130 Indonesian Words Starting With I – Alphabet – Meaning

Welcome back to MasteringBahasa.com. Today, we are going to show you a list of words from letter ‘I’. Along with List of Indonesian Words Starting with D and Indonesian Reading Practice, this will help you learn Bahasa Indonesia quickly.

Indonesian Words Starting with I

Let’s see the words.

  1. Ia = (i-ya) = He / She
  2. Ialah = (i-ya-lah) = Is / Are
  3. Iba = (ee-ba) = Pity
  4. Ibadah = (ee-ba-dah) = Worship
  5. Ibarat = (ee-ba-rat) = Like
  6. Ibid = (ee-beed) = Ibid
  7. Ibu = (ee-boo) = Mother / Mum
  8. Idam = (ee-dam) = Dream
  9. (Meng) Idap = (ee-dap) = Suffered
  10. Ide = (ee-de) = Idea
  11. Ideal = (ee-de-yal) = Ideal
  12. Idealis = (ee-de-ya-list) = Idealist
  13. Idealisme = (ee-de-ya-list-me) = Idealism
  14. Identik = (ee-den-tik) = Identical
  15. Identifikasi = (ee-den-tee-fee-ka-see) = Identification
  16. Ideologi = (ee-de-yo-lo-gee) = Ideology
  17. Idiom = (ee-dee-yom) = Idiom
  18. Idiot = (ee-dee-yot) = Idiot
  19. Idola = (ee-do-la) = Idol
  20. Iga = (ee-ga) = Ribs
  21. Igau = (ee-gaw) = Delirious
  22. Ih = (eeh) = Ugh
  23. Ijab = (ee-jab) = Consent / Agreement
  24. Ijazah = (ee-ja-zah) = Diploma / Certificate
  25. Ijuk = (ee-jook) = Fibers
  26. Ikal = (ee-kal) = Curl
  27. Ikan = (ee-kan) = Fish
  28. Iklan = (ee-klan) = Advertisement / Commercial
  29. Ikhtiar = (ikh-tee-yar) = Effort
  30. Ikrar = (ee-krar) = Promise / Vow / Pledge
  31. Ikut = (ee-koot) = Join / Follow
  32. Ilham = (eel-ham) = Inspiration
  33. Ilmu = (eel-moo) = Science / Knowledge
  34. Ilmuwan = (eel-moo-one) = Scientist
  35. Ilmiah = (eel-me-yah) = Scientific
  36. Ilusi = (ee-loo-see) = Illusion
  37. Iluminasi = (ee-loo-mee-na-see) = Illumination
  38. Ilustrasi = (ee-loos-tra-see) = Illustration
  39. Ilustrator = (ee-loos-tra-tor) = Illustrator
  40. Ilustratif = (ee-loos-tra-tif) = Illustrative
  41. Imaji = (i-ma-jee) = Images
  42. Imajinasi = (i-ma-jee-na-see) = Imagination
  43. Imajiner = (i-ma-jee-ner) = Imaginary
  44. Imam = (ee-mam) = Priest
  45. Iman = (ee-man) = Faith 
  46. Imbal = (eem-bal) = Rewards
  47. Imbang = (eem-bang) = Balance
  48. Imbas = (eem-bas) = Impact
  49. Imbau = (eem-baw) = Appealed
  50. Insan = (een-sun) = Human Being
  51. Imigran = (ee-me-gran) = Immigrant
  52. Imigrasi = (ee-me-gra-see) = Immigration
  53. Iming-iming = (ee-ming-ee-ming) = Lure
  54. Imitasi = (ee-me-ta-see) = Imitation
  55. Impas = (eem-pas) = Even
  56. Imperial = (eem-pe-re-yal) = Imperial
  57. Imperium =  (eem-pe-re-yum) = Empire
  58. Imperialisme  = (eem-pe-re-ya-lees-me) = Imperialism
  59. Implan = (eem-plan) = Implant
  60. Implantasi = (eem-plan-ta-see) = Implantation
  61. Implementasi = (eem-ple-men-ta-see) = Implementation
  62. Implikasi = (eem-plee-ka-see) = Implication
  63. Impor = (eem-por) = Import
  64. Impoten = (eem-po-ten) = Impotent
  65. Impotensi = (eem-po-ten-see) = Impotence
  66. Impresif = (eem-pre-sif) = Impressive
  67. Impresionis = (eem-pre-syo-nis) = Impressionist
  68. Impresionisme = (eem-pre-syo-nis-me) = Impressionism
  69. Impuls = (eem-puls) = Impuls
  70. Impulsif = (eem-pul-sif) = Impulsive 
  71. Imun = (ee-moon) = Immune
  72. Imunitas = (ee-moo-nee-tas) = Immunity
  73. Imunisasi = (ee-moo-nee-sa-see) = Immunization
  74. Imut = (ee-moot) = Cute
  75. In Absensia = (in-ab-sen-sya) = In Absentia
  76. Inang = (ee-nang) = Host
  77. Inaugurasi = (ee-naw-goo-ra-see) = Inauguration
  78. Insektisida = (in-sek-tee-see-da) = Insecticide
  79. Indah = (een-dah) = Beautiful / Lovely
  80. Inci = (een-chi) = Inch
  81. Indeks = (een-deks) = Index
  82. Inden = (een-den) = Pivot
  83. Indera = (een-dra) = Sense
  84. Indigo = (een-dee-go) = Indigo
  85. Indikasi = (een-dee-ka-see) = Indication
  86. Individu = (een-dee-fee-doo) = Individu
  87. Individual = (een-dee-fee-do-wal) = Individual
  88. Indoktrinasi = (een-dok-three-na-see) = Indoctrination
  89. Indonesia = (in-do-ne-sya) = Indonesia
  90. Induk = (in-dook) = Parent / Mother
  91. Induksi = (een-dook-see) = Induction
  92. Induktor = (een-dook-tor) = Inductor
  93. Industri = (een-doos-three) = Industry
  94. Industrialisasi = (een-doos-three-ya-lee-sa-see) = Industrialization
  95. Inefisiensi = (een-e-fee-see-yen-see) = Inefficiency
  96. Infanteri = (een-fun-three) = Infantry
  97. Infertilitas = (in-fer-tee-lee-tas) = Infertility
  98. Infiltrasi = (in-feel-tra-see) = Infiltration
  99. Inferior = (een-fe-re-yor) = Inferior
  100. Inflamasi = (in-fla-ma-see) = Inflammation
  101. Inflasi = (in-fla-see) = Inflation
  102. Informal = (in-for-mal) = Informal
  103. Informan = (in-for-man) = Informant
  104. Informasi = (in-for-ma-see) = Information
  105. Inframerah = (in-fra-me-rah) = Infrared
  106. Informatika = (in-for-ma-tee-ka) = Informatics
  107. Infrasonik = (in-fra-so-nik) = Infrasonic
  108. Infrastruktur = (in-fra-struk-tur) = Infrastructure
  109. Ingus = (ee-ngoos) = Snot
  110. Ingat = (ee-ngat) = Remember
  111. Inggris = (eeng-grees) = English
  112. Ingin = (ee-ngin) = Want / Wish
  113. Ingkar = (eeng-kar) = Disown / Apostatize
  114. Ini = (ee-nee) = This
  115. Inisiasi = (i-nee-see-ya-see) = Initiation
  116. Inisiatif = (i-nee-see-ya-tif) = Initiative
  117. Inisiator = (i-nee-see-ya-tor) = Initiator
  118. Injak = (in-jak) = Stepping on
  119. Injeksi = (in-jek-si) = Injection
  120. Injektor = (in-jek-tor) = Injector 
  121. Inkonsistensi = (in-kon-sis-ten-si) = Inconsistency
  122. Inkubator = (in-ku-ba-tor) = Incubator
  123. Inokulasi = (i-no-Individual-la-si) = Inoculation
  124. Inovasi = (i-no-fa-si) = Innovation
  125. Inovatif = (i-no-fa-tif) = Innovative
  126. Insang = (een-sang) = Gill
  127. Interior = (een-te-ree-yor) = Interior
  128. Intan = (een-tan) = Diamond
  129. Insinyur = (een-see-nyoor) = Enginer
  130. Insiden = (een-see-den) = Incident

That was the list of numerous Indonesian Words Starting with I. We sincerely hope this article help you to learn Bahasa Indonesia with more easily and bring so much fun. For more material you can read Reason Why You Should Learn IndonesianIndonesian Keywords and Phrases and Indonesian Greeting Etiquette and Manners. See you in the next article.

Categories: Vocabulary