] [td][/td] [td]Bawang[/td][td][/td] [td]Makan Bawang[/td] [td]Very Angry

Makan[/td] [td][/td] [td]Darah[/td][td][/td] [td]Makan Darah[/td] [td]To take money from others

Makan[/td] [td][/td] [td]Hati[/td][td][/td] [td]Makan Hati[/td] [td]Very Sad

Makan[/td] [td][/td] [td]Teman[/td][td][/td] [td]Makan Teman[/td] [td]To harm friends

Makan[/td] [td][/td] [td]Uang[/td][td][/td] [td]Makan Uang[/td] [td]To corrupt

Makan[/td] [td][/td] [td]Tali[/td][td][/td] [td]Makan Tali[/td] [td]Very poor

Cuci[/td] [td][/td] [td]Tangan[/td][td][/td] [td]Cuci Tangan[/td] [td]Not be involved in a case

Cuci[/td] [td][/td] [td]Perut[/td][td][/td] [td]Cuci Perut[/td] [td]Laxative medicine

Those compound words consist of nouns! If you would like to learn about nouns, kindly check: Indonesian Common Nouns!

7. Verb + Verb

Here is a list of Indonesian compound words that consist of two verbs!

1st Word[/th] [th]+[/th][th]2nd Word[/th][th]=[/th] [th]Indonesian Compound Words[/th] [th]Meaning

Maju[/td] [td][/td] [td]Mundur[/td][td][/td] [td]Maju Mundur[/td] [td]Doubtful

Pulang[/td] [td][/td] [td]Pergi[/td][td][/td] [td]Pulang Pergi[/td] [td]To go and to Come Back

Tipu[/td] [td][/td] [td]Daya[/td][td][/td] [td]Tipu Daya[/td] [td]Frauds

Temu[/td] [td][/td] [td]Wicara[/td][td][/td] [td]Temu Wicara[/td] [td]A meeting for a talk

Keluar[/td] [td][/td] [td]Masuk[/td][td][/td] [td]Keluar Masuk[/td] [td]To go in and to go out

Angkat[/td] [td][/td] [td]Kaki[/td][td][/td] [td]Angkat Kaki[/td] [td]To walk out

Indonesian Negations are beneficial if you want to reject some offer! Learn them in days!

8. Compound Words for Person

These compound words are used to mention someone who masters in something, or someone who has something with them!

1st Word[/th] [th]+[/th][th]2nd Word[/th][th]=[/th] [th]Indonesian Compound Words[/th] [th]Meaning

Ahli[/td][td][/td] [td]Agama[/td] [td][/td] [td]Ahli Agama[/td] [td]A person who masters religions

Ahli[/td] [td][/td] [td]Bahasa[/td][td][/td] [td]Ahli Bahasa[/td] [td]Linguistics

Ahli[/td][td][/td] [td]Gempa[/td] [td][/td] [td]Ahli Gempa[/td] [td]Seismologist

Ahli[/td] [td][/td] [td]Geologi[/td][td][/td] [td]Ahli Geologi[/td] [td]Geologist

Ahli[/td] [td][/td] [td]Hukum[/td][td][/td] [td]Ahli Hukum[/td] [td]A person who masters Laws

Ahli[/td] [td][/td] [td]Matematika[/td][td][/td] [td]Ahli Matematika[/td] [td]Mathematician

Ahli[/td] [td][/td] [td]Patung[/td][td][/td] [td]Ahli Patung[/td] [td]Statue Crafter

Ahli[/td] [td][/td] [td]Sejarah[/td][td][/td] [td]Ahli Sejarah[/td] [td]Historian

Ahli[/td] [td][/td] [td]Sihir[/td][td][/td] [td]Ahli Sihir[/td] [td]Witch

Ahli[/td] [td][/td] [td]Informasi[/td][td][/td] [td]Ahli Informasi[/td] [td]IT technician

Tukang[/td] [td][/td] [td]Pukul[/td][td][/td] [td]Tukang Pukul[/td] [td]Thug

Tukang[/td] [td][/td] [td]Jaga[/td][td][/td] [td]Tukang Jaga[/td] [td]Security

Tukang[/td] [td][/td] [td]Surat[/td][td][/td] [td]Tukang Surat[/td] [td]Mailman

Tukang[/td] [td][/td] [td]Kue[/td][td][/td] [td]Tukang Kue[/td] [td]Baker

Tukang[/td] [td][/td] [td]Sate[/td][td][/td] [td]Tukang Sate[/td] [td]A person who sells satay

Orang[/td][td][/td] [td]Tua[/td] [td][/td] [td]Orang Tua[/td] [td]Parents

Orang[/td] [td][/td] [td]Asing[/td][td][/td] [td]Orang Asing[/td] [td]Foreigner

Orang[/td] [td][/td] [td]Belakang[/td][td][/td] [td]Orang Belakang[/td] [td]Wife

Orang[/td] [td][/td] [td]Dalam[/td][td][/td] [td]Orang Dalam[/td] [td]A person who can help you inside a bureaucracy

Orang[/td] [td][/td] [td]Besar[/td][td][/td] [td]Orang Besar[/td] [td]Boss

Orang[/td] [td][/td] [td]Ombak[/td][td][/td] [td]Orang Ombak[/td] [td]A clueless person

Orang[/td] [td][/td] [td]Pintar[/td][td][/td] [td]Orang Pintar[/td] [td]Witch doctor

Orang[/td] [td][/td] [td]Gila[/td][td][/td] [td]Orang Gila[/td] [td]A person with mental illness

9. Noun + Verb

Here is a list of Compound Words of Noun + Verb!

1st Word[/th] [th]+[/th][th]2nd Word[/th][th]=[/th] [th]Indonesian Compound Words[/th] [th]Meaning

Air[/td][td][/td] [td]Minum[/td] [td][/td] [td]Air Minum[/td] [td]Water which is available for drinking purpose

Kapal[/td] [td][/td] [td]Terbang[/td][td][/td] [td]Kapal Terbang[/td] [td] Airplane

Kapal[/td] [td][/td] [td]Dagang[/td][td][/td] [td]Kapal Dagang[/td] [td]A ship for Trading purposes

Rumah[/td] [td][/td] [td]Tinggal[/td][td][/td] [td]Rumah Tinggal[/td] [td]A place where you can stay

Kapal[/td][td][/td] [td]Terbang[/td] [td][/td] [td]Kapal Terbang[/td] [td]An Airplane

Meja[/td][td][/td] [td]Makan[/td] [td][/td] [td]Meja Makan[/td] [td]Dining Table

Meja[/td] [td][/td] [td]Tulis[/td][td][/td] [td]Meja Tulis[/td] [td]Writing Table

If you want to meet some experts, don’t forget to greet them properly. See Indonesian Greetings to learn more about greetings! You need pronouns too! Please read Indonesian Pronouns to learn it more! It will be super helpful for you!

So those are examples of Indonesian Compound Words! Thank you so much for joining us today. If you need to learn Basic Indonesian Sentence, check How to learn Basic Indonesian Language! Do not forget to share this article so your fellow friends can learn Indonesian Compound Words too! Terima kasih! Sampai Jumpa lagi!

Categories: Word Formation