89 Indonesian Words for Love – Examples and Meaning

How is your progress in learning Bahasa Indonesia? Have you learned about Indonesian words for food? Well, Indonesian vocabulary is various as the language also receives influence from local dialect. In this article, we are going to talk about Indonesian words for love.

Similar to other languages, Bahasa Indonesia also has rich vocabulary to express love and affection. Besides the authentic love vocabulary, there are also some slang words which are used to express love as well. Here are some Indonesian words for love. Also learn about list of Indonesian root words.

Words for love

  • Cinta – love
  • Sayang – dear (a word to show affection and care)
  • Sayangku – my love, my dear
  • Kasih – affection
  • Suka – like
  • Butuh – need
  • Rindu (poetic language) – miss
  • Kangen – miss
  • Menikah – marry
  • Setia – faith full
  • Kekasih – lover
  • Pacaran – dating
  • Jadian – In relationship
  • Pacar – darling, date
  • Bertunangan – engage
  • Tunangan – fiancée
  • Pengantin (laki-laki) – groom
  • Pengantin (perempuan) – bride
  • Melamar – propose
  • Naksir (slang) – fond, keen
  • Mengagumi – admire
  • Istri – wife
  • Suami – husband
  • Pernikahan – marriage
  • Menembak (non literal meaning), slang – ask someone for a date
  • Percaya – trust, believe
  • Cium – kiss
  • Pelukan – hug
  • Bergandengan tangan – holding hands
  • Hati – heart
  • Senang – happy, like

Also learn about Indonesian words for clothing.

More Indonesian Phrase Examples for Love

Some words may have more than just one meaning instead of only love. For example sayang which literary means affection, but sayang may also mean pity in some extent. The best way to use the words for love is to adjust it according to the context. There is not such as exact thing when it comes to learn a language. You have to feel when the best time to use the specific words is. Take a look at below example. Learn more about Indonesian numbers.

  • Aku cinta kamu – I love you
  • Aku sayang kamu – I care about you
  • Aku suka kamu – I like you
  • Saya naksir kamu – I fond of you
  • Saya membutuhkanmu – I need you
  • Maukah kamu menikah denganku? – will you marry me?
  • Saya selalu disampingmu – I will always next to you
  • Saya memimpikanmu – I dream of you
  • Saya memikirkanmu – I think of you
  • Bolehkah saya menggandeng tanganmu? – may I hold your hand?
  • Apakah kamu mau jadi pacarku? – do you want to be my date?
  • Cinta bertepuk sebelah tangan – one sided love
  • Cinta buta – blind love
  • Cinta gila – crazy love
  • Kamu bidadari di hatiku (poetry phrase) – you are the angel of my heart
  • Maukah kamu makan malam denganku? – would you like you like to have dinner with me?
  • Saya rindu (merindukan) kamu – I miss you
  • saya mengagumimu – I adore you

Is Indonesia an Easy Language to Learn? You must agree with me that Bahasa Indonesia is an easy language to learn. However, to master the language you need to practice every day. The main concern when learning language is to understand the proper grammar and loads up with vocabulary. Good luck if you want to use those phrases to express your love to someone. Learn more about Indonesian words for family members.

Categories: Vocabulary