200+ Indonesian Daily Words – Meaning

Hi! Welcome back! Of course you have learned many Indonesian words, from Useful Indonesian Words and Phrases as well as Indonesian Words Derived from Dutch. Now, it is just the time to add more knowledge about Indonesian Daily Words. Before that, you could also check these following articles:

List of Indonesian Daily Words

Collect as much lexical resources as you can will help and enhance your language learning to become faster. Those would give you many input to help you express your mind and feeling in Bahasa Indonesia. Therefore, here are the list of Indonesian Daily Words you should know!

  • apa kabar?/gimana kabarmu? = How are you? (it is actually only a small talk)
  • udah makan? = have you eaten? (it is actually only a small talk)
  • Baik/Baik-baik saja = I’m fine/I’m okay
  • Halo/ Hai = Hi
  • sedang apa? = What are you doing?
  • Sibuk ga? = Are you busy?
  • Gabut (gaji buta) = a phrase from ‘do not have any activity at all’
  • lapar = hungry (pragmatic word for asking someone to eat)
  • toilet/WC/kamar kecil/ke belakang = toilet
  • nongkrong = hang out (mostly in cafe, coffee shop, mall)
  • ngopi = having a coffee (similar to ‘nongkrong’)
  • jam kerja = working hour
  • pulang kerja/jam kantor = going-home time/going-work time (refer to most traffic time on the street)
  • jam istirahat = break-time
  • jam makan = break-time/certain hours when people usually eat
  • jam sholat = break-time/praying time (for Muslim, because Indonesian majority are Muslims)
  • sebentar = wait, wait a second
  • macet = traffic jam (nose to tail, sometimes could not move)
  • ramai lancar = crowded but no traffic
  • padat merayap = crowded, but less traffic (Indonesian Words for Transport)
  • ojek = motorcycle-taxi
  • ojek online (go-jek/grab) = online motorcycle-taxi
  • bus = bus (learn also
  • ngetem = an activity of drivers (ojek, taxi, public transportation) stopping their vehicle in certain spot while waiting for passenger(s)
  • Selamt pagi/pagi = Good morning
  • Selamt siang/siang = Good afternoon
  • Selamat sore/sore = Good evening
  • Selamat petang = Good afternoon/Good Evening
  • Selamat malam = Good evening/Goodnight (Check How to Say Goodnight in Indonesian)
  • Selamat datang = Welcome
  • Selamat menikmati = Enjoy the/your … (meal/show)!
  • Sampai jumpa = See you!
  • Hati-hati di jalan = Be careful/safe trip
  • Terima kasih/makasih = Thank you
  • Tolong = Please
  • Maaf = Sorry
  • Permisi = Excuse me
  • Semoga beruntung = Good luck!
  • Beruntung/hoki = luck 
  • Sial = bad luck
  • Ketinggalan = Miss (the train/the show) or left something important (keys, document)
  • Terlambat/ngaret = Late *ngaret is from ‘karet’ (rubber), it is refer to someone that usually ‘extent the time of arriving/very late’ like rubber which could extent its length
  • tepat waktu = on time
  • kepagian = too early
  • kesiangan = late (usually refer to waking up late)
  • ketiduran = overslept
  • buru-buru = in rush
  • kebelet = want to pee (could not hold it anymore)
  • kelamaan/lama = too long (time), mostly for public transportation
  • capek/lelah = tired
  • ramai/berdesakan/desak-desakan = too crowded
  • jam berapa = what time is it?
  • capek hati = mentally tired
  • makan hati = mentally hurt (feeling)
  • makan cantik = eat in luxury place (more expensive than usual)
  • traktir = treat (buy drink/dinner to someone)
  • panas = hot
  • hujan = rainny
  • gerimis = drizzle
  • mendung = cloudy
  • becek = situation when the road got wet because of rain (usually unevenly spread) 

More to Know About Indonesian Daily Words!

  • apa = what
  • siapa = who
  • di mana = where
  • ke mana = where to
  • dari mana = where … (from)
  • bagaimana/gimana = how
  • mengapa/kenapa = why
  • kapan = when
  • berapa = how much/how many *More in Asking Questions in Indonesian
  • hari = day
  • minggu = week
  • bulan = month
  • tahun = year
  • jam = hour(s)
  • menit = minute(s)
  • detik = second(s) *More in How to Say Time in Bahasa Indonesia
  • tanggal tua = old-date (literal meaning)/end of the month before payday (refer to ‘do not have money’ because have not received monthly salary)
  • tanggal muda = young-date/just after pay-day (usually first week of the month), refer to ‘have money’ because have received monthly salary
  • bokek = do not have money
  • belanja bulanan = monthly shopping
  • sarapan = breakfast
  • makan siang = lunch
  • makan malam = dinner
  • ngemil = having snacks
  • ngeteh = having tea
  • enak = delicious
  • kerja = work
  • pulang = go home
  • istirahat = rest
  • tidur/bobok = sleep
  • begadang = not sleep overnight
  • tidur siang/bobok siang = nap
  • kamu kenapa? = What happened to you?
  • Gapapa/Gak apa-apa/ Tidak kenapa-kenapa = I’m okay/I’m fine
  • tugas = work
  • lembur = work overnight
  • libur = holiday
  • tanggal merah = (red-date) refer to holiday (in the calendar the date will be highlighted with red)
  • berapa harganya? = How much it costs?
  • mahal = too expensive
  • murah = cheap
  • murahin = low the price
  • beli = buy/shop
  • jual = sell
  • harga pas = fixed price
  • baju = cloth
  • celana = pants
  • kemeja = shirt
  • kaus = T-shirt
  • rok = skirt
  • blus = blouse
  • bagus = great, nice, good
  • jelek = ugly, not good
  • biasa saja = okay, mediocre, so so
  • mau makan apa? = What do we want to eat?
  • mau ke mana? = Where do we want to go?
  • nonton = watch (mostly to cinema)

We have finished our lesson about Indonesian Daily Words. Now, you have add more knowledge in terms of Indonesian Vocabulary. But, of course there are many things to learn. These are many helpful articles that very important when you learned Bahasa Indonesia. Don’t forget to check it! Good luck!

Categories: Vocabulary