Welcome back to MasteringBahasa.com. Today, we are going to show you a list of words from letter ‘I’. Along with List of Indonesian Words Starting with D and Indonesian Reading Practice, this will help you learn Bahasa Indonesia quickly.
Indonesian Words Starting with I
Let’s see the words.
- Ia = (i-ya) = He / She
- Ialah = (i-ya-lah) = Is / Are
- Iba = (ee-ba) = Pity
- Ibadah = (ee-ba-dah) = Worship
- Ibarat = (ee-ba-rat) = Like
- Ibid = (ee-beed) = Ibid
- Ibu = (ee-boo) = Mother / Mum
- Idam = (ee-dam) = Dream
- (Meng) Idap = (ee-dap) = Suffered
- Ide = (ee-de) = Idea
- Ideal = (ee-de-yal) = Ideal
- Idealis = (ee-de-ya-list) = Idealist
- Idealisme = (ee-de-ya-list-me) = Idealism
- Identik = (ee-den-tik) = Identical
- Identifikasi = (ee-den-tee-fee-ka-see) = Identification
- Ideologi = (ee-de-yo-lo-gee) = Ideology
- Idiom = (ee-dee-yom) = Idiom
- Idiot = (ee-dee-yot) = Idiot
- Idola = (ee-do-la) = Idol
- Iga = (ee-ga) = Ribs
- Igau = (ee-gaw) = Delirious
- Ih = (eeh) = Ugh
- Ijab = (ee-jab) = Consent / Agreement
- Ijazah = (ee-ja-zah) = Diploma / Certificate
- Ijuk = (ee-jook) = Fibers
- Ikal = (ee-kal) = Curl
- Ikan = (ee-kan) = Fish
- Iklan = (ee-klan) = Advertisement / Commercial
- Ikhtiar = (ikh-tee-yar) = Effort
- Ikrar = (ee-krar) = Promise / Vow / Pledge
- Ikut = (ee-koot) = Join / Follow
- Ilham = (eel-ham) = Inspiration
- Ilmu = (eel-moo) = Science / Knowledge
- Ilmuwan = (eel-moo-one) = Scientist
- Ilmiah = (eel-me-yah) = Scientific
- Ilusi = (ee-loo-see) = Illusion
- Iluminasi = (ee-loo-mee-na-see) = Illumination
- Ilustrasi = (ee-loos-tra-see) = Illustration
- Ilustrator = (ee-loos-tra-tor) = Illustrator
- Ilustratif = (ee-loos-tra-tif) = Illustrative
- Imaji = (i-ma-jee) = Images
- Imajinasi = (i-ma-jee-na-see) = Imagination
- Imajiner = (i-ma-jee-ner) = Imaginary
- Imam = (ee-mam) = Priest
- Iman = (ee-man) = Faith
- Imbal = (eem-bal) = Rewards
- Imbang = (eem-bang) = Balance
- Imbas = (eem-bas) = Impact
- Imbau = (eem-baw) = Appealed
- Insan = (een-sun) = Human Being
- Imigran = (ee-me-gran) = Immigrant
- Imigrasi = (ee-me-gra-see) = Immigration
- Iming-iming = (ee-ming-ee-ming) = Lure
- Imitasi = (ee-me-ta-see) = Imitation
- Impas = (eem-pas) = Even
- Imperial = (eem-pe-re-yal) = Imperial
- Imperium = (eem-pe-re-yum) = Empire
- Imperialisme = (eem-pe-re-ya-lees-me) = Imperialism
- Implan = (eem-plan) = Implant
- Implantasi = (eem-plan-ta-see) = Implantation
- Implementasi = (eem-ple-men-ta-see) = Implementation
- Implikasi = (eem-plee-ka-see) = Implication
- Impor = (eem-por) = Import
- Impoten = (eem-po-ten) = Impotent
- Impotensi = (eem-po-ten-see) = Impotence
- Impresif = (eem-pre-sif) = Impressive
- Impresionis = (eem-pre-syo-nis) = Impressionist
- Impresionisme = (eem-pre-syo-nis-me) = Impressionism
- Impuls = (eem-puls) = Impuls
- Impulsif = (eem-pul-sif) = Impulsive
- Imun = (ee-moon) = Immune
- Imunitas = (ee-moo-nee-tas) = Immunity
- Imunisasi = (ee-moo-nee-sa-see) = Immunization
- Imut = (ee-moot) = Cute
- In Absensia = (in-ab-sen-sya) = In Absentia
- Inang = (ee-nang) = Host
- Inaugurasi = (ee-naw-goo-ra-see) = Inauguration
- Insektisida = (in-sek-tee-see-da) = Insecticide
- Indah = (een-dah) = Beautiful / Lovely
- Inci = (een-chi) = Inch
- Indeks = (een-deks) = Index
- Inden = (een-den) = Pivot
- Indera = (een-dra) = Sense
- Indigo = (een-dee-go) = Indigo
- Indikasi = (een-dee-ka-see) = Indication
- Individu = (een-dee-fee-doo) = Individu
- Individual = (een-dee-fee-do-wal) = Individual
- Indoktrinasi = (een-dok-three-na-see) = Indoctrination
- Indonesia = (in-do-ne-sya) = Indonesia
- Induk = (in-dook) = Parent / Mother
- Induksi = (een-dook-see) = Induction
- Induktor = (een-dook-tor) = Inductor
- Industri = (een-doos-three) = Industry
- Industrialisasi = (een-doos-three-ya-lee-sa-see) = Industrialization
- Inefisiensi = (een-e-fee-see-yen-see) = Inefficiency
- Infanteri = (een-fun-three) = Infantry
- Infertilitas = (in-fer-tee-lee-tas) = Infertility
- Infiltrasi = (in-feel-tra-see) = Infiltration
- Inferior = (een-fe-re-yor) = Inferior
- Inflamasi = (in-fla-ma-see) = Inflammation
- Inflasi = (in-fla-see) = Inflation
- Informal = (in-for-mal) = Informal
- Informan = (in-for-man) = Informant
- Informasi = (in-for-ma-see) = Information
- Inframerah = (in-fra-me-rah) = Infrared
- Informatika = (in-for-ma-tee-ka) = Informatics
- Infrasonik = (in-fra-so-nik) = Infrasonic
- Infrastruktur = (in-fra-struk-tur) = Infrastructure
- Ingus = (ee-ngoos) = Snot
- Ingat = (ee-ngat) = Remember
- Inggris = (eeng-grees) = English
- Ingin = (ee-ngin) = Want / Wish
- Ingkar = (eeng-kar) = Disown / Apostatize
- Ini = (ee-nee) = This
- Inisiasi = (i-nee-see-ya-see) = Initiation
- Inisiatif = (i-nee-see-ya-tif) = Initiative
- Inisiator = (i-nee-see-ya-tor) = Initiator
- Injak = (in-jak) = Stepping on
- Injeksi = (in-jek-si) = Injection
- Injektor = (in-jek-tor) = Injector
- Inkonsistensi = (in-kon-sis-ten-si) = Inconsistency
- Inkubator = (in-ku-ba-tor) = Incubator
- Inokulasi = (i-no-Individual-la-si) = Inoculation
- Inovasi = (i-no-fa-si) = Innovation
- Inovatif = (i-no-fa-tif) = Innovative
- Insang = (een-sang) = Gill
- Interior = (een-te-ree-yor) = Interior
- Intan = (een-tan) = Diamond
- Insinyur = (een-see-nyoor) = Enginer
- Insiden = (een-see-den) = Incident
That was the list of numerous Indonesian Words Starting with I. We sincerely hope this article help you to learn Bahasa Indonesia with more easily and bring so much fun. For more material you can read Reason Why You Should Learn Indonesian, Indonesian Keywords and Phrases and Indonesian Greeting Etiquette and Manners. See you in the next article.