135 Indonesian Words Starting with H Letter – Meaning

Hello, Fellas! It is a long time we never met. This time we will show you the Indonesian words starting with H letter. It will completing your vocabulary, along with Indonesian Words Starting with B, Portuguese Words in Indonesian Language, and Persian Words in Indonesian Language.

Indonesian Words Starting with H

Let’s check this out.

  1. Habis = (ha-biss) = Out / Run Out
  2. Habitat = (ha-bee-tat) = Habitat
  3. Hadang = (ha-dang) = Block
  4. Hadap = (ha-dap) = Facing
  5. Hadiah = (ha-dee-yah) = Gift
  6. Hadir = (ha-deer) = Come / Present
  7. Hadirin = (ha-dee-reen) = Audience
  8. Hadis = (ha-this) = Hadith
  9. Hafal = (ha-fal) = Memorize
  10. Hafiz = (ha-feez) = Hafiz
  11. Hai = (hai) = Hi
  12. Haid = (hait) = Menstruation
  13. Hajar = (ha-jar) = Beat
  14. Hajat = (ha-jat) = Intent
  15. Haji = (ha-jee) = Pilgrimage
  16. Hak = (hak) = Rights
  17. Hakikat = (ha-kee-kat) = Nature
  18. Hakiki = (ha-kee-kee) = Intrinsic
  19. Hakim = (ha-keem) = Judge
  20. Hal = (hal) = Things
  21. Halal = (ha-lal) = Lawful (or also being named ‘Halal)
  22. Halaman = (ha-la-man) = Page / Yard
  23. Halang = (ha-lang) = Obstacle
  24. Halau = (ha-law) = Block
  25. Halilintar = (ha-lee-leen-tar) = Lightning
  26. Halimun = (ha-lee-moon) = Mist
  27. Halo = (ha-lo) = Hello
  28. Halte = (hal-te) = Stop
  29. Halter = (hal-ter) = Halte
  30. Haluan = (ha-loo-one) = Bow
  31. Halus = (ha-loose) = Smooth
  32. Halusinasi = (ha-loo-see-na-see) = Hallucinations
  33. Ham = (ham) = Ham
  34. Hama = (ha-ma) = Pest
  35. Hambar = (ham-bar) = Tasteless
  36. Hambat = (ham-bat) = Resist / Resistor
  37. Hamburger = (ham-bur-ger) = Hamburger
  38. Hancur = (han-cur) = Destroyed / Wrecked
  39. Handal = (han-dal) = Reliable
  40. Handuk = (han-dook) = Towel
  41. Hangat = (ha-ngat) = Warm
  42. Hangar = (ha-ngar) = Hangar
  43. Hangus = (ha-ngoos) = Scorched
  44. Hantam = (han-tam) = Hit
  45. Hantu = (han-too) = Ghost
  46. Hanya = (ha-nya) = Just
  47. Hanyut = (ha-nyoot) = Drifting / Float
  48. Hapus = (ha-poos) = Remove / Delete
  49. Haram = (ha-ram) = Haram / Forbidden / Illegitimate
  50. Harap = (ha-rap) = Hope
  51. Hara = (ha-ra) = Nutrient
  52. Harfiah = (har-fee-yah) = Literally
  53. Harga = (har-ga) = Price
  54. Hari = (ha-ree) = Day
  55. Harus = (ha-roos) = Must / Should 
  56. Harimau = (ha-ree-maw) = Tiger
  57. Harmoni = (har-mo-nee) = Harmony
  58. Harmonika = (har-mo-nee-ka) = Harmonica
  59. Harmonisasi = (har-mo-nee-sa-see) = Harmonization
  60. Harpa = (har-pa) = Harp
  61. Harpis = (har-pees) = Harpist
  62. Harpun = (har-pun) = Harpoon
  63. Harta = (har-ta) = Treasure
  64. Has = (has) = Has
  65. Hasil = (ha-seel) = Result
  66. Hasut (an) = (ha-soot) = Provocation / Incitement
  67. Hasrat = (ha-srat) = Desire
  68. Hati = (ha-tee) = Heart
  69. Haus = (ha-woos) = Thirsty
  70. Hawa = (ha-wa) = Eve 
  71. Hayat = (ha-yat) = Life
  72. Hebat = (he-bat) = Great
  73. Heboh = (he-boh) = Excited / Furor
  74. Hegemoni = (he-ge-mo-nee) = Hegemony
  75. Hembus = (hem-boos) = Exhale
  76. Hemofilia = (he-mo-fee-lee-ya) = Hemophilia
  77. Humaniora = (hoo-ma-nee-yo-ra) = Humanities
  78. Hendak = (hen-dak) = Want To
  79. Hentak = (hen-tak) = Pounding
  80. Hengkang = (heng-kang) = Leave
  81. Henti = (hen-tee) = Stop
  82. Hepatitis = (he-pa-tee-tees) = Hepatitis
  83. Hening = (he-neeng) = Silence
  84. Heran = (he-ran) = Wonder
  85. Herba = (her-ba) = Herbs
  86. Heroik = (he-ro-eek) = Heroic
  87. Hewan = (he-one) = Animal
  88. Hemat = (he-mat) = Thrifty
  89. Hias = (hee-yas) = Ornamental / Garnish
  90. Hibah = (hee-bah) = Grant
  91. Hibur = (hee-boor) = Amuse
  92. Hidang = (hee-dang) = Field
  93. Hidangan = (hee-da-ngan) = Dish
  94. Hidayah = (hee-da-yah) = Clue
  95. Hidrasi = (hee-dra-see) = Hydration
  96. Hidrologi = (hee-dro-lo-gee) = Hydrology
  97. Hidrogen = (hee-dro-gen) = Hydrogen
  98. Hidung = (hee-doong) = Nose
  99. Hidup = (hee-doop) = Life
  100. Hierarki = (hee-rar-kee) = Hierarchy
  101. Higroskopi = (hee-gros-ko-pee) = Hygroscopy
  102. Hijau = (hee-jaw) = Green
  103. Hijrah = (hee-jrah) = Migrate
  104. Hijab = (hee-jab) = Veil / Niqab
  105. Hilang = (hee-lang) = Lost / Gone
  106. Hilir = (hee-leer) = Downstream
  107. Himpun = (heem-poon) = Collect
  108. Himne = (him-ne) = Hymn
  109. Hina = (hee-na) = Despicable / Despise
  110. Hindar = (hint-dar) = Avoid
  111. Hindu = (hint-doo) = Hindu
  112. Hiper = (hee-per) = Hyper
  113. Hirau = (hee-raw) = Ignore
  114. Hisap = (hee-sap) = Suction
  115. Hirup = (hee-roop) = Inhale  
  116. Histeria = (his-te-ree-ya) = Hysteria
  117. Histeris = (his-te-ris) = Hysterical
  118. Hitam = (hee-tam) = Black
  119. Hiu = (hee-you) = Shark
  120. Holograf = (ho-lo-graf) = Holograph
  121. Honor = (ho-nor) = Honorarium
  122. Horizon = (ho-ri-zon) = Horizon
  123. Horisontal = (ho-ree-zon-tal) = Horiziontal
  124. Hore = (ho-re) = Hurray
  125. Hormat = (hor-mat) = Respect
  126. Hormon = (hor-mon) = Hormon
  127. Hubung = (hoo-boong) = Connect
  128. Humus = (hoo-moos) = Humus
  129. Humaniter = (hu-ma-nee-ter) = Humanitarian
  130. Hujan = (hoo-jan) = Rain
  131. Hujat = (hoo-jat) = Blasphemy
  132. Humas (Abbreviate from 2 Words : ‘Hubungan Masyarakat) = (hoo-must) = PR or Public Relations
  133. Humor = (hu-mor) = Humour
  134. Humoris = (hoo-mo-rees) = Humorous
  135. Hutan = (hoo-tan) = Forest

That was the list of Indonesian words starting with H letter. I hope this numerous words will help you to speak Indonesjan more than before. For more information you can read How to Talk with Indonesian Like Pro and Indonesian Suffix-kan.

Categories: Vocabulary