Let us learn more about Bahasa Indonesia. In this time, we shall gain our Indonesian vocabulary again. And this session for the Indonesian words starting with P. Here we go…
- Pabean (Pa-bae-uan) = Custom office
- Pabrik (Pub-rick) = Manufactursr/ Factory
- Pacak (Pua-chuck) = Roating spit
- Pacar (Pa-chuar) = Boyfrien or Girlfriend
- Pacaran (Pua-chuar-uan) = In relationship/ Engaged
- Paceklik (Pua-chae-click) = Famine/ Lack of something important/ Time of scarcity before harvest
- Pacet (Pua-chat) = Leech
- Pacu (Pua-chu) = Spur/ Race
- Pacuan (Pa-chu-uan) = Race meeting
- Pacul (Pa-chul) = Hoe
- Pada (Pua-dua) = At/ Or/ Toward/ On (The use depends on the senetence)
- Padahal (Pua-dua-hual) = Whereas/ Besides/ But actually the case is
- Padam (Pua-duam) = Extinguish/ Turn off/ Calmed/ Supressed/ Quenched (The use depends on the sentence)
- Padan (Pua-duan) = Equal/ Match
- Padang (Pua-duang) = Field/ Moor
- Padat (Pua-duat) = Compact/ Dense/ Solid
- Padi (Pua-dee) = Rice plant/ Grain
- Padu (Pua-do) = In harmony/ Fused/ Solid
- Paduan (Pua-do-uan) = Combination/ Fusion/ Blend
- Paduka (Pua-do-kua) = Excellency
- Pagar (Pua-guar) = Fence/ Pallisade/ Bullfinch
- Pagi (Pua-gee) = Morning
- Paguyuban (Pua-goo-you-buan) (In Java terminology) = Association
- Paha (Pua-hua) = Thigh/ Haunch
- Pahala (Pua-hua-lua) = Merit/ Reward from God for us after doing good
- (1) Paham (Pua-huam) (v) = Know/ Understand
- (2) Paham (Pua-huam) (n) = View/ Understanding/ Concept
- Pahat (Pua-hut) = Chisel
- Pahatan (Pua-hut-uan) = Carving/ Relief/ Embossment
- Pahit (Pua-hit) = Bitter
- Pahlawan (Puah-lua-one) = Hero/ Patriot
- Pajak (Pua-juck) = Tax
- Pajangan (Pua-juang-uan) = Display
- Piagam (Pee-uagam) = Charter/ Contract/ Deed
- Piala (Pee-uala) = Cup/ Trophy
- Pialang (Pee-ualang) = Intermediary/ Broker
- Pianis (Pee-one-is)/= Pianist
- Piatu (Pia-two) = Motherless child
- Picik (Pee-chick) = Narrow minded/ Petty/ Hide bound/ Narrow
- Picing (Pee-ching) = Wink
- Picis (Pee-cheese) = Amount of zero
- Picu (Pee-chu) = Trigger/ Cock/ Hammer (of gun)
- Pidana (Pee-dua-nua) = Punishment/ Criminal
- Pidato (Pee-dua-tow) = Speech/ Declamation
- Pigmen (Pick-man) = Pigment
- Pihak (Pee-huck) = Side/ Party
- (1) Pijak (Pee-juck) (v) = Stand
- (2) Pijak (Pee-juck) (n) = Pedal
- Pijar (Pee-juar) = Glowing/ Blazing/ Incandescent/ Red hot
- Pijat (Pee-juat) = Massage
- Pik-ap (Pick-up) (A kind of vehichle) = Van
- (1) Pikat (Pick-uat) (n) = Attract
- (2) Pikat (Pick-uat) (adv) = Attractive/ Horsefly
- (1) Pikir (Pick-ear) (v) = Think
- (2) Pikir (Pick-ear) (n) = Thought/ Opinion/ Idea/ Mind/ Intelligence
- Piknik (Pick-nick) = Picnic/ Vacation/ Trip
- Pikun (Pick-oun) = Senile
- Pilah (Pill-uah) = Sort/ Classify
- Pilar (Pill-uar) = Pillar
- Pilek (Pill-ack) = Common cold
- Pilih (Pill-ih) = Choose
- Pilihan (Pill-ih-uan) = Choice/ Option/ Alternative/ Election
- Pilin (Pill-in) = Twist/ Spiral
- Pilot (Pill-ot) = Pilot/ Aviator
- Pilu (Pill-oo) = Touched/ Affected/ Symphatetic
- Pimpin (Pim-pin) = Guide/ Lead
- Pimpinan (Pim-pin-uan) = Leadership/ Director/ Chief/ Guidance/ Management
- Pinang (Pin-uang) = Areca nut
- Pinangan (Pin-uang-uan) = Proposal
- Pincang (Pin-chang) = Lame/ Defect/ Crippled
- Pindah (Pin-duah) = Move/ Immigrate/ Transfer
- Pinggan (Ping-gun) = Dish/ Plate
- Pinggang (Ping-guang) = Waist
- Pinggir (Ping-gear) = Edge/ Seam/ Border/ Side/ Margin
- Pinggiran (Ping-gear-uan) = Suburb/ Edges/ Margin area/ Coastal area
- Pinggul (Ping-gull) = Hip/ Rear
- Pingsan (Ping-sun) = Faint/ Unconcious/ Syncope
- Pinjam (Pin-jump) = Borrow
- Pinjaman (Pin-jump-uan) = Loan
- Pinta (Pin-tua) = Ask for/ Request
- Pintal (Pin-tual) = Twine
- Pintar (Pin-tar) = Clever/ Briliant/ Smart/ Genious/ Skilled at/ Be able to
- Pintas (Pin-task) = A second (of time)
- Pintasan (Pin-task-uan) = Short cut
- Pintu (Pin-to) = Door/ Gate
- Pion (Pee-on) = Pawn
- Pionir (Pi-on-knee-ier) = Pioneer
- Pipa (Pi-pua) = Tube/ Pipe/ Conduit
- Pipi (Pee-pee) = Cheek
- Pipih (Pee-pieh) = Thin/ Flat
- Pipis (Pee-piss) (Children’s word) = Urinate/ Pee/ Mash/ Crush up
- Pipit (Pee-pit) = Sparrow
- Piramid (Pear-uamid) = Pyramid
- Pirang (Pear-uang) = Blond/ Brown
- Piring (Pear-ing) = Plate
- Pisah (Pis-uah) = Part/ Seperate
- Pisang (Pis-uang) = Banana
- Pisau (Pis-au) = Knife
- Pita (Pi-ta) = Ribbon/ Band/ Tape/ Bow
More Indonesian Vocabularies:
- Indonesian Words Starting with M
- List of Indonesian Words
- Indonesian Bad Words and Meaning
- Useful Indonesian Words
Okay, here they are the 99 Indonesian words starting with P. Keep you spirit up to learn Bahasa Indonesia. See you in next chapter, good people!!